गणित में संगमग्राम के माधव ने कई श्रेणीयाँ दीं जिन्हें लैब्नीज श्रेणी भी कहते हैं।

No. Series Name Western discoverers of the series
and approximate dates of discovery[1]
1 Madhava's sine series Isaac Newton (1670) and Wilhelm Leibniz (1676)
2 Madhava's cosine series Isaac Newton (1670) and Wilhelm Leibniz (1676)
3 Madhava's series for arctangent James Gregory (1671) and Wilhelm Leibniz (1676)
4 Madhava's formula for π James Gregory (1671) and Wilhelm Leibniz (1676)
  1. Charles Henry Edwards (1994). The historical development of the calculus. Springer Study Edition Series (3 संस्करण). Springer. पृ॰ 205. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 978-0-387-94313-8.

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