Module:TaxonItalics (talk · · hist · links · doc · subpages · sandbox · testcases)
संपादित करेंThe purpose of this module is to correctly italicize scientific names at the rank of genus or below. Botanical (ICNafp) names may contain "connecting terms"; these must not be italicized. The hybrid symbol, ×, should also not be italicized. The italicized names may also be wikilinked and abbreviated.
The module does not deal with virus names, which have quite different structures and italicization rules.
संपादित करें- {{#invoke:TaxonItalics|main|TAXON_NAME}} – italicizes a taxon name
- {{#invoke:TaxonItalics|main|TAXON_NAME|linked=yes}} – italicizes a taxon name, wikilinking the italicized output to the unchanged input
- {{#invoke:TaxonItalics|main|TAXON_NAME|abbreviated=yes}} – italicizes a taxon name, abbreviating all but the last part to the first letter
It can also be used via {{Taxon italics}}.
संपादित करेंJust italicized
संपादित करें- Connecting terms
- Pinus subg. Pinus → Pinus subg. Pinus
- P. subgenus Pinus → P. subg. Pinus
- P. subsect. Pinaster → P. subsect. Pinaster
- Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala → Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala
- Aster ericoides var. ericoides → Aster ericoides var. ericoides
- A. ericoides varietas ericoides → A. ericoides var. ericoides
- A. e. subvar. ericoides → A. e. subvar. ericoides
Botanical names may contain only one infraspecific epithet; a string like "Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca f. semperflorens" is a classification, not a name, and is not handled by the module.
- Hybrid symbols
- Elaeagnus × submacrophylla → Elaeagnus × submacrophylla
- ×Beallara → ×Beallara
- × Beallara → × Beallara
- {{hybrid}}Beallara → ×Beallara
संपादित करेंUsing |linked=yes
- Populus sect. Aigeiros → Populus sect. Aigeiros
- Elaeagnus × submacrophylla → Elaeagnus × submacrophylla
संपादित करेंUsing |abbreviated=yes
- Populus sect. Aigeiros → P. sect. Aigeiros
- Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala → A. t. subsp. ginnala
- [also linked] × Sorbaronia mitschurinii → × S. mitschurinii
- [also linked] Elaeagnus × submacrophylla → E. × submacrophylla
- Elaeagnus ×submacrophylla → E. ×submacrophylla
- Elaeagnus {{hybrid}} submacrophylla → E. × submacrophylla
For even more examples, see the testcases.
Italicize a taxon name appropriately by invoking italicizeTaxonName.
The algorithm used is:
* If the name has italic markup at the start or the end, do nothing.
* Else
* Remove (internal) italic markup.
* If the name is made up of four words and the third word is a
botanical connecting term, de-italicize the connecting term and add italic
markup to the outside of the name.
* Else if the name is made up of three words and the second word is a
botanical connecting term or a variant of "cf.", de-italicize the
connecting term and add italic markup to the outside of the name.
* Else just add italic markup to the outside of the name.
The module also:
* Ensures that the hybrid symbol, ×, and parentheses are not italicized
* Has an option to abbreviate all parts of taxon names other than the last
to the first letter (e.g. "Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris" becomes
"P. s. var. sylvestris").
* Has an option to wikilink the italicized name to the input name.
local p = {}
--connecting terms in three part names (e.g. Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris)
local cTerms3 = {
subspecies = "subsp.",
["subsp."] = "subsp.",
subsp = "subsp.",
["ssp."] = "subsp.",
ssp = "subsp.",
varietas = "var.",
["var."] = "var.",
var = "var.",
subvarietas = "subvar.",
["subvar."] = "subvar.",
subvar = "subvar.",
forma = "f.",
["f."] = "f.",
f = "f.",
subforma = "subf.",
["subf."] = "subf.",
subf = "subf."
--connecting terms in two part names (e.g. Pinus sect. Pinus)
local cTerms2 = {
subgenus = "subg.",
["subg."] = "subg.",
subg = "subg.",
section = "sect.",
["sect."] = "sect.",
sect = "sect.",
subsection = "subsect.",
["subsect."] = "subsect.",
subsect = "subsect.",
series = "ser.",
["ser."] = "ser.",
ser = "ser.",
subseries = "subser.",
["subser."] = "subser.",
subser = "subser.",
cf = "cf.",
["cf."] = "cf.",
["c.f."] = "cf."
