
Latest comment: 11 वर्ष पहले by Siddhartha Ghai

Are you sure, it should be called "विल्नुस" as "n" in this word is soft like 'ञ'. Although it's written as 'n' the 'i' (-nius) gives the soft sound to it. Hugo.arg (वार्ता) 17:31, 10 दिसम्बर 2012 (UTC)उत्तर दें

sounds like विल्नुस.--सिद्धार्थ घई (वार्ता) 21:21, 27 दिसम्बर 2012 (UTC)उत्तर दें
पृष्ठ "विल्नुस" पर वापस जाएँ।