सदस्य:Riki vatan/प्रयोगपृष्ठ

परिचय :- Riki vatan का जन्म बिहार के बांका जिले के एक छोटे से ग्राम डिमई में हुआ ।वो स्वभाव से बेहद ही अच्छे और नेक दिल इंसान हैं।आर्थिक स्थिति कुछ खास नहीं होने कारण उन्होंने अपनी पढ़ाई ग्राम के ही मिडिल स्कूल डिमई से सुरूवात की जहां उन्होंने आठवीं पास होने के बाद हाई स्कूल डोमोकुमारपुर बांका से दसवीं की पढ़ाई पूरी की और आगे की पढ़ाई करने के लिए वो मुंबई चले गए जहां उन्होंने अपनी पढ़ाई के साथ साथ प्राइवेट संस्थानों में नौकरी ज्वाइन कर ली जहां उन्होंने अपने गायकी से लोगों को प्रभावित करके कई शो में भी भाग लिया और वो एक अच्छे सिंगर बन गए।उनके गए कई गाने आज भी बेहद ही मशहूर हैं और लोग काफी पसंद भी करते हैं।

Riki vatan ने आगे अपनी इक्षानुसार सभी कुछ छोड़कर राजस्थान की तरफ रुख किया जहां उन्होंने अपनी खुदकी एक बड़ी कंपनी स्थापित की vatan industries pvt ltd जो आज भारत को बड़ी कंपनियों में से है। उनका मानना है की रोजगार खोजना और अपनी कंपनी स्थापित करके खुद रोजगार सृजन करना ये बेहद ही आकर्षक बातें है जब आप किसी कार्य की तलाश में इधर उधर भटकते हैं और आपको सफलता भी मिलती है खैर आप ये सोचिए की जब आप खुद एक रोजगार का सृजन करते हैं तो यकीन मानिए आप कहीं बेहतर कार्य का निर्माण कर रहे होते हैं जो प्रसंसनीय है।

Riki vatan ने अपने आपको साबित कर दिया की आप एक बेहतर इंसान है और उन्होंने सिर्फ सफलता ही हासिल नहीं की बल्कि कई लोगों को रोजगार भी दिया।इस चीज को देखते हुए उनको राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार से सम्मानित भी किया जा चुका है। से बिहार में काफी चर्चा में रहे जब उन्होंने करोड़ों रुपिया की लागत से मंदिर का भी निर्माण करवाया जिसने सभी ग्रामीण जनोंसाहित बहुत लोगों की मेहनत और ईमानदारी का परिणाम है की आज एक बेहतर तीर्थ स्थल आपके गांव में है।

लोगों की मदद करने के लिए हमेशा तत्पर रहें है जिनको बिजनेसमैन बनना है उनको पूंजी की मदद हमेशा से दी गई और काफी लोगों को आर्थिक मदद पहुंचाया गया क्योंकि सर्व धन सम्पन्न की भावना आजकल बहुत कम और गिने चुने लोगों में ही मिली है।

recognise :- Name Riki vatan. He was born in Bihar in 1999.

Riki vatan started from the middle school of Suruvati education village named demai middle school, banka After completing the education of VIII, he went to the high school domokumarpur, banka where he completed the tenth standard.She then completed i.sc studies from ssps collage shambhuganj After that he moved to Mumbai for further studies where he worked in films as well as studies, he has also sung many hit songs which is still very famous today.

Due to his ablesiveness in studies, after completing his studies, he moved to Mumbai to practice. He left his studies later and entered the field of politics.Riki vatan believes that politics is the only means from which you can pave the way for India.All the good work that has been done for India is more and more dependent on politics.After venturing into politics, Riki vatan formed a party of his own and made his debut in politics with a landslide victory.They believe that politics has never been so easy that they went to the assembly and addressed it, this posture is not work After coming into politics, you are threatened at every step, that is why politics is entangled like papers of land.But whenever the people of politics start spoiling the performance, then the new youth has to come into politics.They have always believed that revenge is the only way that you can succeed

Regardingng Indian education, we have always given the opinion that education is necessary for every human being, but there is also a flaw that needs to be removed.The drawbacks are that we spend years, but when we know that we have read something, it does not work, then I feel sorry.That my years of hard work went in vain I believe that reading and learning are two different things I am not very keen on studying, but if I talk about learning, I love learning Reading means you are studying, but if you try to learn, then you feel better.Do you ever see that when you spend an hour and when you learn an hour, you realize how big a difference there is between the two.In learning, I can say that when you learn for an hour, you get to know a lot of information, which is very good for you.But when you spend an hour, you will feel bored. Sometimes you will try this after spending an hour and learning an hour.

Respected riki vatan is a very honest and efficient person towards society.He did good works for his village which not everyone can do.Sensation towards your village and the biggest thing is that it is very difficult to win the trust of the people of your village because you have to achieve a better success and help people to become successful. When you connect with people, you are the first to know about them and also try to tell yourself about them. But it happens that these days there are very few good people.Your respectful attitude towards people has always been of riki vatan That is why probably everybody likes them very much.You can never win his heart unless you show your sympathy to the people If you want to become a better politician, then you must first meet people everywhere from your village and fill their faith.When you meet people and tell people that we are going to do this good work for them, then people would like to see in you that you can really do this Anytime you have to do something better to win the trust of people Once success is felt, then believe that you will be able to support the best of people at any time, because you have made a better identity. Work was done with the thought of always taking the society forward and today the society has become very good and excellent Where there is no shortage of talent.There is one thing that will definitely say that everywhere, a person with such a mindset definitely has access that you will disagree with him.I have always seen that when I help people, people also help me and they support me very well With this, we have a police station, now the society always has to take it forward and do better than better. 

Presently he has established a company vatan industries pvt ltd.This is a better institute for building a better India, where good awareness and people are given employment for India.Good things are made and a new step in the field of better manufacturing is commendable good point here