"विकिपीडिया:लेख को कैसे बदलें?": अवतरणों में अंतर

No edit summary
टैग: Reverted मोबाइल संपादन मोबाइल वेब संपादन
टैग: Reverted मोबाइल संपादन मोबाइल वेब संपादन
पंक्ति 16:
== विकि मार्कअप ==
नीचे के टेबल में बाँये हाथ की ओर आप देख सकते हैं कि किस तरह के रूपान्तर सम्भव हैं । टेबलहैंटेबल के सीधे हाथ की तरफ़ दिखाया गया है कि यह रूपान्तर कैसे किया गया । दूसरेगयादूसरे शब्दों में, अपनीमेंअपनी टेक्स्ट को बाँये हाथ की तरह बनाने के लिये दाँये हाथ की तरफ दिखाये गये रूप में टाइप करें
आप रेफ़रेन्स के लिये इस पन्ने को एक अलग ब्राउज़र विन्डो में खोल कर रख सकते अगर आप गलती करने के खतरे से बचना चाहते हैं तो आप the rest this page is deprecated but will be updated periodicallplease direct edits to themeta:MediaWiki User's Guide:editing overview metaWikimedia version this page
Jaipurde jaivictoire et pur ville ela capitale de l’État indien du Rajasthan. La situation de la ville, dans une cuvette protégée par les Ârâvallilui permettait de se défendre assez aisémenla route de Delhi étant tenue par la forteresse d’Amber à une dizaine de kilomètres. Jaipur se trouvem d’altitude e de Delh sectionparagraphs lists and linestable bordercellpaddingcellspacintr>
आप रेफ़रेन्स के लिये इस पन्ने को एक अलग ब्राउज़र विन्डो में खोल कर रख सकते हैं । अगर आप गलती करने के खतरे से बचना चाहते हैं तो आप बदलाव और फॉर्मैटिन्ग के बारे में प्रयोग [[विकिपीडिया:प्रयोगस्थल]] में कर सकते हैं ।
th>ऐसा दिखने के लिये<th>th>ऐसा टाइप करें<thtrtr>बोम्बथेआमेरिtd>
विभागों को ऐसे बनायेंthis is the original ऋतुराज भारद्वाजनयाउपविभागनया उप-उप-विभागIf this doesn't work, try the next set
<h>New section<h
:'''The rest of this page is deprecated but will be updated periodically.'''
Try this set if the previous set doesn't workIt's a hacky waydoing it, but section edit links go crazy otherwisebfont stylefont-size:0%">नया विभाग</font></b>
:'''Please direct edits to the [[meta:MediaWiki User's Guide: Editing overview|Meta-Wikimedia version of this page]]'''
Jaipur (en indien जयपुर) - de jai, victoire et pur, ville - est la capitale de l’État indien du Rajasthan. La situation de la ville, dans une cuvette protégée par les Ârâvalli, lui permettait de se défendre assez aisément, la route de Delhi étant tenue par la forteresse d’Amber à une dizaine de kilomètres. Jaipur se trouve à 430 m d’altitude et à 260 km de Delhi.
