Ayush patel
Ayush Chitrkar
जन्म 17/10/2000
Narsinghpur,(Madhya Pradesh)
राष्ट्रीयता Indian

Ayush Chitrkar is a potrait , full figure ,tribal ,collage, morden art ,and versatile art. artist from Narsinghpur (Madhya Pradesh).

Biography संपादित करें

Ayush patel belongs to a farmer community of Narsinghpur District, Madhya Pradesh. he was born in the village of Chhattarpur, in the family of farmer. Ayush was interested in painting since childhood got the inspiration for it from his father. His father was also interested in painting and because of his responsibilities, he gave up his art and he started running his family business.

Ayush patel
Ayush Chitrkar

Style संपादित करें

Aayush Chitrakaar's work is mainly related to full figure, copy art, portrait or collage, but there is an inherent rawness in handling scenes. Along with this, he also works on tribal paintings as well as paintings of different styles or he uses dark colors in his paintings and the strokes are also visible in his paintings. He believes that there are no limits to what a painter can do and he can make it important from any object or any technique.

Ayush Chitrkar