"Y पीढ़ी (जनरेशन Y)": अवतरणों में अंतर

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पंक्ति 1:
*'''Y पीढ़ी''' जिसे '''सहस्त्राब्दी पीढ़ी''' (या '''मिलेनियल''' ),<ref name="r5">स्ट्रॉस, विलियम और होवे, नील. ''जेनरेशंस: द हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ अमेरिका फ्यूचर, 1584 टू 2069.'' पेरेनियल, 1992 (पुनर्मुद्रण). ISBN 0-688-11912-3 पीपी. 31, 327</ref><ref name="Shapira">{{Cite journalnews|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/05/AR2008070501599.html |title=HowWhat GenerationalComes TheoryNext CanAfter ImproveGeneration TeachingX? |last=Shapira |first=Ian |date=2008-07-06 |work=Education |publisher=The Washington Post |pages=C01 |accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> '''जनरेशन नेक्स्ट (अगली पीढ़ी),''' <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.pbs.org/newshour/generation-next/index-old.html Strategies|title=The forOnline WorkingNewsHour: withGeneration Next |publisher=PBS |date= |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref> '''नेट जनरेशन,''' <ref>{{Cite web|last=Cheese |first=Peter |url=http://www.businessweek.com/managing/content/mar2008/ca20080313_241443.htm?campaign_id=rss_null |title=Netting the Net Generation |publisher=Businessweek.com |date=2008-03-13 |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref> '''इको बूमर''' <ref name="Millennialsusa110605">{{Cite news|journalurl=http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2005-11-06-gen-y_x.htm|title=CurrentsGeneration inY: TeachingThey've andarrived Learningat work with a new attitude|last=Armour|first=Stephanie|date=Fall 2008-11-06|publisher=[[USA Today]]|coauthorsaccessdate=Leslie2009-11-27}}</ref> Eभी कहा जाता है, X पीढ़ी के बाद के जनसांख्यिकीय समूह को वर्णित करती है. Gerberचूंकि इस बारे में कोई सटीक तिथियां उपलब्ध नहीं है कि सहस्त्राब्दी पीढ़ी कब शुरू होती है और कब ख़त्म होती है, Mikeअतः Wilsonटिप्पणीकारों ने इसके लिए 1970 के दशक के मध्य से<ref>{{Cite web|volumeauthor=1Stephanie F. Gardner |issueurl=1http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1636975 |pagestitle=29–44Preparing for the Nexters |publisher=American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education |date=August 15, 2006 |accessdate=2010-08-24 |quote=born between 1976 and 1994}}</ref> 2000 के दशक के प्रारंभ के बीच की जन्म तिथियों का प्रयोग किया है<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://wwwknowledge.worcesteremory.edu/Currents/Archives/Volume_1_Number_1/CurrentsV1N1WilsonP29article.pdfcfm?articleid=950 |formattitle=PDFIs Your Firm Ready for the Millennials? - Knowledge@Emory |publisher=Knowledge.emory.edu |date=2006-03-08 |accessdate=20092010-0508-1624 |quote=Bornborn between 1982 and 20032002}}</ref> 1982-1995 के बीच जन्म दर में अत्यधिक वृद्धि तथा इनमे से अधिकांश लोगो के बेबी बूमर (baby boomers) पीढ़ी की संतान होने के कारण, इस पीढ़ी के सदस्यों को ईको बूमर (Echo Boomers) कहा जाता है.<ref name="Marino 1">{{Cite news| first = Vivian | last = Marino | title = College-Town Real Estate: The Next Big Niche? | date = 2006-08-20 | publisher = The New York Times Company | url = http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/20/realestate/commercial/20sqft.html?fta=y | work = The New York Times | pages = 1 | accessdate = 2010-09-25 | quote = College enrollments have been on the rise as the baby boomers’ children — sometimes known as the “echo boom” generation — come of age. This group, born from 1982 to 1995, is about 80 million strong. }}</ref><ref name="Font size Print E-mail Share Page 1 of 2 By Rebecca Leung">{{Cite news|author=Font size Print E-mail Share Page 1 of 2 By Rebecca Leung |url=http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/10/01/60minutes/main646890.shtml |title=The Echo Boomers - 60 Minutes |publisher=CBS News |date=2005-09-04 |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref><ref name="Knoblach 1">{{Cite news| first = Jochen | last = Knoblach | title = Ein neues Spiel | date = 2006-01-21 | publisher = Berliner Verlag | url = http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung/archiv/.bin/dump.fcgi/2006/0121/sonderbeilagen/0035/index.html | work = Berliner Zeitung | pages = 1 | accessdate = 2010-09-25 | language = German | quote = Echo-Boomer-Generation nennen Marketing-Experten die neue Zielgruppe. Junge US-Amerikaner der Geburtsjahre 1982 bis 1995, die mit Videospielen aufgewachsen sind.