=== Sections, paragraphs, lists and lines ===
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<th>ऐसा दिखने के लिये</th>
<th>ऐसा टाइप करें</th>
<tr>बोम्ब थे आमेरि
विभागों को ऐसे बनायें
<!-- This is the original
ऋतुराज भारद्वाज
===नया उप-विभाग ===
====नया उप-उप-विभाग ====
<!-- If this doesn't work, try the next set
<h2>New section</h2
<!-- Try this set if the previous set doesn't work. -->
<!-- It's a hacky way of doing it, but section edit links go crazy otherwise -->
<b><font style="font-size:120%">नया विभाग</font></b>
<b><font style="font-size:110%">नया उप-विभाग </font></b>
<b><font style="font-size:100%">नया उप-उप-विभाग </font></b>
<td><pre><nowiki>नया विभागनया उपविभाग
म्य मोम हस सेक्ष विथ हव्होरेस्या उप-उप-विभाग
==नया विभाग==
===नया उप-विभाग ===
म्य मोम हस सेक्ष विथ हव्होरेस्
====नया उप-उप-विभाग ====
एक अकेली [[नईलाइन]]अकेलनईलाइ का
लेआउट पर कोइ प्रभाव नही होता
ये एक पैराग्राफ में वाक्यों को
अलग रखने के लिये प्रयोग में लाई जा सकती हैं ।
कई लेखक इसे एडिटिन्ग में सुविधाकारक मानते हैं
क्योंकि इससे ''diff''इससेdif फ़न्कशन द्वारा
बदलाव मालूम करने में सहायता मिलती है । हैbr/>
लेकिन एक खाली लाइन
नया पैराग्राफ शुरू करती है ।
Line 111 ⟶ 59:
<tr valign="top"><td>आप पैराग्राफ शुरू किये बिना <br/>
लाइनों को तोड़ सकते हैं । सकत</td>
<td><pre><nowiki>आप पैराग्राफ शुरू किये बिना <br/>
लाइनों को तोड़ सकते हैं</nowiki></pre>
Line 122 ⟶ 70:
* सूचियाँ बनाना आसान है:
** हर लाइन की शुरुआत सितारे * से करें
*** ज़्यादा सितारों का मतलब है deeper levelleveltd>
<td><pre><nowiki>* सूचियाँ बनाना आसान है:
** हर लाइन की शुरुआत सितारे * से करें
Line 140 ⟶ 87:
<td><pre><nowiki># नम्बरों वाली सूचियाँ भी बहुत अच्छी हैं
## सुनियोजित
## अनुसरण करने में आसान </nowiki></pre>
Line 149 ⟶ 96:
*# और उन्हें एक के अन्दर एक डाल सकते हैं
*#* इस तरह
<td><pre><nowiki>* आप मिली-जुली सूचियाँ भी बना सकते हैं
*# और उन्हें एक के अन्दर एक डाल सकते हैं
Line 170 ⟶ 117:
<td>कोलन द्वारा लाइन या पैराग्राफ को अन्दर की ओर इन्डेन्ट किया जा सकता है ।
: कोलन द्वारा लाइन या पैराग्राफ को अन्दर की ओर इन्डेन्ट किया जा सकता है ।
नईलाइन से नया पैराग्राफ शुरू होता है ।
यह अधिकतर देखने वाले लेखों के लिये है ,
लेकिन इसका प्रयोग संवाद के लियेविकिपीडिया :वार्तावार्ता
* यह अधिकतर देखने वाले लेखों के लिये है ,
लेकिन इसका प्रयोग संवाद के लिये [[विकिपीडिया :वार्ता |वार्ता ]]
के पन्नों पर भी किया जा सकता है.
<td><pre><nowiki>:कोलन द्वारा लाइन या पैराग्राफ को अन्दर की ओर इन्डेन्ट किया जा सकता है
नईलाइन से नया पैराग्राफ शुरू होता है ।
Line 192 ⟶ 137:
लाइनें अपने आप अगली लाइन पर नहीं जायेंगी (wrap नहीं करेंगी);
यह निम्न मामलों में उपयोगी है :pasting preformatted text;algorithm descriptions;
program source code;
* pasting preformatted text;
ASCII artand chemical structures;
* algorithm descriptions;
* program source code;
* [[ASCII art]] and chemical structures;
चेतावनी - यदि आप इसे बहुत चौड़ा बनायेंगे तो आपका पूरा पन्ना इतना चौड़ा हो जायेगा और इसे पढ़ने में मुश्किल होगी । साधारणतः लाइनों की शुरुआत खाली जगह से न करें । </td>
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<tr valign="top"><td><center>Centered text.</center>
<td><pre><nowiki><center>Centered text.</center></nowiki></pre>
<td>एक [[समतलएकसमतल रेखा ]]: यह रेखा के ऊपर है
यह रेखा के नीचे है
<p>वार्ता पन्नों के सूत्रों को अलग रखने के लिये उपयोगी
<br>In rare times used toWikipedia:Disambiguationdisambiguate an expression without creating a separate page.
