"जज़िया": अवतरणों में अंतर

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दिल्ली सल्तनत के फैलने के साथ जजिया कर का क्षेत्र भी बढ़ा। [[अलाउद्दीन खिलजी]] ने जजिया और खरज न दे पाने वालों को गुलाम बनाने का कानून बनाया। उसके कर्मचारी ऐसे लोगों को गुलाम बनाकर सल्तनत के शहरों में बेचते थे जहाँ गुलाम श्रमिकों की भारी मांग रहती थी। <ref>Fouzia Ahmed (2009), The Delhi Sultanate: A Slave Society or A Society with Slaves?, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, 30(1): 8-9</ref>मुस्लिम दरबारी इतिहासकार [[जियाउद्दीन बरनी]] ने लिखा है कि बयानह के काजी मुघिसुद्दीन ने अलाउद्दीन को सलाह दी थी कि इस्लाम की जरूरत है कि हिन्दुओं पर जजिया लगाया जाय ताकि हिन्दुओं के प्रति निरादर दिखाया जा सके और उन्हें अपमानित किया जा सके। उसने यह भी सलाह दी थी कि जजिया लगाना सुल्तान का मजहबी फर्ज है। <ref>Elliot, H. M. (Henry Miers), Sir; John Dowson. [https://archive.org/stream/cu31924073036737#page/n199/mode/2up "15. Táríkh-i Fíroz Sháhí, of Ziauddin Barani"]. The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians. The Muhammadan Period (Vol 3.). London, Trübner & Co. p. 184. "Quote - The Sultan then asked, "How are Hindus designated in the law, as payers of tributes or givers of tribute? The Kazi replied, "They are called payers of tribute, and when the revenue officer demands silver from them, they should tender gold. If the officer throws dirt into their mouths, they must without reluctance open their mouths to receive it. The due subordination of the zimmi is exhibited in this humble payment and by this throwing of dirt in their mouths. The glorification of Islam is a duty. God holds them in contempt, for he says, "keep them under in subjection". To keep the Hindus in abasement is especially a religious duty, because they are the most inveterate enemies of the Prophet, and because the Prophet has commanded us to slay them, plunder them, enslave them and spoil their wealth and property. No doctor but the great doctor (Hanafi), to whose school we belong, has assented to the imposition of the jizya (poll tax) on Hindus. Doctors of other schools allow no other alternative but Death or Islam."</ref>
Jizya expanded with Delhi Sultanate. Alauddin Khilji, legalized the enslavement of the jizya and kharaj defaulters. His officials seized and sold these slaves in growing Sultanate cities where there was a great demand of slave labour.[199] The Muslim court historian Ziauddin Barani recorded that Kazi Mughisuddin of Bayanah advised Alā' al-Dīn that Islam requires imposition of jizya on Hindus, to show contempt and to humiliate the Hindus, and imposing jizya is a religious duty of the Sultan.[200]
सल्तनत के बाहर के मुसलमान शासकों ने भी हिन्दुओं पर जजिया कर लगाया। [[कश्मीर]] में सर्वप्रथम जजिया कर [[सिकंदर शाह]] द्वारा लगाया गया।<ref>Kingship in Kaśmīr (AD 1148‒1459); From the Pen of Jonarāja, Court Paṇḍit to Sulṭān Zayn al-‛Ābidīn. Edited by Walter Slaje. With an Annotated Translation, Indexes and Maps. [Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis. 7.] Halle 2014. ISBN 978-3-86977-088-8</ref> यह एक धर्मान्ध शासक था और उसने हिन्दुओं पर भारी अत्याचार किये। उसके बाद इसका पुत्र [[जैनुल आबदीन]] (1420-70 ईo) शासक बना और सिकन्दर द्वारा लगाए गए जजिया को समाप्त कर दिया। जजिया कर को समाप्त करने वाला यह पहला शासक था। गुजरात में जजिया सर्वप्रथम [[अहमदशाह]] (1411-42 ईo) के समय लगाया गया। उसने इतनी कड़ाई से जजिया वसूला कि बहुत से हिन्दू मजबूर होकर मुसलमान बन गए। <ref>Satish C. Misra, The Rise of Muslim Power in Gujarat (Bombay, 1963), p.175.</ref><ref>K. S. Lal. "Proselytization in Provincial Muslim Kingdoms". Indian Muslims: Who Are They. New Delhi. "The kingdom of Gujarat was established in 1396 and its rulers were descended from Wajih-ul-Mulk, a converted Rajput. This dynasty made great efforts to spread Islam. One of its famous rulers, Ahmad Shah (1411-1442), was responsible for many conversions. In 1414 he introduced the Jiziyah, and collected it with such strictness, that it brought a number of converts to Islam."</ref>