सैन्य अधिकृत
सैन्य अधिकृत, अक्सर केवल कब्जा (English: Military Occupation) , औपचारिक संप्रभुता के दावे के बिना, एक क्षेत्र पर एक शासक शक्ति द्वारा अनंतिम नियंत्रण होता है[1][2][3][4]। उस क्षेत्र को तब अधिकृत क्षेत्र और शासन शक्ति कब्जा करने वाले के रूप में जाना जाता है[5] । अपने इच्छित अस्थायी अवधि से अधिकृत को विलय और उपनिवेशवाद से अलग किया जाता है[4] [6]। जबकि एक कब्जाधारी अपने प्रशासन को सुविधाजनक बनाने के लिए कब्जे वाले क्षेत्र में एक औपचारिक सैन्य सरकार स्थापित कर सकता है, यह कब्जे के लिए एक आवश्यक पूर्व शर्त नहीं है[7]।
संपादित करें- ↑ A Roberts. Prolonged Military Occupation: The Israeli-Occupied Territories Since 1967 - Am. J. Int'l L., 1990, p. 47.
- ↑ Eyāl Benveniśtî. The international law of occupation. Princeton University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-691-12130-3, ISBN 978-0-691-12130-7, p. 43
- ↑ Eyal Benvenisti (23 February 2012). The International Law of Occupation. OUP Oxford. पृ॰ 56. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 978-0-19-163957-9.
The conditions that define when occupation begins also identify when it ends. Obviously, occupation can end in a number of ways: with the loss of effective control, namely when the occupant is no longer capable of exercising its authority; through the genuine consent of the sovereign (the ousted government or an indigenous one) by the signing of a peace agreement; or by transferring authority to an indigenous government endorsed by the occupied population through referendum and which has received international recognition.
- ↑ अ आ David M. Edelstein. 2004. "Occupational Hazards: Why Military Occupations Succeed or Fail." International Security.
- ↑ Fabre, Cécile. "Living with the enemy: the ethics of belligerent occupation" (PDF). मूल (PDF) से 2018-11-30 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 2018-11-30.
- ↑ Stirk, Peter (2009). The Politics of Military Occupation. Edinburgh University Press. पृ॰ 44. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 9780748636716.
The significance of the temporary nature of military occupation is that it brings about no change of allegiance. Military government remains an alien government whether of short or long duration, though prolonged occupation may encourage the occupying power to change military occupation into something else, namely annexation
- ↑ Roberts, Adam (1985). "What is a Military Occupation?". British Yearbook of International Law. 55: 249–305. डीओआइ:10.1093/bybil/55.1.249.