<br/>In rare times used to [[Wikipedia:Disambiguation|disambiguate]] an expression without creating a separate page.
<td><pre><nowiki>एकएकसमतल [[समतल रेखा ]]: यहरेखायह रेखा के ऊपर है
यहरेखाकेनीचेहै <nowiki></pre>
यह रेखा के नीचे है </nowiki></pre>
Line 242 ⟶ 181:
<th>What you type</th>
<tr valign="top"><td>London hashaspublic [[publictransportFirst transport]]letter target is automatically capitalized.
*Internally spaces are automatically represented as underscorestyping an underscore has the same effect as typing a space, but is not recommended).
Thus the link above is to <nowiki<http:www.wikipedia.orgwikipublic_transport</nowiki>, which is the article with the name "Public transport". See also [[Wikipedia:Canonization]].
*First letter of target is automatically capitalized.
*Internally spaces are automatically represented as underscores (typing an underscore has the same effect as typing a space, but is not recommended).
Thus the link above is to <nowiki>http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_transport</nowiki>, which is the article with the name "Public transport". See also [[Wikipedia:Canonization]].
<td><pre><nowiki>London has [[public transport]].</nowiki></pre>
Line 252 ⟶ 189:
<tr valign="top"><td>Same target, different name:wikipedia answers
<br>This is apiped link
[[wikipedia FAQ|answers]].
<br/>(This is a [[piped link]].)
<td><pre><nowiki>Same target, different name: wikipediaanswers]]</nowiki></pre>
<td><pre><nowiki>Same target, different name:
[[wikipedia FAQ|answers]]</nowiki></pre>
Line 267 ⟶ 202:
<pre><nowiki>Endings are blended
into the link: [[test]]ing, [[gene]]stestinggenes</nowiki></pre>
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<tr valign="top">
ब्रैकेट में लिखा हुआ अपने आप छुप जाता है: [[ राज (जीवविग्यान) | राज ]]राजजीवविग्यानराज
<p>Automatically hide namespace: [[Wikipedia:Village Pump|Village Pump]].
<p>The server fills in the part after the | whenthewhen you save the page. Next time you open the edit box you will see the expanded piped link. A [[Wikipedia:Show preview|preview]] interprets the abbreviated form correctly, but does not expand it yet in the edit box. Press Save and again Edit, and you will see the expanded version. The same applies for the following feature.
<pre><nowiki>ब्रैकेट में लिखा हुआ अपने आप छुप जाता है: । [[ राज (जीवविग्यान) | राज ]] जाताहैराजजीवविग्यानराज
<pre><nowiki>Automatically hide namespace:
Line 288 ⟶ 223:
<tr><td>Economics#See also is a link to a section within another page.<br>Links, URLs is a link to a section on this page.
The part after the must exactly match a heading on the page (in spelling, case and punctuation). See headers above NotSections paragraphs, lists and linesabove because that's too wide for a reasonable example in the right hand column for how to create headings. Links to non-existent sections aren't broken, they are treated as links to the topthe page.</td><td>
[[Economics#See also]] is a link to a section within another page.<br>
<pre><nowiki>[[Economics#See also]] is a linkLinks, URLs]] is a link...
[[#Links, URLs]] is a link to a section on this page.
The part after the '''#''' must exactly match a heading on the page (in spelling, case and punctuation). See ''== headers =='' above <!-- Not "[[#Sections, paragraphs, lists and lines|above]]" because that's too wide for a reasonable example in the right hand column. --> for how to create headings. Links to non-existent sections aren't broken, they are treated as links to the top of the page.</td><td>
<pre><nowiki>[[Economics#See also]] is a link...
[[#Links, URLs]] is a link...
