विकिपीडिया वार्ता:चित्रों की आवश्यकता वाले विकिपीडिया पृष्ठ २०२०

motivational quotes in english 50 1. Your confidence is the best capital.

2. A man has only two things to succeed.

Good luck and hard work

Not everyone has good luck.

And hard work is not the best.

3. It is useless to see the high flight when you have made your intention. The height of the sky only comes out of trouble, ladies The waterfall which does not get entangled with rocks, is of no use.

4. Even a piece of glass shines in the daylight If you have the glow of the hire, then in the darkness also show the brightness.

5. Testing the strength of drugs throughout the life Stunned after seeing the strength

6. It is good to be alone instead To be with those who do not appreciate you.

7. Life is such a book. Which you have not read thousands of pages yet.

7. There are two ways to live life, one is to achieve what you like And learn to like what you have

8. Your heart will also prick Look at someone's leg cut out

10. One who will truly love you. He will never be busy for you.

Read Here:- ==बाहरी कड़ियाँ==Amazing motivational quotes 2020 11. There have been big lessons in this short life. Rista is the best to keep.

12. If you do everything with your heart, you will keep on crying. Learn to be what you are

13. All relationships are like sand in hand.

14. If you hold it light and open, the sand will remain. But as soon as you close your fist and try to press. Will slip by hand.

15. Do not leave your target fearful of condemnation. Because the opinions of those condemning change as soon as Lachya is found.

16. Trouble only teaches. Man's ability to live Read Here:- ==बाहरी कड़ियाँ==Amazing love shayari 2020 17. Success is not a necessity. Never give up, try again Because you have lost years and years, but not your life.

18. One who cannot tell the problem of mind. He is most angry.

19. Who will truly love you. He will never let you get away from life.

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