"ग्रीनलैंडिक भाषा": अवतरणों में अंतर

नया पृष्ठ: '''ग्रीनलैंडिक''' भाषा एक एस्किमो-एलियूत भाषा है, जो ग्रीनलैंड के ब...
छो roboto aldono de: ar, ast, bg, br, ca, cs, da, de, eo, es, eu, fi, fo, fr, gl, gv, hr, hsb, hu, id, is, it, ja, ka, kl, ko, ku, la, lt, nl, nn, no, pl, pt, qu, ru, sh, simple, sk, sl, sr, sv, th, tr, vec, zh
पंक्ति 2:
[[en:Greenlandic language]]
The Greenlandic language is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken by most people in Greenland. It is closely related to the Inuit languages in Canada, such as Inuktitut. It is spoken by about 54,000 people, which is more than all the other Eskimo-Aleut languages combined. Greenlandic is a unique example of an indigenous language of the Americas that serves exclusively as an official language of a semi-independent country, and as such it is far less threatened than most other languages in the Americas that are usually put under a considerable pressure from neighboring European languages[citation needed]. The most prominent dialect is Western Greenlandic (Kalaallisut), which is the official language of Greenland. The name Kalaallisut is now often used as a cover term for all of Greenlandic. The northern dialect, Inuktun (Avanersuarmiutut), spoken around the city of Qaanaaq (Thule) is particularly closely related to Canadian Inuktitut. Other dialects are Eastern Greenlandic (Tunumiit oraasiat), and the dialect of Upernavik. Before June 2009, Greenlandic shared its status as the official language in Greenland with Danish.[1] Since then, Greenlandic has become the sole official language.[2]. Carl Christian Olsen, an Inuit leader and founder of the Oqaasileriffik (The Greenland Language Secretariat), is largely credited with saving and promoting the language as the official tongue. [3] The country has a 100% literacy rate.[4]
[[ar:لغة جرينلاندية]]
[[bg:Гренландски език]]
[[da:Grønlandsk (sprog)]]
[[en:Greenlandic language]]
[[eo:Gronlanda lingvo]]
[[es:Idioma groenlandés]]
[[fi:Grönlannin kieli]]
[[fo:Grønlendskt (mál)]]
[[gl:Lingua grenlandesa]]
[[hr:Grenlandski jezik]]
[[hu:Grönlandi nyelv]]
[[id:Bahasa Kalaallisut]]
[[it:Lingua groenlandese]]
[[ka:გრენლანდიური ენა]]
[[la:Lingua Groenlandica]]
[[lt:Grenlandų kalba]]
[[nn:Grønlandsk språk]]
[[pl:Język grenlandzki]]
[[pt:Língua groenlandesa]]
[[qu:Kalalit simi]]
[[ru:Гренландский язык]]
[[sh:Grenlandski jezik]]
[[simple:Greenlandic language]]
[[sr:Гренландски језик]]