<tr>td>When adding a comment to a Talk page,
<td>When adding a comment to a Talk page,
you should sign it. You can do this by
adding three tildes for your user name:User:Montrealais|Montrealais]]
:or [[four for user name plus date/time:User:Montrealais|Montrealais]] 08:10 Oct 5, 2002 (UTC)</td>
or four for user name plus date/time:
: [[User:Montrealais|Montrealais]] 08:10 Oct 5, 2002 (UTC)</td>
<td><pre><nowiki>When adding a comment to a Talk page,
you should sign it. You can do this by
adding three tildes for your user name:
or four for user name plus datetime<nowiki></pre>
: ~~~
or four for user name plus date/time:
: ~~~~</nowiki></pre>
<tr valign="top"><td>[[The weather in London]] is a page that doesn't
exist yet.
*You can create it by clicking on the link.
<tr valign="top"><td>The weather in Londonis a page that doesn't
*To create a new page:
exist yet.You can create it by clicking on the linkTo create a new page:
*#Create a link to it on some other page.
*#Save that page.
*#Click on the link you just made. The new page will open for editing.
*Have a look at [[Wikipedia:How to start a page|how to start a page]] guide and Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:Naming conventions|naming conventions]].
<td><pre><nowiki>[[The weather in London]] is a page
Line 331 ⟶ 252:
<tr valign="top"><td>[[Wikipedia:How to edit a page]] is this page.
[[Self link]]s appear as bold text when the article is viewed.</td>
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<tr valign="top"><td>
Link to a page on the same subject in another language using a link like <nowiki>[[language code:Title]]</nowiki>.
It does not matter where you put these links while editing as they always show up in the same place when you save the page, but placement at the end the edit box is recommended. See [[Wikipedia:Interlanguage links]] and [[Wikipedia:Complete list language wikis available|list languages and codes
It does not matter where you put these links while editing as they always show up in the same place when you save the page, but placement at the end of the edit box is recommended. See [[Wikipedia:Interlanguage links]] and [[Wikipedia:Complete list of language wikis available|list of languages and codes]].
Line 355 ⟶ 275:
<td>"What links here" and "Related changes" can be linked as:<br/>
[[Special:Whatlinkshere/WikipediaWhatlinkshereWikipedia:How to edit a page]] and
[[Special:Recentchangeslinked/Wikipedia:How to edit a page]]
How to edit a page]] and
How to edit a page]]</nowiki></pre>
<td>A user's "Contributions" page can be linked as:<br/>Special:Contributions/UserName]] orSpecial:Contributions/]]<td><pre><nowiki>Special:Contributions/UserName]]Special:Contributions/]]
[[Special:Contributions/UserName]] or [[Special:Contributions/]]<td><pre><nowiki>
<td>To put an article in a [[Wikipedia:Category]]:Categorytdprenowikiश्रणCharacter setsnowikipre>
[[श्रेणी:Character sets]]</nowiki></pre>
Line 383 ⟶ 298:
[[:Category:Character sets]]</nowiki></pre>
</trtr valigntoptdWikipedia:External linksexternal link
Plain URL: http:www.nupedia.comno markup<br>
This is an unnamed link. [http
<tr valign="top"><td>[[Wikipedia:External links|External link]]:
Plain URL: http://www.nupedia.com/ (no markup)<br/>
This is an unnamed link. [http://www.nupedia.com/] (usingcomusing square brackets).<br/>
Named link to [httptohttp://www.nupedia.com Nupedia]Nupedianote (note use of space, notusespacenot pipe, to separate URL from name).
<td><pre><nowiki>External link:
Plain URL: http://www.nupedia.com/
This is an unnamed link. [http://www.nupedia.com/]
Named link to [httptohttp://www.nupedia.comwwwnupediacom Nupedia].
*In the [[URL]] all symbols must be among: A-Z a-z 0-9 ._\/~%-+&amp;#?!=()@ \x80-\xFF. If a URL contains a different character it should be converted; for example, ^ has to be written %5E (to be looked up in [[ASCII]]).
Line 402 ⟶ 317:
To link to books, you can use [[Wikipedia:ISBN]] links. ThisISBNlinksthis is preferred to linking to a specific online bookstore, because it gives the reader a choice of vendors. choicevendors ISBN links do not need any extra markup, provided you use this format.
