"2014 शीतकालीन ओलंपिक में ब्राज़ील": अवतरणों में अंतर

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टैग: मोबाइल संपादन मोबाइल एप सम्पादन
पंक्ति 1:
{{infobox country at games
| NOCname = [[ब्राज़ीलियाई ओलंपिक समिति]]
| games = Winter Olympics
| year = 2014
| flagcaption =
| oldcode =
| website = {{url|www.cob.org.br }} {{pt icon}}
| location = [[सोची]]
| competitors = '''13'''
| sports = 7
| flagbearer = [[जैक्लीन मुरौओ]] ([[राष्ट्रों के 2014 शीतकालीन ओलंपिक परेड|प्रारंभिक]])<ref>{{cite news |last=Kestelman |first=Amanda |date=4 February 2014|title=Jaqueline Mourão é escolhida como porta-bandeira do Brasil na Abertura|url=http://globoesporte.globo.com/olimpiadas-de-inverno/noticia/2014/02/jaqueline-mourao-e-anunciada-porta-bandeira-do-brasil-na-abertura.html|language=Portuguese|trans-title=Jaqueline Mourao is chosen as flag bearer at the Opening of Brazil|newspaper= |location= |publisher=[[Organizações Globo|GloboEsporte.com]] |accessdate=4 February 2014 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.olympic.org/Documents/Games_Sochi_2014/Flagbearers_Sochi_2014_Opening_Ceremony.pdf |title=Sochi 2014 Opening Ceremony - Flagbearers |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |date=7 February 2014 |website=olympic.org |publisher=[[Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee]] |accessdate=7 February 2014}}</ref> [[इसाडोरा विलियम्स]] ([[2014 शीतकालीन ओलंपिक समापन समारोह ध्वज धारक|समापन]])<ref>{{cite web|title=Sochi 2014 Closing Ceremony - Flagbearers|url=http://www.olympic.org/Documents/Games_Sochi_2014/Flagbearers_Sochi_2014_Closing_Ceremony.pdf|publisher=The [[International Olympic Committee]] (IOC)|date=February 23, 2014|accessdate=23 February 2014}}</ref>
| rank =
| gold = 0
| silver = 0
| bronze = 0
| officials =
| appearances = auto
| app_begin_year = 1992
| app_end_year =
| summerappearances =
| winterappearances =
| seealso =
'''[[ब्राज़ील]]''' [[2014 शीतकालीन ओलंपिक]] सोची, रूस में 7 से 23 फरवरी 2014 तक हिस्सा लिया। 13 एथलीटों के योग्य होने के साथ, ब्राजील ने शीतकालीन ओलंपिक के लिए अपनी सबसे बड़ी टीम भेजी, जिसने दस से अधिक, यह साल्ट लेक सिटी, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में 2002 के शीतकालीन ओलंपिक के लिए योग्य था।<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.brasil.gov.br/esporte/2014/01/comite-olimpico-inscreve-13-atletas-em-sochi-2014 |title=Comitê Olímpico inscreve 13 atletas em Sochi 2014|trans_title=Olympic Committee inscribed 13 athletes in Sochi 2014 |language=Portuguese |date=31 January 2014 |website=http://www.brasil.gov.br/|publisher=[[Brazilian Government]]|accessdate=31 January 2014}}</ref> 13 एथलीट अमेरिका की तीसरी सबसे बड़ी टीम और गैर-बर्फबारी वाले देशों में सबसे बड़ी भूमिका निभाते हैं।<ref name="a">{{cite news|last=|first=|date=23 January 2014|title=Após relocação, Laís Souza e Josi Santos garantem vaga em Sochi-2014|url=http://www.gazetaesportiva.net/noticia/2014/01/outros/apos-relocacao-lais-souza-e-josi-santos-garantem-vaga-em-sochi2014.html|language=Portuguese|newspaper=Gazeta Esportiva|location=|publisher=|accessdate=24 January 2014|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140130053507/http://www.gazetaesportiva.net/noticia/2014/01/outros/apos-relocacao-lais-souza-e-josi-santos-garantem-vaga-em-sochi2014.html|archivedate=30 January 2014|df=}}</ref>