जब यह लेख अनुवादित ही नही है तो निर्वाचित लेख बन ही नही सकता --सुमित सिन्हा ११:०५, २२ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)

Though she was an only child, she was ingored, and was made to become somewhat independent.By the timeshe was twenty she had already divorced twice.A few years later, she went to college and studied literature and drama.

Observe the use of थी for female gender. Also note शब्दकोश for english to hindi dictionary. --मितुल ०४:२१, २१ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

पृष्ठ "जांग चिंग" पर वापस जाएँ।