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Viewing abuse filter 27: Section blanking
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फ़िल्टर 27 सम्पादन
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पिछले 549 कार्यों में से इस फ़िल्टर द्वारा 0 (0%) पकड़े गए हैं।
(!("autoconfirmed" in user_groups) & ((article_namespace == 0) & ((length(added_lines) < 1) & (((rmwhitespace(removed_lines) rlike "==\w+==") & ((rmwhitespace(old_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + "==")) & (!(rmwhitespace(new_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + "=="))) )) | ((rmwhitespace(old_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace("==" + removed_lines + "==")) & (!(rmwhitespace(new_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + "=="))) )))))
(!("autoconfirmed" in user_groups) & ((article_namespace == 0) & ((length(added_lines) < 1) & (((rmwhitespace(removed_lines) rlike "==\w+==") & ((rmwhitespace(old_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + "==")) & (!(rmwhitespace(new_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + "=="))) )) | ((rmwhitespace(old_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace("==" + removed_lines + "==")) & (!(rmwhitespace(new_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + "=="))) )))))
This seems to work to see section blanking, testing as log only to see if it gives false positives and for speed. OK, added basic check if the removed_text does contain "==", this line could maybe be made better by using a regex on it to check if it is "== sectiontitle ==" ..?? Reenabled, it still may give some false positives. --Beetstra Speedup, specificity --Beetstra bit upgrade? --Beetstra Small case tag, for consistency with other tags. -x null edit, small case change didn't get through - Cen trying to deactivate and reactivate - Cen tagged edits are not reassigned after rename, see bugzilla 18908 - Cen (added_lines == "") does not work, (length(added_lines) < 1) does .. curiously. Updating filter --Beetstra False positives on removing empty sections can we test for that? Crudely even old_wikitext contains [^=](==+) *\n\1[^=] (i.e. it had at least one empty section) might do the job. Rich Farmbrough. Encountered another form of blanking, attempted to add to filter --Beetstra Set to tag and warn. Not all section blanking is bad. -Siddhartha Ghai
सार्वजनिक दृश्य से इस फ़िल्टर का विवरण छिपाएँ
इस फ़िल्टर को सक्षम करें
हटाया गया चिन्हित करें
फ़िल्टर का अंतिम संशोधन:
Siddhartha Ghai
19:20, 16 अप्रैल 2012
इस फ़िल्टर का इतिहास देखें
इस फ़िल्टर को किसी अन्य विकि को निर्यात करें
{"data":{"rules":"(!(\"autoconfirmed\" in user_groups) \u0026\r\n((article_namespace == 0) \u0026\r\n((length(added_lines) \u003C 1) \u0026\r\n(((rmwhitespace(removed_lines) rlike \"==\\w+==\") \u0026\r\n((rmwhitespace(old_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + \"==\")) \u0026\r\n(!(rmwhitespace(new_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + \"==\")))\r\n)) | \r\n((rmwhitespace(old_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(\"==\" + removed_lines + \"==\")) \u0026\r\n(!(rmwhitespace(new_wikitext) contains rmwhitespace(removed_lines + \"==\")))\r\n)))))","name":"Section blanking","comments":"This seems to work to see section blanking, testing as log only to see if it gives false positives and for speed.\r\n\r\nOK, added basic check if the removed_text does contain \"==\", this line could maybe be made better by using a regex on it to check if it is \"== sectiontitle ==\" ..??\r\n\r\nReenabled, it still may give some false positives. --Beetstra\r\n\r\nSpeedup, specificity --Beetstra\r\nbit upgrade? --Beetstra\r\n\r\nSmall case tag, for consistency with other tags. -x\r\n\r\nnull edit, small case change didn't get through - Cen\r\n\r\ntrying to deactivate and reactivate - Cen\r\n\r\ntagged edits are not reassigned after rename, see bugzilla 18908 - Cen\r\n\r\n(added_lines == \"\") does not work, (length(added_lines) \u003C 1) does .. curiously.\r\n\r\nUpdating filter --Beetstra\r\nFalse positives on removing empty sections can we test for that? Crudely even\r\nold_wikitext contains [^=](==+) *\\n\\1[^=]\r\n(i.e. it had at least one empty section) might do the job.\r\nRich Farmbrough.\r\n\r\nEncountered another form of blanking, attempted to add to filter --Beetstra\r\n\r\nSet to tag and warn. Not all section blanking is bad. -Siddhartha Ghai","group":"default","actions":{"tag":["Section blanking"],"warn":["abusefilter-warning-blank-section"]},"enabled":true,"deleted":false,"privacylevel":0,"global":false},"actions":{"tag":["Section blanking"],"warn":["abusefilter-warning-blank-section"]}}
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Section blanking
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