"नखोन रात्चासीमा प्रान्त": अवतरणों में अंतर

वर्तनी सुधार, पाठ में सुधार (छोटा)
छो बॉट: पुनर्प्रेषण ठीक कर रहा है
पंक्ति 17:
== नामोत्पत्ति ==
"नखोन रात्चासीमा" [[संस्कृत भाषा|संस्कृत]] से उत्पन्न हुआ है। "नखोन" [[थाई भाषा]] में "नगर" का रूप है जबकि "रात्चासीमा" की उत्पत्ति "राज+सीमा" से है। "सीमा" या "सेमा" खोरात पठार के इलाक़े में किसी क्षेत्र की परिधि पर लगाये गये धार्मिक रूप से पवित्र माने जाने वाले पत्थरों को कहते हैं।<ref>"[https://books.google.com/books?id=2DlmAAAAMAAJ&q=sema+stones Moated sites in early north east Thailand]," Elizabeth H. Moore, B.A.R., 1988, ''... Boundary markers fashioned from stone, sema stones, are characteristic of sacred places on the Khorat Plateau ...''</ref><ref>"[https://books.google.com/books?id=8TiBAAAAMAAJ&q=nakhon+ratchasima+hin+khon Early Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia]," Charles Higham (Author); Parīmā Manlikamāt, Narisa Chakrabongse (M. R.), Phaisān Pīammēttāwat (Contributors); River Books, 2002, ISBN 9789748225708, ''... At Hin Khon 35 km south of Nakhon Ratchasima, King Nrpendradhipativarman erected four sema stones and founded a Buddhist temple during the 8th century. He gifted rice fields, ten pairs of cattle, gold and silver utensils, an elephant and ...'</ref><ref>"[https://books.google.com/books?id=8EAfFdqDg2gC&pg=PA167 The Civilization of Angkor]," Charles Higham, University of California Press, 2001, ISBN 9780520234420, ''... Angkor A name derived from the Sanskrit word nagara, meaning a holy city. It appears in Thai as nakhon and in Cham as nagar ...''</ref>
== इन्हें भी देखें ==