पंक्ति 123:
Of these the litre and the hectare are the most ubiquitous in common use: Litre designations are sometimes used to differentiate a volume of liquid (as opposed to a gas, or solid which are usually designated as cubic volumes). Hectares are widely used as a metric alternative to the acre (approximately 2.5 acres to the hectare).
[[bs:Prefiksi mjernih jedinica]]
[[ca:Prefixos del SI]]
[[cs:Předpona soustavy SI]]
पंक्ति 129:
[[de:Vorsätze für Maßeinheiten]]
[[en:SI prefix]]
[[eo:Dekoblaj kaj dekonaj unuoj]]
[[et:Ühikute detsimaaleesliited]]
[[es:Prefijos del SI]]
[[et:Ühikute detsimaaleesliited]]
[[eu:SI aurrizkiak]]
[[fr:Préfixes du système international d'unités]]
[[he:תחיליות במערכת היחידות הבינלאומית]]
[[ko:SI 접두어]]
[[hr:Predmeci (prefiksi) mjernih jedinica]]
[[id:Awalan SI]]
[[he:תחיליות במערכת היחידות הבינלאומית]]
[[ka:სი თავსართები]]
[[huko:SI-prefixum 접두어]]
[[mk:SI префикс]]
[[pl:Przedrostek SI]]
[[ru:Приставки СИ]]
Line 149 ⟶ 150:
[[sr:СИ префикс]]
[[vi:Tiền tố SI]]
[[uk:Префікси одиниць вимірювання]]
[[vi:Tiền tố SI]]