"मुहम्मद": अवतरणों में अंतर

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टैग: मोबाइल संपादन मोबाइल वेब संपादन उन्नत मोबाइल संपादन
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टैग: मोबाइल संपादन मोबाइल वेब संपादन उन्नत मोबाइल संपादन
पंक्ति 26:
'''मुहम्मद''' ('''<small>محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم</small>''')<ref group="n">[[Arabic name|Full name]]: '''Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāšim''' ({{lang-ar|ابو القاسم محمد ابن عبد الله ابن عبد المطلب ابن هاشم}}, lit: Father of [[Qasim ibn Muhammad|Qasim]] Muhammad son of [[Abdallah ibn Abd al-Muttalib|Abd Allah]] son of [[Abd al-Muttalib]] son of [[Hashim ibn Abd Manaf|Hashim]])</ref> ( अरबी : محمد ; उच्चारण [mūħammad] ; <ref group="n">Classical Arabic pronunciation</ref> 570 ई - 8 जून 632 शब्द efई)<ref name=Goldman>Elizabeth Goldman (1995), p. 63, gives 8 June 632 CE, the dominant Islamic tradition. Many earlier (primarily non-Islamic) traditions refer to him as still alive at the time of the [[Muslim conquest of the Levant#Conquest of Palestine|invasion of Palestine]]. See Stephen J. Shoemaker,''The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad's Life and the Beginnings of Islam,'' page 248, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.</ref> [[इस्लाम]] के संस्थापक थे।<ref name="OEIW">{{cite encyclopedia |author=Alford T. Welch, Ahmad S. Moussalli, Gordon D. Newby |title=Muḥammad |encyclopedia=The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World |editor=John L. Esposito |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=2009 |url=http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t236/e0550 |quote=The Prophet of Islam was a religious, political, and social reformer who gave rise to one of the great civilizations of the world. From a modern, historical perspective, Muḥammad was the founder of Islam. From the perspective of the Islamic faith, he was God's Messenger (''rasūl Allāh''), called to be a "warner," first to the Arabs and then to all humankind. |deadurl=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170211050118/http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t236/e0550 |archivedate=11 February 2017 |df=dmy-all }}</ref> इस्लामिक मान्यता के अनुसार, वह एक भविष्यवक्ता और [[अल्लाह|ईश्वर]] के संदेशवाहक थे, जिन्हें [[इस्लाम के पैगंबर]] भी कहते हैं, जो पहले [[आदम]] , [[इब्राहीम]], [[मूसा]] [[ईसा]] (येशू) और अन्य भविष्यवक्ताओं द्वारा प्रचारित एकेश्वरवादी शिक्षाओं को प्रस्तुत करने और पुष्टि करने के लिए भेजे गए थे।<ref name=OEIW/><ref>Esposito (2002b), pp. 4–5.</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Peters |first=F.E. |title=Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians |year=2003 |publisher=Princeton University Press |isbn=978-0-691-11553-5 |page=[https://archive.org/details/islamguideforjew00fepe/page/9 9] |url=https://archive.org/details/islamguideforjew00fepe/page/9 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Esposito |first=John |title=Islam: The Straight Path (3rd ed.) |year=1998 |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=978-0-19-511234-4 |pages=[https://archive.org/details//page/9 9, 12] |url=https://archive.org/details//page/9 }}</ref> इस्लाम की सभी मुख्य शाखाओं में उन्हें [[अल्लाह]] के अंतिम भविष्यद्वक्ता के रूप में देखा जाता है, हालांकि कुछ आधुनिक संप्रदाय इस विश्वास से अलग भी नज़र आते हैं।<ref group="n">The [[Ahmadiyya|Ahmadiyya Muslim Community]] considers Muhammad to be the "Seal of the Prophets" (Khātam an-Nabiyyīn) and the last law-bearing Prophet but not the last Prophet. See:
*{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/?id=MdRth02Q6nAC&pg=PA134&dq#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=Islam and the Ahmadiyya Jama'at: History, Belief, Practice |author=Simon Ross Valentine |page=134 |publisher=Columbia University Press |isbn=978-1-85065-916-7 |year=2008 }}
*{{cite web|url=http://www.alislam.org/books/truth/finality.html|title=Finality of Prophethood {{!}} Hadhrat Muhammad (PUBH) the Last Prophet|publisher=[[Ahmadiyya Muslim Community]]|deadurl=no|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110724234544/http://www.alislam.org/books/truth/finality.html|archivedate=24 July 2011|df=dmy-all}}