"वितत भिन्न": अवतरणों में अंतर

छो roboto aldono de: ar:كسر مستمر
छो robot Adding: uk:Ланцюгові дроби; अंगराग परिवर्तन
पंक्ति 2:
:<math>x = a_0 + \cfrac{1}{a_1 + \cfrac{1}{a_2 + \cfrac{1}{a_3 + \cfrac{1}{\ddots\,}}}} </math>
यहाँ, ''a''<sub>0</sub> एक [[पूर्णांक]] है तथान्य सभी संख्याएँ ''a''<sub>''i''</sub> (''i'' ≠ 0) धनात्मक पूर्णांक हैं। यदि उपरोक्त सतत भिन्न में [[अंश]] एवं [[हर]] का मान कुछ भी होने की स्वतंत्रता दे दी जाय (जैसे [[फलन]] होने की छूट) तो इसे सामान्यीकृत सतत भिन्न कह सकते हैं।
== इन्हें भी देखें ==
*[[अनन्त श्रेणी]] (Infinite series)
== बाहरी कड़ियाँ ==
*Linas Vepstas [http://www.linas.org/math/chap-gap/chap-gap.html Continued Fractions and Gaps] (2004) reviews chaotic structures in continued fractions.
* [http://www.cut-the-knot.org/blue/ContinuedFractions.shtml Continued Fractions on the Stern-Brocot Tree] at [[cut-the-knot]]
*Francois Balsalobre [http://fbalsalo.club.fr/cfc.html cfc - a (cli) continued fraction calculator] for POSIX and Cygwin
*[http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~tony/whatsnew/column/antikytheraI-0400/kyth3.html The Antikythera Mechanism I: Gear ratios and continued fractions]
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20030202011209/www.tweedledum.com/rwg/cfup.htm Continued Fraction Arithmetic] Gosper's first continued fractions paper, unpublished. Cached on the [[Internet Archive]]'s [[Internet Archive#Wayback_MachineWayback Machine|Wayback Machine]]
* {{MathWorld |title=Continued Fraction |urlname=ContinuedFraction}}
* [http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/ContinuedFractions/ Continued Fractions] by [[Stephen Wolfram]] and [http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/ContinuedFractionApproximationsOfTheTangentFunction/ Continued Fraction Approximations of the Tangent Function] by Michael Trott, [[Wolfram Demonstrations Project]].
पंक्ति 39:
[[ta:தொடரும் பின்னம்]]
[[uk:Ланцюгові дроби]]
[[vi:Phân số liên tục]]