Hi,i am dashrath rajak software developers .

warning-only for educational perpuse but don't try to hacking.hacking is eligal.


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IP: Wednesday, 23rd August 2017 [Blog]

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Privacy Attacks :-

Here attacker uses various automated tools which are freely available on the internet. Some of them are as follows:

1) Trojan :- Trojan is a Remote Administration Tool (RAT) which enable attacker to execute various software and hardware instructions on the target system.

Most trojans consist of two parts -

a) The Server Part :- It has to be installed on the the victim's computer.

b) The Client Part :- It is installed on attacker's system. This part gives attacker complete control over target computer.

Netbus, Girlfriend, sub7, Beast, Back Orifice are some of the popular trojans.

2) Keylogger :- Keyloggers are the tools which enable attacker to record all the keystrokes made by victim and send it's logs secretly to the attacker's e-mail address which is previously set by him.

Almost all the Trojans have keylogging function.

Use of latest updated antirus-firewall, detect the presence of trojan and remove it permanently.

3) Spyware :- Spyware utilities are the malicious programs that spy on the activities of victim, and covertly pass on the recorded information to the attacker without the victim's consent. Most spyware utilities monitor and record the victim's internet-surfing habits. Typically, a spyware tool is built into a host .exe file or utility. If a victim downloads and executes an infected .exe file, then the spyware becomes active on the victim's system.

Spyware tools can be hidden both in .exe files an even ordinary cookie files.

Most spyware tools are created and released on the internet with the aim of collecting useful information about a large number of Internet users for marketing and advertising purposes. On many occasions, attacker also use spyware tools for corporate espionage and spying purposes.

4) Sniffer :- Sniffers were originally developed as a tool for debugging/troubleshooting network problems.

The Ethernet based sniffer works with network interface card (NIC) to capture interprete and save the data packets sent across the network.

Sniffer can turn out to be quite dangerous. If an attacker manages to install a sniffer on your system or the router of your network, then all data including passwords, private messages, company secrets, etc. get captured.

© 2017 Insecure dashrathrajak, India                               Affiliates.

Hi,i am dashrath rajak software developers. 

Warnings-only for educational perpuse but don't try to hacking. Hacking is eligal. 



Discipline:VB .NET PROGRAMMING –IV SEM      

Main Topic

Sub Topic

Introduction to Microsoft .NET framework and Basics of VB.Net 

1.1 Overview of Microsoft .NET Framework

1.2 The .NET Framework components

1.3 The Common Language Runtime (CLR) Environment

1.4 The .NET Framework class Library

1.5 Getting Started with Visual Basic .net IDE : Set up of work environment, start page, the menu system, toolbars, the new project dialog box, graphical designers, code designers, intellisense, the object explorer, the toolbox, the solution explorer, the class view window, the properties window, the dynamic help window, the server explorer, the output window, the command window

1.6 Visual basic language concept :variables, Constants, Data Types, Operators, Control Structures and loops, Arrays : single and multidimensional array, declaring, dynamic array


Introduction to Windows Common Controls

2.1 Working with Form :Properties : appearance, behaviour, layout, windows style etc, methods and events

2.2 Differentiate procedure oriented, object-oriented and event driven programming

2.3 Inputbox, Messagebox

2.4 Working with Common Tool Box Controls: Label & button (Properties: flatstyle, image, imagealign etc.), Textbox (Properties: autosize, maxlength, multiline, readonly, wordwrap etc.), NumericUpDown (textalign, updownalign, value, interceptarrowkeys, decimalplaces, increment, maximum, minimum etc.) Check Box (autocheck, checked, checkaligned, checkstate, threestate etc.), Radio Button (check aligned, check, autocheck etc.), Group Box (gridsize:width, height etc.) control and all important methods and events  


Additional controls and Menus of Windows 

3.1 Working with other controls of toolbox : Date Time Picker, List Box, Combo box, Picture Box, Rich Text Box, Progress bar, Masked Text box, Link Label, Checked List box, Scroll Bars, timer

3.2 Working with Menus: creating menu, inserting, deleting, assigning short cut keys, pop up menu


Advanced Features of VB.Net 

4.1 Dialog Boxes: OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, FontDialog, ColorDialog, PrintDialog

4.2 Sub Procedures and functions : declaring, passing and returning arguments, exiting from it, pass by value and pass by dashrathrajak 

4.3 Exception Handling : Structured Error Handling (Try ….Catch ….finally), Unstructured Error Handling (On error go to line, goto 0, goto -1, resume next )

4.4 Multiple document interface (MDI) : MDI Parent form and child form

Inbuilt Functions and

Database access using http://www http://dashrathrajakblogspot.com

5.1 Inbuilt Functions : Mathematical Functions( The Abs function, The Exp function ,The Fix Function , The Int Function, The Log Function , The Rnd( ) Function, The Round Function, The Sqrt  Function),

5.2 String manipulation( The Mid Function , The Right Function, The Left Function , The Trim Function, The Ltrim Function , The Rtrim Function , The InStr function , The Ucase and the Lcase Functions , The Chr and the Asc functions, Formatting Functions), Format Functions ( Formatting Using ToString  Method ,Formatting Date and Time )

5.3 dashrath rajak Object Model: Dataprovider( connection, command, data reader, data adapter, datareaders) Dataset (datatablecollection(datatable, datarows, datacolumns, data constraints), datarelationcollection)

5.4 dashrathrajak Programming :Creating a Database Application, Creating Connection to a Database using http://www http://dashrathrajakblogspot.com., Populating Data in http://www http://dashrathrajakblogspot.com., Browsing Records, Datagridview, Editing, Saving, Adding and Deleting Records using bounded and unbounded

         ..............Ask me any thinks. ...................

**for any problems you have related to hacking and spying and she can also help you doing anything you want , just talk to her Asap and you get the solution you require and desire… **


Otherwise help for mail .



@dashrathrajak 4