}}</ref><ref>{{cite news | first = Stuart | last = Elliott | title = Selling New Wine in Millennial Bottles | date = 2010-10-25 | url = http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/25/business/media/25adnewsletter1.html | work = The New York Times | pages = 1–2 | accessdate = 2010-10-28 | quote = ...members of the generation known as millennials, Generation Y or echo boomers...That demographic cohort is generally defined as being composed of those born between 1982 and 1995.}}</ref> विकसित देशों ने छोटे परिवारों के प्रति 20वीं सदी के झुकाव को जारी रखा,<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://geography.about.com/od/populationgeography/a/babyboom.htm |title=Baby Boom - A History of the Baby Boom |publisher=Geography.about.com |date=1948-08-09 |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news| url=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/04/world/europe/04prague.html | work=The New York Times | title=European Union's Plunging Birthrates Spread Eastward | first=Elisabeth | last=Rosenthal | date=2006-09-04 | accessdate=2010-04-02}}</ref> और इसलिए "बेबी बूम ईको" की गूंज मूल बूम की तुलना में कहीं कम है.
{{Redirect|Millennial|the concept Millennialism|Millennialism}}
{{About|the demographic [[Cohort (statistics)|cohort]] (a group of subjects with a common defining characteristic) following [[Generation X]]}}
'''Y पीढ़ी''' जिसे '''सहस्त्राब्दी पीढ़ी''' (या '''मिलेनियल''' ),<ref name="r5">स्ट्रॉस, विलियम और होवे, नील. ''जेनरेशंस: द हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ अमेरिका फ्यूचर, 1584 टू 2069.'' पेरेनियल, 1992 (पुनर्मुद्रण). ISBN 0-688-11912-3 पीपी. 31, 327</ref><ref name="Shapira">{{Cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/05/AR2008070501599.html |title=What Comes Next After Generation X? |last=Shapira |first=Ian |date=2008-07-06 |work=Education |publisher=The Washington Post |pages=C01 |accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> '''जनरेशन नेक्स्ट (अगली पीढ़ी),''' <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.pbs.org/newshour/generation-next/index-old.html |title=The Online NewsHour: Generation Next |publisher=PBS |date= |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref> '''नेट जनरेशन,''' <ref>{{Cite web|last=Cheese |first=Peter |url=http://www.businessweek.com/managing/content/mar2008/ca20080313_241443.htm?campaign_id=rss_null |title=Netting the Net Generation |publisher=Businessweek.com |date=2008-03-13 |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref> '''इको बूमर''' <ref name="usa110605">{{Cite news|url=http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2005-11-06-gen-y_x.htm|title=Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude|last=Armour|first=Stephanie|date=2008-11-06|publisher=[[USA Today]]|accessdate=2009-11-27}}</ref> भी कहा जाता है, X पीढ़ी के बाद के जनसांख्यिकीय समूह को वर्णित करती है. चूंकि इस बारे में कोई सटीक तिथियां उपलब्ध नहीं है कि सहस्त्राब्दी पीढ़ी कब शुरू होती है और कब ख़त्म होती है, अतः टिप्पणीकारों ने इसके लिए 1970 के दशक के मध्य से<ref>
*{{Cite web|author=Stephanie F. Gardner |url=http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1636975 |title=Preparing for the Nexters |publisher=American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education |date=August 15, 2006 |accessdate=2010-08-24 |quote=born between 1976 and 1994}}
