"मैराथन": अवतरणों में अंतर

पंक्ति 14:
<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Olympics/faq10.html |title=Ancient Olympics FAQ 10 |publisher=Perseus.tufts.edu |date= |accessdate=2009-08-22}}</ref> मैराथन से ऐथेंस की दौड़ का पहला वृत्तांत [[प्लूटार्क]] की ''ऐथेंस कीर्ति'' में मिलता है, जो कि पहली सदी में लिखी गई थी और [[हेराक्लिडेस पॉण्टिकस]] की लुप्त कृति को संदर्भित करते हुए धावक का नाम एर्चियस या यूकल्स के थेर्सिपस बताती है।<ref>Moralia 347C</ref> [[समोसाता का लूशियन]] (दूसरी सदी) भी यही कथा वर्णित करती है पर धावक का नाम फ़िलिप्पिडिस बताती है (फ़ेडिप्पिडेस नहीं)<ref>A slip of the tongue in Salutation, Chapter 3</ref>
Thereइस isकिंवदंती debateकी aboutसच्चाई theविवादास्पद historical accuracy of this legend.है।<ref name=Prologue>{{Cite web|url=http://www.marathonguide.com/history/olympicmarathons/prologue.cfm |title=Prologue: The Legend |publisher=Marathonguide.com |date= |accessdate=2009-08-22}}</ref><ref>''Persian Fire'' by Tom Holland</ref> The Greek historian [[Herodotus]], the main source for the [[Greco-Persian Wars]], mentions Pheidippides as the messenger who ran from [[Athens]] to [[Sparta]] asking for help, and then ran back, a distance of over {{convert|240|km|mi|sp=uk}}<ref>[http://www.spartathlon.gr/TheRace.html SPARTATHLON ::: International Spartathlon Association]{{Dead link|date=August 2009}}</ref> each way.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.coolrunning.co.nz/articles/2002a007.html#appendix |title=The Great Marathon Myth |publisher=Coolrunning.co.nz |date= |accessdate=2009-08-22}}</ref> In some Herodotus manuscripts the name of the runner between Athens and Sparta is given as Philippides. Herodotus makes no mention of a messenger sent from Marathon to Athens, and relates that the main part of the Athenian army, having already fought and won the grueling battle, and fearing a naval raid by the Persian fleet against an undefended Athens, marched quickly back from the battle to Athens, arriving the same day.
In 1879, [[Robert Browning]] wrote the poem ''Pheidippides''. Browning's poem, his composite story, became part of late-19th century popular culture and was accepted as a historic legend. {{Citation needed|date=February 2008}}