विकिपीडिया:पृष्ठ हटाने हेतु चर्चा/लेख/वीभत्स
- निम्न चर्चा नीचे लिखे पृष्ठ के प्रस्तावित विलोपन का पुरालेख है। कृपया इसमें बदलाव न करें। अनुवर्ती टिप्णियाँ उपयुक्त वार्ता पृष्ठ पर करनी चाहिए (जैसे कि लेख का वार्ता पृष्ठ)। इस पृष्ठ पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई संपादन नहीं होना चाहिए।
परिणाम: रखा --☆★संजीव कुमार (✉✉) 15:59, 11 फ़रवरी 2015 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
वीभत्स (संपादन|वार्ता|इतिहास|कड़ियाँ|ध्यान रखें|लॉग)
वीभत्स -विकिपीडिया -wikipedia के लिये गूगल परिणाम: खोज • समाचार • पुस्तक • विद्वान •
नामांकन के लिये कारण:
research work filled with only claims and no proof attached Darth Whale वार्ता 20:23, 25 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- रखें। अपने थोड़े बहुत ज्ञान के आधार पर मैं कह सकता हूँ कि यह मूल शोध नहीं है। नाट्य एवं कला शास्त्र में वीभत्स रस के बारे में मैंने सुना है। इस लेख को स्रोतहीन का टैग लगाकर रखा जा सकता है। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण एवं ज्ञानकोशीय विषय है। --मनोज खुराना 12:31, 26 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- @Manojkhurana: even i can claim that you are an alien and create a page in which i can state that you are an alien.....but wikipedia is not based on claims......wikipedia needs sources and references.....just on bases of claims we can create a billion pages but whole concept of wikipedia is reference and source......i strongly suggest you to attach some reference to it if not support the removal of that page as we need references.......even 1 valid and correct reference which is not from a blog is enough..... Darth Whale वार्ता 14:37, 26 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- @Sushilmishra: - What's the harm in keeping this article with स्रोतहीन tag? We are only very few people here & we can not be masters of everything. If few members vouch that this article is worth keeping, then we have to have trust. Wikipedia is standing on good faith, after all. I have tried to add categories & a template into this article with the best of my knowledge & efforts. These days I'm too pressed for time & I am extremely sorry I can't go beyond that. I have given my opinion in this चर्चा & it is upon the learned community to decide further. Whatever the community will decide is acceptable to me. I do trust you all. --मनोज खुराना 15:42, 26 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- @Manojkhurana: if you start keeping article with स्रोतहीन tag then none of the article should be deleted and all article which are nominated for deletion we can add स्रोतहीन tag and keep it.....am i correct??.....and soon all pages on hindi wikipedia will have स्रोतहीन tag.......in such case will such wikipedia be of any worth where majority of pages are with स्रोतहीन tag??......i agree that we are few people here but even when we are few we cant make 1 perfect page......author cant find 1 proper reference and then fight here claiming it is correct......if it is correct and true then there should be atleast 1 correct reference isnt it?........i remind you again wikipedia is not made on claims it is made on proper references which are not from blog.....if we start making pages based on claims then later you might make a page claiming you are direct great great great grand son of emperor ashoka........and khurana saab you lack time to attach reference but it seems you have enough time to reply here........... Darth Whale वार्ता 16:31, 26 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- @Sushilmishra: - What's the harm in keeping this article with स्रोतहीन tag? We are only very few people here & we can not be masters of everything. If few members vouch that this article is worth keeping, then we have to have trust. Wikipedia is standing on good faith, after all. I have tried to add categories & a template into this article with the best of my knowledge & efforts. These days I'm too pressed for time & I am extremely sorry I can't go beyond that. I have given my opinion in this चर्चा & it is upon the learned community to decide further. Whatever the community will decide is acceptable to me. I do trust you all. --मनोज खुराना 15:42, 26 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- @Manojkhurana: even i can claim that you are an alien and create a page in which i can state that you are an alien.....but wikipedia is not based on claims......wikipedia needs sources and references.....just on bases of claims we can create a billion pages but whole concept of wikipedia is reference and source......i strongly suggest you to attach some reference to it if not support the removal of that page as we need references.......even 1 valid and correct reference which is not from a blog is enough..... Darth Whale वार्ता 14:37, 26 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- Pls. Check - en:Sringara --मनोज खुराना 07:07, 27 दिसम्बर 2014 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- ऊपर की चर्चा इस पृष्ठ पर हुए विचार-विमर्श का पुरालेख है। कृपया इसमें किसी तरह का बदलाव न करें। अनुवर्ती टिप्णियाँ उपयुक्त वार्ता पृष्ठ पर करनी चाहिए (जैसे कि लेख का वार्ता पृष्ठ या पृष्ठ हटाने हेतु चर्चा का वार्ता पृष्ठ)। इस पृष्ठ पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई संपादन नहीं होना चाहिए।