उपयोग संपादित करें

साधारण उपयोग संपादित करें

{{Infobox tropical cyclone
| name          = 
| basin         = <!-- Enter one: Atl, EPac, WPac, NIO, SWI, Aus, SPac (see [[Tropical cyclone basins]]) -->
| image         = <!-- filename only -->
| caption       = 
| formed        = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| dissipated    = <!-- {{end date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| extratropical = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| remnant low   = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| post-tropical = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 1-min winds   = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| 3-min winds   = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| 10-min winds  = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| gusts         = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| pressure      = <!-- in mbar (hPa), number only -->
| fatalities    = 
| damages       = 
| affected      = 
| cycloneseason = 

सक्रिय तूफ़ान संपादित करें

{{Infobox tropical cyclone
| name           = 
| basin          = <!-- Enter one: Atl, EPac, WPac, NIO, SWI, Aus, SPac (see [[Tropical cyclone basins]]) -->
| image          = <!-- filename only -->
| caption        = 
| formed         = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| dissipated     = <!--leave blank until storm ends, then use {{end date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| extratropical  = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| remnant low    = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 1-min winds    = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| 3-min winds    = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| 10-min winds   = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| gusts          = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| pressure       = <!-- in mbar (hPa) (other units will display automatically) -->
| fatalities     = 
| damages        = <!-- Cost of damage in pure number form (in USD, unless currency specified) -->
| year           = <!-- year used for damages figure -->
| currency       = <!-- currency used for damages. Use the [[ISO 4217]] currency code (ex. USD, AUD, JPY) -->
| affected       = <!-- Areas affected -->
| cycloneseason  = <!-- link to season article (ex. [[2014 Pacific typhoon season]]) -->
<!-- Remove these after storm has ended -->
| track         = <!-- storm tracking image filename -->
| track_caption = <!-- Caption below tracking map. defaults to "Forecast map" -->
| time          = <!-- current time used for data (give both local and UTC) -->
| location      = <!-- {{Coord|LAT|LONG|type:event|display=inline}}  (set "display=inline,title" if used on a main article for the storm) -->
| movement      = <!-- direction and speed of movement -->
| mainarticle   = <!-- Page name of the main storm article (helpful when infobox used in season articles) -->

पूराने तूफ़ान का पूर्ण उपयोग संपादित करें

{{Infobox tropical cyclone
| name          = 
| basin         = <!-- Enter one: Atl, EPac, WPac, NIO, SWI, Aus, SPac (see [[Tropical cyclone basins]]) -->
| type          = <!-- Manual entry of minor storm type (ex. Tropical depression, Tropical storm, Subtropical storm) -->
| category      = <!-- (use only if outside the above basins) manual entry of heading colors, see [[Template:Storm colour]] -->
| image         = 
| alt           = 
| caption       = 
| formed        = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| dissipated    = <!--leave blank until storm ends, then use {{end date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| extratropical = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| remnant low   = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| post-tropical = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| duration      = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 1-min prefix  = 
| 1-min winds   = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| 3-min prefix  = 
| 3-min winds   = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| 10-min prefix = 
| 10-min winds  = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| gustspre      = <!-- text to display before gusts, eg: <,≤,>,≥ -->
| gusts         = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| pressurepre   = <!-- text to display before pressure, eg: <,≤,>,≥ -->
| pressure      = <!-- in mbar (hPa) -->
| pressurepost  = <!-- text to display below pressure, eg: "world record" -->
| fatalities    = 
| damagespre    = 
| damages       = <!-- Cost of damage in pure number form (in USD, unless currency specified) -->
| year          = <!-- year used for damages figure -->
| currency      = <!-- currency used for damages. Use the [[ISO 4217]] currency code (ex. USD, AUD, JPY) -->
| damagespost   = 
| affected      = <!-- Areas affected -->
| misc          = <!-- Additional relevant information not covered by other sections -->
| cycloneseason = <!-- link to season article (ex. [[2014 Pacific typhoon season]]) -->
| series        = 
| related       = 
| mainarticle   = <!-- Page name of the main storm article (helpful when infobox used in season articles) -->

उदाहरण संपादित करें

चक्रवात अम्फन
महा चक्रवाती तूफान (आईएमडी पैमाना)
श्रेणी 5 उष्णकटिबंधीय चक्रवात (SSHWS)
18 मई को अम्फन चक्रवात अपनी चरम तीव्रता पर
गठनमई 16, 2020 (2020-05-16)
व्यस्तमई 21, 2020 (2020-05-21)
उच्चतम हवाएं3-मिनट निरंतर : 240 किमी/घंटा (150 मील प्रति घंटा)
1-मिनट निरंतर : 260 किमी/घंटा (160 मील प्रति घंटा)
सबसे कम दबाव920 hPa (mbar); 27.17 inHg
नुकसान$13.6 billion (2020 USD)
प्रभावित क्षेत्रभारत (पश्चिम बंगाल, ओडिशा, अंडमान निकोबार), बांग्लादेश, श्रीलंका, भूटान
2020 उत्तर हिंद महासागर चक्रवात मौसम का हिस्सा
{{Infobox tropical cyclone 
| name          = चक्रवात अम्फन
| type          = चक्रवात
| basin         = NIO
| image         = Amphan_2020-05-18_0745Z.jpg
| caption       = 18 मई को अम्फन चक्रवात अपनी चरम तीव्रता पर
| formed        = {{start date|2020|05|16}}
| dissipated    = {{end date|2020|05|21}}
| 3-min winds   = 130 
| 1-min winds   = 140 
| pressure      = 920
| year          = 2020
| damages       = 13600
| fatalities    = 128 
| affected      = [[भारत]] ([[पश्चिम बंगाल]], [[ओडिशा]], [[अंडमान निकोबार]]), [[बांग्लादेश]], [[श्रीलंका]], [[भूटान]]
| cycloneseason = 2020 उत्तर हिंद महासागर चक्रवात मौसम 
वर्तमान तूफान की स्थिति
आंधी  (JMA)
वर्तमान तूफान की स्थिति
श्रेणी 4 आंधी (1-min mean)
उपग्रह छवि
Forecast map
As of:18:00 UTC, September 3
स्थान:21°12′N 136°06′E / 21.2°N 136.1°E / 21.2; 136.1 (हेशेन)
580 समुद्री मील (1,075 कि॰मी॰; 665 मील) ESE of Kadena Air Base, Okinawa
निरंतर हवाएँ:85 नॉट (155 किमी/घंटा; 100 मील/घंटा) (10-min mean)
125 नॉट (230 किमी/घंटा; 145 मील/घंटा) (1-min mean)
gusting to 120 नॉट (220 किमी/घंटा; 140 मील/घंटा)
दबाव:920 है॰पास्कल (27.17 पारा के इंच)
गति:W 9 नॉट (17 किमी/घंटा; 10 मील/घंटा)
See more detailed information.
Janm 7/Testcat