परिचय का प्रतीक साँचा परिचय[देखें] [संपादन] [इतिहास] [पर्ज]

This template generates a clickable button that is styled using the mediawiki.ui.button module. It can be used in the following ways,

  • Code: {{Clickable button 2|Main Page}}
  • Code: {{Clickable button 2|Main Page|Cover page}}
  • Code: {{Clickable button 2|Home|url=http://en.wikipedia.org}}
  • Code: {{Clickable button 2|Main Page|class=mw-ui-constructive}}
  • Code: {{Clickable button 2|Main Page|class=mw-ui-destructive}}
  • Code: {{Clickable button 2|Main Page|class=mw-ui-progressive}}

Note that if a browser does not have JavaScript enabled then no button is displayed but the text will still be displayed.