ISBN 012345678X<br/>
ISBN 0-123-45678-X
<pre><nowiki>ISBN 012345678X
ISBN 0-123-45678-X</nowiki></preXnowikipre>
<tr valign=top>
<td>Useuse links for dates, sodatesso everyone can set their own display order. Use [[Special:Preferences]] toPreferencesto change your own date display setting.July 20196920 July1969 and196907-20
[[July 20]], [[1969]] , [[20 July]] [[1969]] and [[1969]]-[[07-20]]
<td><pre><nowiki>[[July 20]], [[1969]] , [[20 July]] [[1969]]
and [[1969]]-[[07-20]]
</nowiki></pre>will all appear as [[20 July|20 July]] [[1969July1969|1969]] if you set your date display preference to 15 January 2001, but [[20but20 July|July 20]], [[1969|1969]] if2019691969if you set it to January 15, 2001. </td>
To include links to non-image uploads such as sounds, use a "media" link.
Line 430 ⟶ 343:
=== Links, URLs, images ===
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<th>यह कैसा दिखता है ?</th>
<th>What you type</th>
=== Link URLsimages ===
<tr valign="top"><td>A picture: [[Image:Wiki.png|frame|right|Wikipedia Encyclopedia]]<br clear=all>
table bordercellpadding cellspacing>
* Only images that have been uploaded to Wikipedia can be used. To upload images, use the [[Special:Upload|upload page]]. You can find the uploaded image on the [[Special:Imagelist|image list]].
* See [[Wikipedia:Image use policy]], [[Wikipedia:Image markup|Image markup]] and [[Wikipedia:extended image syntax|extended image syntax]] for more hints.
thwhat you typethtrtr valigntoptd>A picture:image:wikipngframerightWikipedia Encyclopedia<br clear=all>
* Alternative text, used when the image isn't loaded, in a text-only browser, or when spoken aloud, is '''strongly''' encouraged. See [[Wikipedia:Alternate text for images|Alternate text for images]] for help on choosing it.
* Only images that have been uploaded to Wikipedia can be used. To upload images, use theSpecial:Upload|upload page You can find the uploaded image on theSpecial:Imagelist|image listSeeWikipedia:Image use policyWikipedia:Image markup|Image markup]] and [[Wikipedia:extended image syntax|extended image syntax]] for more hints.
Alternative text, used when the image isn't loadedin a text-only browser or when spoken aloud, is stronglyencouraged. SeeWikipedia:Alternate text for images|Alternate text for images]] for help on choosing it.
Line 454 ⟶ 356:
A picture: [[Image:Wiki.png]]</nowiki></pre>
or, with alternate text
<pre><nowiki>[[Image:Wiki.png|jigsawpngjigsaw globe]]</nowiki></pre>
or, floating to the right side of the page and with a caption.
<pre><nowiki>A picture: [[Image:Wiki.png|frame|right|Wikipedia Encyclopedia]]</nowiki></pre>
or, floating to the right side of the page ''without'' a caption.
''Note the extra | after the word '''right'''. This is to make sure the image floats to the right side of thesidethe page, and not so that the alternate text is "right".''
Line 478 ⟶ 380:
To include links to images shown as links instead of drawn on the page, use a "media" link.
<br/>[[media:Tornado aircraft.jpg|Image of a Tornado]]
Line 498 ⟶ 400:
<tr valign="top"><td>emphasizestronglyvery stronglythese are double and triple apostrophessingle-quote marks not double-quote marks note that on almost all browsers these appear as italic and boldfor semantic reasons<nowiki><><nowiki> and <nowiki><b></nowiki> are preferable in mathematical formulas.
<tr valign="top"><td>
''Emphasize'', '''strongly''', '''''very strongly'''''.
* These are double and triple apostrophes (single-quote marks), not double-quote marks.
* Note that on almost all browsers, these appear as italic and bold; for semantic reasons, <nowiki><i></nowiki> and <nowiki><b></nowiki> are preferable in mathematical formulas.
