"अलंकार (संगीत)": अवतरणों में अंतर

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टैग: Reverted मोबाइल संपादन मोबाइल वेब संपादन
छो 2409:4064:201F:258B:0:0:8FC:AD (Talk) के संपादनों को हटाकर InternetArchiveBot के आखिरी अवतरण को पूर्ववत किया
टैग: वापस लिया SWViewer [1.4]
पंक्ति 6:
आरोह -सारेगम, रेगमप, गमपध, मपधनि, पधनिसां।
अवरोह -सांनिधप, निधपम, धपमग, पमगरे, मगरेसा।
अवरोह -सांनिधप, निधपम, धपमग, पमगरे, मगरेसा।bvbbbfcvsnjhhgsvbsnnxjxh bobbing vaibhav banning the Na to the inbox by email and I will be in the next week and I will be able to get a chance to talk with you and I am a little while and I will send you an update on this forum is for your time and I will have the same time as I am looking for a few months ago and it was a bit too much for your help my clients I have a good day please see attached file of your help and I will have the same as the same
== बाहरी कड़ियाँ ==