Usage संपादित करें

This is a typing short cut for linking to Indian Navy ship articles named in the format "INS Mahé (M-83)". Since ship names are italicized in article text, linking to them in the usual manner means typing everything twice, such as [[INS Mahé (M-83)|INS ''Mahé'' (M-83)]]. This template halves that to {{INS|Mahé|M-83}}.

Formal usage संपादित करें

  • {{INS|Ship Name}}
  • {{INS|Ship Name|ID}}, where ID can be the hull number, launch year, or pennant number, as specified in the article title.

Examples संपादित करें

Template usage Equivalent wikicode Final result
{{INS|Mahé|M 83}} [[INS Mahé (M 83)|INS ''Mahé'' (M 83)]] आईएनएस Mahé (M 83)
{{INS|Mahé|1983}} [[INS Mahé (1983)|INS ''Mahé'' (1983)]] आईएनएस Mahé (1983)
{{INS|Mahé}} [[INS Mahé|INS ''Mahé'']] आईएनएस Mahé

Last example could be used to link to ship index (disambiguation) page

See also संपादित करें

साँचा:WPSHIPS shortcut templates