<pre><nowiki>''Emphasize'', '''stronglyEmphasizestrongly''',
'''''very strongly'''''.</nowiki></pre>
Line 513 ⟶ 412:
* For semantic reasons, &lt;code> should be used instead when writing computer programs
<td><pre><nowiki>Aa typewriter font for <tt>technical terms</tt>.</nowiki></pre>
</td><!-- tttdtt is really 'teletype', not 'technical term' -->
Line 524 ⟶ 423:
<tr valign="top"><td>You can <strike>strike out deleted material</strike>
and <u>underline new material</u>.
Line 533 ⟶ 432:
<tr valign="top">
<tdUmlauts and accents<br/>
'''Umlauts and accents:'''<br/>
(See [[wikipedia:Special characters]])<br/>
è é ê ë ì í
Line 557 ⟶ 455:
è é ê ë ì í<br/>
Line 575 ⟶ 472:
<tr valign=top>
'''Punctuation:'''<br/><br/> &ndash; &mdash;<br/>
¿ ¡ § ¶<br/>
† ‡ • &ndash; &mdash;<br/>
‹ › « »<br/>
‘ ’ “ ”
Line 591 ⟶ 486:
<tr valign="top">
<td>Commercial symbols:'''<br/>
'''Commercial symbols:'''<br/>
™ © ® ¢ € ¥ <br/>
£ ¤</td>
Line 602 ⟶ 496:
<tr valign="top"valigntop><td>Subscript: x<sub>2</sub><br/>
Superscript: x<sup>2</sup> or x²The latter methodsuperscript can't be used in the most general context, but is preferred when possible (as with unitsmeasurement) because most browsers have an easier time formatting lines with it.
Superscript: x<sup>2</sup> or x²
ε<susub> =
*The latter method of superscript can't be used in the most general context, but is preferred when possible (as with units of measurement) because most browsers have an easier time formatting lines with it.
8.85 &timessup>&minus</sup>
ε<sub>0</sub> =
8.85 &times; 10<sup>&minus;12</sup>
C² / J m.
<brhectare]] = [[]]
1 [[hectare]] = [[1 E4 m²]]
<td><pre><nowiki>Subscript: x<sub>2</sub>
Superscript: x<sup>2</sup> or x&amp;sup2;sup
&amp;epsilon;<sub>0</sub> =
8.85 &amp;times; 10<sup>&amp;minus;12</sup>
C&amp;sup2; /sup J m.</nowiki></pre>
<nowiki>1 [[hectare]] = [[1 E4 m²]]</nowiki>
Line 630 ⟶ 516:
<tr valign="top"><td>'''Greek characters:''' <br/>
α β γ δ ε ζ <br/>
η θ ι κ λ μ ν <br/>
ξ ο π ρ σ ς <br/>
τ υ φ χ ψ ω<br/>
Γ Δ Θ Λ Ξ Π <br/>
Line 649 ⟶ 535:
<tr valign="top">
'''Math characters:''' <br/>minus<br<br/>
∫ ∑ ∏ √&times&prime; &minusPrime; ± ∞<br/>o<br><br/>
≈ ∝ ≡ ≠ ≤ ≥ →<br/>
&times; · ÷ ∂ &prime; &Prime;<br/>
∇ ‰ ° ∴ ℵ ø<br/>
∈ ∉ ∩ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇<br/>
¬ ∧ ∨ ∃ ∀ ⇒ ⇔<br/>
→ ↔<br/>
(See also [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics|WikiProject Mathematics]])
Line 663 ⟶ 544:
&amp;asymp; &amp;prop; &amp;equiv; &amp;ne; &amp;le; &amp;ge; &amp;rarr;
&amp;times; &amp;middot; &amp;divide; &amp;part; &amp;prime; &amp;Prime;
&amp;nabla; &amp;permil; &amp;deg; &amp;there4there; &amp;alefsym; &amp;oslash;
&amp;isin; &amp;notin; &amp;cap; &amp;cup; &amp;sub; &amp;sup; &amp;sube; &amp;supe;
&amp;not; &amp;and; &amp;or; &amp;exist; &amp;forall; &amp;rArr; &amp;hArr;
Line 671 ⟶ 552:
<tr valign="top"><td><i>x</i><sup>2</sup>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;≥&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 true.
