निर्माता {{{manufacturer}}}
डिजाइनर {{{designer}}}
मूल देश {{{country}}}
संचालक {{{operator}}}
अनुप्रयोग {{{applications}}}
विशेष विवरण
अंतरिक्ष यान प्रकार {{{spacecraft_type}}}
बस {{{spacecraft_bus}}}
नक्षत्र {{{constellation}}}
जीवन {{{design_life}}}
लॉन्च वजन {{{launch_mass}}}
शुष्क वजन {{{dry_mass}}}
भार क्षमता {{{payload_capacity}}}
चालक दल क्षमता {{{crew_capacity}}}
आकार {{{dimensions}}}
आयतन {{{volume}}}
शक्ति {{{power}}}
बैटरी {{{batteries}}}
उपकरण {{{equipment}}}
क्षेत्र {{{orbits}}}
स्थिति {{{status}}}
निर्माण {{{built}}}
आदेश पर {{{orders}}}
लॉन्च {{{launched}}}
परिचालन {{{operational}}}
अवकाश प्राप्त {{{retired}}}
विफल {{{failed}}}
गुम {{{lost}}}
प्रथम लांच {{{first}}}
अंतिम लांच {{{last}}}
अंतिम सेवानिवृत्ति {{{lastretired}}}
संबंधित अंतरिक्ष यान
से व्युत्पन्न {{{derivedfrom}}}
इस से व्युत्पन्न {{{derivatives}}}
Subsatellites {{{subsatellites}}}
Subsatellite of {{{subsatellite_of}}}
Flown with {{{flown_with}}}
← {{{previous}}} {{{next}}} →
परिचय का प्रतीक साँचा परिचय[देखें] [संपादन] [इतिहास] [पर्ज]

This template is intended for use on articles regarding:

  • Satellite constellations
  • Spacecraft buses or classes
  • Groups of satellites
{{Infobox spacecraft class
| name                 =
| image                = 
| image_size           = 
| image_alt            =
| image_caption        =
| निर्माता         =
| designer             =
| country              =
| operator             =
| applications         =

| spacecraft_type      =
| spacecraft_bus       = 
| constellation        =
| design_life          =
| launch_mass          =
| dry_mass             = 
| payload_capacity     = 
| crew_capacity        = 
| dimensions           = 
| volume               = 
| power                = 
| batteries            = 
| equipment            = 
| orbits               = 

| status               =
| built                =
| orders               =
| launched             = 
| operational          =
| retired              =
| failed               = 
| lost                 = 
| first                = 
| last                 = 
| lastretired          = 

<!--Related spacecraft-->
| derivedfrom          =
| derivatives          =
| subsatellites        =
| subsatellite_of      =
| flown_with           = <!--other non-derived or non-subsatellite craft (e.g. Gemini Target Vehicle, Apollo Lunar Module)-->

| insignia             = 
| insignia_size        = 
| insignia_alt         = 
| insignia_caption     = 

<!--image at bottom of infobox-->
| bottom_image         = 
| bottom_image_size    = 
| bottom_image_alt     = 
| bottom_image_caption = 

| previous             =
| next                 =