"भीमराव आम्बेडकर": अवतरणों में अंतर

पंक्ति 431:
[3] The problem of the Rupees: Its Origin and Its Solution ''(Thesis for DSc, Published 1923)''
[4] [[:en:Annihilation of Caste|Annihilation of Caste]] ''(May 1936)''
[5] Which way to Emancipation? ''(May 1936)''
पंक्ति 447:
[11] Communal Deadlock and a Way to Solve It ''(May 1946)''
[12] [[:en:Who Were the Shudras?|Who Were the Shudras?]] ''(October 1946)''
[13] A critique of The Proposals of Cabinet Mission for Indian Constitution changes in so far as they affect the Scheduled Castes (Untouchable) ''(1946)''
पंक्ति 461:
[18] Thoughts on Linguistic States: A critique of the Report of the States Reorganization Commission ''(Published 1955)''
[19] [[:en:The Buddha and His Dhamma|The Buddha and His Dhamma]] ''(1957)''
[20] Riddle's in Hinduism
पंक्ति 469:
[22] The Pali Grammar
[23] [[:en:Waiting for a VisaWisa|Waiting for a Wisa]] ''(Autobiography) (1935-1936)''
[24] A people at Bay
पंक्ति 513:
;{III} Research Papers, Articles and Books Reviews
[43] [[:en:Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development|Castes in India: Their Genius, Mechanism and Development]] ''(1918)''
[44] Mr. Russel and the Reconstruction of Society ''(1918)''