Amgaon Bada situated at 22.8588° N, 79.0604° E, is a village with the population of 5659 as per 2011 census, with 48.3% female population. It has got 73.8% literacy rate. It comes under tahsil Kareli of District Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. It is the biggest village in Narsinghpur district as per population as well as area.

It is well known in the area as it is the birth place of Late Pandit Kunjilal Dubey, who was one of the freedom fighters who fought to get us freedom. Amgaon Bada has around 10 primary schools government and private , 5 higher secondary schools and one college, which is at a distence of 5 kms from the village. It also 2 banks and 2 ATMs, it has got a post office with postal code 487225. And this village is open deification free. Here most of the people are engaged in farming or farming related works. It is well connected with road and railways . As Kareli railway station is 7 kms from the village.

This village is sometimes called as Dharmik village. Because there are many temples in this village and more or less 2 to 3 dharmik programs takes place every month. Many big programs have also been organised in this village like Gajrath { of jainism} , 251 idols of devis were establishment in navratri, and Ganesh idol establishment at Ganesh Chaturthi. Every festival in this village is celebrated with full enthusiasm either it is Holi , Diwali or EID.

Here main language is Hindi and almost 98% people are hindu.

This village is the hub of 15-20 small villages nearby. As it has got every nessesary thing you want, it has got a big market with every thing available. There are many tourist places nearby like Chougan Kila ( 5 kms from Amgaon} , Mad Ke Mahadev (10 kms) , Dilheri (a hilly area with a kila,4 kms) ,and many more like them.

अनुक्रम संपादित करें


Demographics of Amgaon Bada[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Hindi is the Local Language here.

HOW TO REACH Amgaon Bada[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

By Rail[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Kareli Rail Way Station , Karapgaon Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Amgaon Bada.How ever Jabalpur Rail Way Station is major railway station 106 KM near to Amgaon Bada

Schools in Amgaon Bada[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Saraswati Sm Amgaon Bada Address : amgaon bada , kareli , narsimhapur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 487225 , Post - Amgaon Bada

Vivekanand Bv Amgaon Bada

Address : amgaon bada , kareli , narsimhapur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 487225 , Post - Amgaon Bada

Kunjilal Dubey Vidya. Amgaonbada

Address : amgaon bada , kareli , narsimhapur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 487225 , Post - Amgaon Bada

Saraswati Gm Amgaon Bada

Address : amgaon bada , kareli , narsimhapur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 487225 , Post - Amgaon Bada

Gbms Amgaon Bada

Address : amgaon bada , kareli , narsimhapur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 487225 , Post - Amgaon Bada

BusStation in Amgaon Bada,Kareli[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Bus Stand[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

NH 26; Ganesh Ward; Kareli; Madhya Pradesh 487221; India

Old Narsinghpur Bus Depot[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Narsinghpur; Madhya Pradesh 487001; India

New Bus Stand Narsinghpur[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Narsinghpur; Madhya Pradesh 487001; India

ATMs in Amgaon Bada,Kareli[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

487221[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Kareli; Madhya Pradesh 487221; India

Unian Bank ATM[संपादित करें] संपादित करें

Kareli; Madhya Pradesh 487221; India

thanks ...abhishek rajput amgaon bada king