"श्रीलंका में बौद्धधर्म": अवतरणों में अंतर

छो बॉट: वर्तनी एकरूपता।
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पंक्ति 4:
|group = श्रीलंका में बौद्ध धर्म
| image = {{image array|perrow=3|width=80|height=80
| image1 = Weliwita Sri Saranankara thera.jpg | caption1= [[:en:Weliwita Sri Saranankara Thero|सराणन्कर थेरो]]
| image2 = Venerable Migettuwatte Gunananda Thera (1823-1890).jpg | caption2= [[:en:Migettuwatte Gunananda Thera|गुणानंद थेरो]]
| image3 = Anagarika Dharmapala.jpg | caption3= [[Anagarikaअनागारिक Dharmapalaधर्मपाल|अंगारिक धम्मपाल]]
| image4 = Brahmachari Walisingha Harischandra (1876-1913).jpg | caption4= [[:en:Brahmachari Walisinghe Harischandra|ब्रह्मचारी वालीसिंघें हरिशचंद्र]]
| image5 = Official Photographic Portrait of Don Stephen Senanayaka (1884-1952).jpg | caption5 = [[:en:D. S. Senanayake|डी एस सेनानायक]]
| image6 = Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranayaka (1916-2000) (Hon.Sirimavo Bandaranaike with Hon.Lalith Athulathmudali Crop).jpg | caption6 = [[:en:Sirimavo Bandaranaike|सिरीमाओ बंदारनाईक]]
| image7 = Nissanka Parakrama.jpg | caption7 = [[:en:Nissanka Wijeyeratne|निशंक विजयरत्ने]]
| image8 = A T Ariyarathna.jpg | caption8 = [[A. T.टी Ariyaratneअरियारत्ने]]
| image9 = Pradeep Nilanga Dela.jpg | caption9 = [[:en:Pradeep Nilanga Dela|प्रदीप निलंग डेला]]
|pop = 1,42,22,844 (2012)<ref>{{cite web|title=A3 : Population by religion according to districts, 2012|url=http://www.statistics.gov.lk/PopHouSat/CPH2011/index.php?fileName=pop43&gp=Activities&tpl=3|work=Census of Population & Housing, 2011|publisher=Department of Census & Statistics, Sri Lanka}}</ref>
|regions = [[Provincesश्रीलंका]] ofके Sri Lanka|Province[[प्रान्त]]
|langs = {{Hlist|[[Sinhalaसिंहली languageभाषा|Sinhalaसिंहली]]|[[Tamilतमिल languageभाषा|Tamilतमिल]]}}
|rels = [[बौद्ध धर्म]] [[चित्र:Dharma Wheel.svg|thumb|75px]] [[धर्मचक्र|बौद्ध धर्म - धम्मचक्र]]
[[File:Ruvanvelisaya Dagoba.jpg|thumb|250px|According to the [[Mahavamsaमहावंश]], the [[Ruwanwelisaya|Great Stupa]] in [[Anuradhapuraअनुराधापुर]], [[Sri Lankaश्रीलंका]] (around 140 BCE.).]]
[[File:Sri lanka aukana buddha statue.jpg|thumb|upright|[[Avukanaअवुकाना Buddhaबुद्ध statueप्रतिमा]] from5 5thवीं centuryशताब्धी]]
[[File:British Museum Asia 45 (cropped).jpg|thumb|upright|Gilded bronze statue of the [[Taraतारा (Buddhismबौद्ध धर्म)|Taraतारा]] [[Bodhisattvaबोधिसत्व]], from the [[Anuradhapuraअनुराधापुर]] period (8th century)]]
[[File:Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara-BMA.jpg|thumb|upright|Bronze statue of [[Avalokiteśvaraअवलोकितेश्वर]]. [[Sri Lankaश्रीलंका]], ca. 750.]]
[[File:World's highest statue of walking Buddha.JPG|thumb|80-foot World's tallest statue of walking Buddha in Pilimathalawa, Kandy<ref>{{cite web | url=https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/worlds-tallest-walking-buddha | title=World's Tallest Walking Buddha | accessdate=21 September 2016}}</ref>]]
[[Theravada]] [[Buddhism]] is the [[religion]] of 70.1% of the population of [[Sri Lanka]].<ref>"Census of Population and Housing of Sri Lanka, 2012 - [http://www.statistics.gov.lk/PopHouSat/CPH2011/Pages/Activities/Reports/FinalReport/Population/Table%20A4.pdf Table A4: Population by district, religion and sex]" (PDF). Department of Census & Statistics, Sri Lanka.</ref> The island has been a center of Buddhist scholarship and learning since the introduction of Buddhism in the third century [[Common Era|BCE]] producing eminent scholars such as [[Buddhaghosa]] and preserving the vast [[Pāli Canon]]. Throughout most of its history, Sinhalese kings have played a major role in the maintenance and revival of the Buddhist institutions of the island. During the 19th century, a modern Buddhist revival took place on the island which promoted Buddhist education and learning. There are around 6,000 Buddhist monasteries on Sri Lanka with approximately 15,000 monks.<ref name=Perera>Perera, HR, Buddhism in Sri Lanka A Short History, 2007, http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/perera/wheel100.html</ref>
[[थेरवाद]] [[बौद्ध धर्म]] [[श्रीलंका]] की जनसंख्या में 70.2% है।<ref>"Census of Population and Housing of Sri Lanka, 2012 - [http://www.statistics.gov.lk/PopHouSat/CPH2011/Pages/Activities/Reports/FinalReport/Population/Table%20A4.pdf Table A4: Population by district, religion and sex]" (PDF). Department of Census & Statistics, Sri Lanka.</ref> यह श्रीलंका द्वीप तीसरी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व में इस तरह के [[बुद्धघोष]] के रूप में प्रख्यात विद्वानों के उत्पादन और विशाल पाली के सिद्धांतों के संरक्षण में बौद्ध धर्म की शुरूआत के बाद बौद्ध छात्रवृत्ति और सीखने का एक केंद्र रहा है। अपने इतिहास में सिंहली राजाओं ने द्वीप के बौद्ध संस्थाओं के रखरखाव और पुनरुत्थान में एक प्रमुख भूमिका निभाई है। 19 वीं शताब्दी के दौरान, बौद्ध शिक्षा और सीखने पदोन्नत पर यह एक आधुनिक बौद्ध पुनरुत्थान द्वीप में जगह ले ली है। श्रीलंका में 6,000 बौद्ध [[मठ]]ों ([[विहार]]) में लगभग 15,000 [[भिक्षु]] एवं [[भिक्षुणी]]यां हैं।<ref name=Perera>Perera, HR, Buddhism in Sri Lanka A Short History, 2007, http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/perera/wheel100.html</ref>
== History ==