Main function to italicize a taxon name appropriately.
function p.main(frame)
local name = frame.args[1] or ''
local linked = frame.args['linked'] == 'yes'
local abbreviated = frame.args['abbreviated'] == 'yes'
return p.italicizeTaxonName(name, linked, abbreviated)
Utility function to abbreviate an input string to its first character
followed by ".".
Both "×" and an HTML entity at the start of the string are skipped over in
determining first character, as is an opening parenthesis, which causes a
closing parenthesis to be included.
function p.abbreviate(str)
local result = ""
local hasParentheses = false
if mw.ustring.len(str) < 2 then
--single character strings are left unchanged
result = str
--skip over an opening parenthesis that could be present at the start of the string
if mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) == "(" then
hasParentheses = true
result = "("
str = mw.ustring.sub(str,2,mw.ustring.len(str))
--skip over a hybrid symbol that could be present at the start of the string
if mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) == "×" then
result = "×"
str = mw.ustring.sub(str,2,mw.ustring.len(str))
--skip over an HTML entity that could be present at the start of the string
if mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) == "&" then
local i,dummy = mw.ustring.find(str,";",2,plain)
result = result .. mw.ustring.sub(str,1,i)
str = mw.ustring.sub(str,i+1,mw.ustring.len(str))
--if there's anything left, reduce it to its first character plus ".",
--adding the closing parenthesis if required
if str ~= "" then
result = result .. mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) .. "."
if hasParentheses then result = result .. ")" end
return result
The function which does the italicization.
function p.italicizeTaxonName(name, linked, abbreviated)
local italMarker = "''"
-- begin by tidying the input name: trim; replace any use of the HTML
-- italic tags by Wikimedia markup; replace any alternatives to the hybrid
-- symbol by the symbol itself; prevent the hybrid symbol being treated as
-- a 'word' by converting a following space to the HTML entity
name = string.gsub(mw.text.trim(name), "</?i>", italMarker)
name = string.gsub(string.gsub(name, "×", "×"), "×", "×")
name = string.gsub(name, "</?span.->", "") -- remove any span markup
name = string.gsub(name, "× ", "× ")
-- now italicize and abbreviate if required
local result = name
if name ~= '' then
if string.sub(name,1,2) == "''" or string.sub(name,-2) == "''" then
-- do nothing if the name already has italic markers at the start or end
name = string.gsub(name, "''", "") -- first remove any internal italics
local words = mw.text.split(name, " ", true)
if #words == 4 and cTerms3[words[3]] then
-- the third word of a four word name is a connecting term
-- ensure the connecting term isn't italicized
words[3] = '<span style="font-style:normal;">' .. cTerms3[words[3]] .. '</span>'
if abbreviated then
words[1] = p.abbreviate(words[1])
words[2] = p.abbreviate(words[2])
result = words[1] .. " " .. words[2] .. " " .. words[3] .. " " .. words[4]
elseif #words == 3 and cTerms2[words[2]] then
-- the second word of a three word name is a connecting term
-- ensure the connecting term isn't italicized
words[2] = '<span style="font-style:normal;">' .. cTerms2[words[2]] .. '</span>'
if abbreviated then
words[1] = p.abbreviate(words[1])
result = words[1] .. " " .. words[2] .. " " .. words[3]
-- not a name as above; only deal with abbreviation
if abbreviated then
if #words > 1 then
result = p.abbreviate(words[1])
for i = 2, #words-1, 1 do
result = result .. " " .. p.abbreviate(words[i])
result = result .. " " .. words[#words]
result = name
-- deal with any hybrid symbol as it should not be italicized
result = string.gsub(result, "×", '<span style="font-style:normal;">×</span>')
-- deal with any parentheses as they should not be italicized
result = string.gsub(string.gsub(result,"%(",'<span style="font-style:normal;">(</span>'),"%)",'<span style="font-style:normal;">)</span>')
-- add outside markup
if linked then
if result ~= name then
result = "[[" .. name .. "|" .. italMarker .. result .. italMarker .. "]]"
result = italMarker .. "[[" .. name .. "]]" .. italMarker
result = italMarker .. result .. italMarker
return result
return p