Sunil bishnoi Youth icon Social Activist


Sunil bishnoi social worker activist  social media influencer Belongs from Nagaur tehsil Nagaur district Nagaur Rajasthan. Sunil started work at the age of 15 for the betterment of the people, providing shoes and slippers to the needy, providing clothes, food items, copy pens for children, solving the problems of the people, visiting the village village to meet the people. taking problems to the government.

Sunil is also working continuously for better environment, so far many trees have been planted in the surrounding areas.

Sunil is also a freelancer news reporter .

People were so inspired about this work, they were impressed. Seeing that, thousands of millions of people started following Sunil's social media such as Twitter Instagram Facebook  and many more social media platforms Along with social work,  

Since the age of 25, he is getting so much love and blessings from the people of the country, Work should be done in such a way that it settles in the hearts of the people.