पंक्ति 51:
Whenशुजाउद्दौला Shuja-ud-Daulahजब diedमरे heतो leftउन्होंने two millionअपने [[pounds sterlingज़नाना|ज़नाने]] buriedमें in२० the vaults of theलाख [[zenanaपाउंड स्टर्लिंग]]. Theदफ़नाए widowहुए andछोड़े motherहुए ofथे। theमृत deceasedराजकुमार princeकी claimedविधवा the wholeउनकी ofमाँ thisने treasureइस underएक theऐसी termsवसीयत ofके aआधार willपर whichपूरे wasखजाने neverकी produced.मालिकियत Whenका Warrenदावा Hastingsकिया, pressedजो theकभी nawabसामने forआई theही paymentनहीं। ofजब debtवारेन dueहेस्टिंग्स toने theनवाब से [[Britishब्रिटिश Eastईस्ट Indiaइंडिया Companyकंपनी]] को बकाया रकम की माँग की, heतो उन्होंने अपनी माँ से २६ लाख रुपए का उधार माँगा, और इसके एवज में उन्होंने उनको इसके चार गुना दाम की [[जागीर]] दी obtained from his mother a loan of 26 lakh (2.6 million) [[rupee]]s, for which he gave her a [[jagir]] (land) of four times the value; of subsequently obtained 30 lakh (3 million) more in return for a full acquittal, and the recognition of her jagirs without interference for life by the Company. These jagirs were afterwards confiscated on the ground of the begum's complicity in the rising of Chai Singh, which was attested by documentary evidence, as the evidence now available seems to show that Warren Hastings did his best throughout to rescue the nawab from his own incapacity, and was inclined to be lenient to the begums.
==राजधानी का स्थानांतरण==