Viewing abuse filter 2: New user removing references

फ़िल्टर 2 सम्पादन

You are viewing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter.Return to this filter's history.

फ़िल्टर प्राचल
फ़िल्टर आइ॰डी:2
आँकड़े:पिछले 553 कार्यों में से इस फ़िल्टर द्वारा 2 (0.36%) पकड़े गए हैं।
!("autoconfirmed" in user_groups) /* this edit_delta ignores large blankings that are treated by another filter */ & edit_delta >= -3000 & article_namespace == 0 /* No added lines usually mean a blanking which is dealt with by other filter */ & length(added_lines) != 0 & !("#redirect" in lcase(added_lines)) /*Counts of more reference tags are removed than added */ & (rcount("(<ref>|<ref\s+(name|group)|</ref>)",removed_lines) > rcount("(<ref>|<ref\s+(name|group)|</ref>)",added_lines)) /*Excludes changing to the named reference format and removing closing tags attached to formerly named refs. Unequality is to account for closing the first named tag */ & !(rcount("<ref>",removed_lines) = rcount("<ref\s+(name|group)",added_lines) | rcount("</ref>",removed_lines) <= rcount("<ref\s+(name|group)",added_lines)) /*Excludes removal of references to Wikipedia itself */ & !(count("",removed_lines) > count("",added_lines))
फ़िल्टर का अंतिम संशोधन:Jyothis (वार्ता | योगदान) द्वारा 14:55, 13 मार्च 2012 को
इतिहास:इस फ़िल्टर का इतिहास देखें
उपकरण:इस फ़िल्टर को किसी अन्य विकि को निर्यात करें
मिलान होने पर की जाने वाली कार्यवाही

You are viewing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter.Return to this filter's history.