*To space things out, use non-breaking spaces - <tt>&amp;nbsp;</tt>.
*<tt>&amp;nbsp;</tt> also prevents line breaks in the middle of textmiddletext, this is useful in formulas.
<i>x</i><sup>2</sup>&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;ge;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;0 true.
Line 682 ⟶ 563:
'''Complicated formulae:'''<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<math>\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{xfracx^n}{n!}nn</math> See [[Wikipedia:TeX markup]]
* See [[Wikipedia:TeX markup]]
<math>\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac0inftyfrac{x^n}{n!}</math>
Line 692 ⟶ 572:
<td>Suppressing interpretation
'''Suppressing interpretation of markup:'''<br/>
<nowiki>Link &rarr; (<i>to</i>) the [[Wikipedia FAQ]]</nowiki>
* Used to show literal data that would otherwise have special meaning.
* Escapes all wiki markup, including that which looks like HTML tags.
Line 702 ⟶ 582:
<pre><nowiki><nowiki>Link &amp;rarr; (<i>to</i>)
the [[Wikipedia FAQ]]</nowiki></nowiki></pre>
<td>Commenting page source<br>
''not shown in page''Used to leave comments in a page for future editors.
'''Commenting page source:'''<br/>
''not shown in page''
* Used to leave comments in a page for future editors.
<pre><nowiki><!-- comment here --></nowiki></pre>
<table>गलत<ref><ref>=== Tables ===
{{गलत}}<ref>--~~~~</ref>=== Tables ===
==== Placement of the Table of Contents (TOC) ====
At the current status of the wiki markup language, having at least four headers on a page triggers the TOC to appear in front of the first header (orheaderor after introductory sections). Putting <nowikisectionsputtingnowikinotocnowiki>__NOTOC__ </nowiki> anywhere forces the TOCtoc to disappear. See also [[Wikipedia:Section#Compact_TOC|compactCompacttoccompact TOC]] for alphabet and year headings.
==== Tables ====
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*in special Wiki-markup (see [[m:Help:Table]])
*with the usual HTML elements: &lt;table&gt;, &lt;tr&gt;, &lt;td&gt; or &lt;th&gt;.
For the latter, and a discussion on when tables are appropriate, see [Wikipedia:How to use tables.
For the latter, and a discussion on when tables are appropriate, see [[Wikipedia:How to use tables]].
Line 756 ⟶ 631:
<table>numberofartickesis the number pages in the main namespace which contain a link and are not a redirecti.e. numberarticles stubs containing a linkand disambiguation pagesTemplates===
TheWikipedia:mediaWikimediaWiki software used by Wikipedilimited support for template inclusion. This means standardized text chunks (such as boilerplate text can be inserted into articles. For example typing <nowiki>stub<nowiki>will appear asThis article is aWikipedia:The perfect stub articlestubYou can help Wikipedia by wikipedia:Find or fix a stubexpanding when the page is saved. Other commonly used ones are <nowiki>disambig<nowiki>for disambiguation pages and <nowiki>spoiler<nowiki> for spoiler warnings. SeeWikipedia:Template messagesfor the complete list.
'''NUMBEROFARTICLES''' is the number of pages in the main namespace which contain a link and are not a redirect, i.e. number of articles, stubs containing a link, and disambiguation pages).
The [[Wikipedia:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]] software used by Wikipedia has limited support for template inclusion. This means standardized text chunks (such as boilerplate text) can be inserted into articles. For example, typing <nowiki>{{stub}}</nowiki> will appear as ''This article is a [[Wikipedia:The perfect stub article|stub]]. You can help Wikipedia by [[Wikipedia:Find or fix a stub|expanding it]].'' when the page is saved. Other commonly used ones are <nowiki>{{disambig}}</nowiki> for disambiguation pages and <nowiki>{{spoiler}}</nowiki> for spoiler warnings. See [[Wikipedia:Template messages]] for the complete list.
==यह सभी देखें==