विशेषज्ञता-क्षेत्र (Specialty)
क्या काम करते हैं
संज्ञाहरणविज्ञानी (Anesthesiologist) |
संज्ञाहरणविज्ञान (Anesthesiology) |
शल्यक्रिया करने से पहले रोगी को दर्दनिवारक (विशेषतः संवेदनाहारी दवा) देता है ताकि रोगी को नींद लग जाय।
मोटापाविज्ञानी |
Bariatrics |
उन रोगियों की चिकित्सा करता है जो मोटे हो गे हों।
हृदरोगविज्ञनी |
हृदरोगविज्ञान (Cardiology) |
हृदय तथा हृदयवाहिका तंत्र से सम्बन्धित रोगों की चिकित्सा
चर्मरोगविज्ञानी |
चर्मरोगविज्ञान (Dermatology) |
Treat skin disorders, skin cancer, and other problems with the skin
आकस्मिक चिकित्साविज्ञानी |
आकस्मिक चिकित्सा (Emergency medicine) |
Treat medical emergencies and patients who come into the emergency room
अन्तःस्रावविज्ञानी |
अन्तःस्राविकी (Endocrinology) |
Specialize in the endocrine system (which helps control hormones)
जठरांत्ररोगविज्ञानी |
जठरांत्ररोगविज्ञान (Gastroenterology) (GI) |
Specialize in the gastrointestinal tract and problems with it
जराविज्ञानी |
जराविद्या (Gerontology) |
Treat elderly people; specialize in understanding the way people's bodies change when they get older and how medical treatments might have to be different for them
स्त्रीरोग विज्ञानी |
स्त्रीरोग विज्ञान (Gynecology) |
Treat and try to prevent problems with women's reproductive systems
तंत्रिकाविज्ञानी |
तंत्रिकाविज्ञान (Neurology) |
Deal with problems in the nervous system – the brain, nerves, and spinal cord
प्रसूतिविज्ञानी |
प्रसूतिविज्ञान (Obstetrics) |
Help women give birth
अर्बुदविज्ञानी |
अर्बुदविज्ञान ([Oncology) |
Treat cancer. Different kinds of oncologists specialize in treating different kinds of cancer.
बालरोगविज्ञानी |
बालचिकित्सा (Pediatrics) |
Treat children with all kinds of illnesses; specialize in knowing how children's bodies are different from adults, and how medical treatments may be different for them
मनोविकारविज्ञानी |
मनोविकारचिकित्सा (Psychiatry) |
Treat mental illnesses; try to help people deal with stressful situations
फुफ्फुसविज्ञानी |
फुफ्फुसविज्ञान (Pulmonology) |
Treat problems with the lungs, like asthma or emphysema
विकिरणविज्ञानी |
विकिरणविज्ञान (Radiology) |
Take and read X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and other body scans; give radiation therapy for some cancers