*{{Cite news| url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2008_August_19/ai_n28010685 | work=Business Wire | title=Gen Y Propels Need for Online Service Technologies & Talent | date=2008-08-19 |accessdate=2010-10-27 |quote=born between the years 1976 - 1990}}
*{{Cite news|url=http://www.furnituretoday.com/article/32227-Generation_Y_versus_Baby_Boomers.php|title=Generation Y versus Baby Boomers|last=French|first=Dana|date=2005-11-21|publisher=Furniture Today|accessdate=2009-11-27 |quote=Born between 1976 and 1994, more than one-third of Gen Y is still under 18.}}
*{{Cite news |url=http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/generation-y-turning-away-from-religion/2006/08/05/1154198378623.html|title=Generation Y turning away from religion|last=Price|first=Sarah|last2=Kass|first2=Susanna|date=2006-06-18|publisher=[[The Age]]|accessdate=2009-11-27 | location=Melbourne |quote=born between 1976 and 1990}}
*{{Cite web|url=http://www.usnews.com/blogs/new-money/2008/9/4/troubled-finances-of-the-young-and-restless.html |title=Troubled Finances of the Young and Restless - New Money |publisher=usnews.com |author=Katy Marquardt |date=2008-09-04 |accessdate=2010-08-24 |quote=born between 1976 and 1987}}</ ref> 2000 के दशक के प्रारंभ के बीच की जन्म तिथियों का प्रयोग किया है<ref>.
*{{Cite web|url=http://knowledge.emory.edu/article.cfm?articleid=950 |title=Is Your Firm Ready for the Millennials? - Knowledge@Emory |publisher=Knowledge.emory.edu |date=2006-03-08 |accessdate=2010-08-24 |quote=born between 1982 and 2002}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Tovar |first=Molly |date=August/September 2007 |title=Getting it Right: Graduate Schools Respond to the Millenial Challenge |journal=Communicator |volume=40 |issue=7 |page=1 |url=http://www.cgsnet.org/portals/0/pdf/comm_2007_08.pdf |accessdate=2008-08-29 |quote=born between 1982 and1994}}
* {{Cite news|url=http://www.businessweek.com/1999/99_07/b3616001.htm |title=Generation Y |last=Neuborne |first=Ellen |date=1999-02-15 |publisher=Business Week |accessdate=2009-05-17 |quote=Born during a baby bulge that demographers locate between 1979 and 1994}}
* {{cite journal | title = Sports Celebrity Influence on the Behavioral Intentions of Generation Y | journal = Journal of Advertising Research | date = 2004-05-12 | coauthors = Craig Martin, Alan Bush, VVictoria Bush | volume = 44 | issue = 1 | pages = 108–118| id = | url = http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayFulltext?type=1&fid=216393&jid=JAR&volumeId=44&issueId=01&aid=216391 | accessdate = 2010-10-28 | quote = those individuals born between 1977 and 1994}}
* {{Cite news|author=By Nadira A. Hira, Fortune writer-reporter |url=http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/05/28/100033934/ |title=Attracting the twentysomething worker. CNNMoney.com. May 15, 2007 |publisher=Money.cnn.com |date=2007-05-15 |accessdate=2010-08-24 |quote=for our purposes, those born between 1977 and 1995}}
* {{Cite web|url=http://www.alliancetrends.org/demographics-population.cfm?id=34 |title=Demographics / Population Trends |publisher=Alliancetrends.org |date= |accessdate=2010-08-24}}
* {{Cite news| url=http://www.theage.com.au/news/Education-News/Rise-of-the-millennials/2005/05/27/1117129892594.html | location=Melbourne | work=The Age | title=Rise of the millennials | date=2005-05-30 | first=Glyn | last=Davis}}
*{{Cite journal|title=How Generational Theory Can Improve Teaching: Strategies for Working with the "Millennials" |journal=Currents in Teaching and Learning |date=Fall 2008 |coauthors=Leslie E. Gerber, Mike Wilson |volume=1 |issue=1 |pages=29–44 |url=http://www.worcester.edu/Currents/Archives/Volume_1_Number_1/CurrentsV1N1WilsonP29.pdf |format=PDF |accessdate=2009-05-16 |quote=Born between 1982 and 2003}}</ref>1982-1995 के बीच जन्म दर में अत्यधिक वृद्धि तथा इनमे से अधिकांश लोगो के बेबी बूमर (baby boomers) पीढ़ी की संतान होने के कारण, इस पीढ़ी के सदस्यों को ईको बूमर (Echo Boomers) कहा जाता है.<ref name="Marino 1">{{Cite news| first = Vivian | last = Marino | title = College-Town Real Estate: The Next Big Niche? | date = 2006-08-20 | publisher = The New York Times Company | url = http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/20/realestate/commercial/20sqft.html?fta=y | work = The New York Times | pages = 1 | accessdate = 2010-09-25 | quote = College enrollments have been on the rise as the baby boomers’ children — sometimes known as the “echo boom” generation — come of age. This group, born from 1982 to 1995, is about 80 million strong. }}</ref><ref name="Font size Print E-mail Share Page 1 of 2 By Rebecca Leung">{{Cite news|author=Font size Print E-mail Share Page 1 of 2 By Rebecca Leung |url=http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/10/01/60minutes/main646890.shtml |title=The Echo Boomers - 60 Minutes |publisher=CBS News |date=2005-09-04 |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref><ref name="Knoblach 1">{{Cite news| first = Jochen | last = Knoblach | title = Ein neues Spiel | date = 2006-01-21 | publisher = Berliner Verlag | url = http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung/archiv/.bin/dump.fcgi/2006/0121/sonderbeilagen/0035/index.html | work = Berliner Zeitung | pages = 1 | accessdate = 2010-09-25 | language = German | quote = Echo-Boomer-Generation nennen Marketing-Experten die neue Zielgruppe. Junge US-Amerikaner der Geburtsjahre 1982 bis 1995, die mit Videospielen aufgewachsen sind.}}</ref><ref>{{cite news | first = Stuart | last = Elliott | title = Selling New Wine in Millennial Bottles | date = 2010-10-25 | url = http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/25/business/media/25adnewsletter1.html | work = The New York Times | pages = 1–2 | accessdate = 2010-10-28 | quote = ...members of the generation known as millennials, Generation Y or echo boomers...That demographic cohort is generally defined as being composed of those born between 1982 and 1995.}}</ref> विकसित देशों ने छोटे परिवारों के प्रति 20वीं सदी के झुकाव को जारी रखा,<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://geography.about.com/od/populationgeography/a/babyboom.htm |title=Baby Boom - A History of the Baby Boom |publisher=Geography.about.com |date=1948-08-09 |accessdate=2010-08-24}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news| url=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/04/world/europe/04prague.html | work=The New York Times | title=European Union's Plunging Birthrates Spread Eastward | first=Elisabeth | last=Rosenthal | date=2006-09-04 | accessdate=2010-04-02}}</ref> और इसलिए "बेबी बूम ईको" की गूंज मूल बूम की तुलना में कहीं कम है.
पीढ़ी की विशेषताएं सामाजिक और आर्थिक स्थितियों के आधार पर क्षेत्र के हिसाब से बदलती रहती हैं. हालांकि, आम तौर पर इसे संचार, मीडिया, और डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकी के बढ़ते प्रयोग और प्रचलन द्वारा पहचाना जाता है. दुनिया के अधिकांश हिस्सों में इसके विकास को राजनीति और अर्थशास्त्र के प्रति उदार दृष्टिकोण की वृद्धि द्वारा पहचाना गया था.<ref>{{Cite news| url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1132/is_1_54/ai_85700426/ | work=Monthly Review | title=Neoliberalism, the state, and the left: A Canadian perspective | year=2002}} {{Dead link|date=October 2010|bot=RjwilmsiBot}}</ref> इस माहौल के प्रभाव विवादित रहे हैं.<ref>{{Cite news| url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2007/jun/17/childrenofthemarket | work=The Guardian | location=London | title=Children of the market | date=2007-06-17 | accessdate=2010-04-02 | first=Jeremy | last=Seabrook}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news| url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/book-reviews/please-just-f-off-its-our-turn-now/2006/03/14/1142098435830.html | work=The Sydney Morning Herald | title=Please Just F* Off, It's Our Turn Now | date=2006-03-14}}</ref>
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{{Cultural gens}}
[[Category:सांस्कृतिक पीढ़ियां]]