संक्षिप्त रूप {{{acronym}}}
मालिक {{{owner}}}
स्थापित {{{established}}}
मुख्यालय {{{headquarters}}}
कर्मचारी {{{employees}}}
प्राथमिक अंतरिक्ष बंदरगाह {{{spaceport}}}
आदर्श वाक्य {{{motto}}}
प्रशासक {{{administrator}}}
बजट {{{budget}}}
आधिकारिक भाषा(एं) {{{language}}}
वेबसाइट {{{URL}}}
{{Infobox space agency
|name          =
|native_name   =
|image         =
|size          =
|caption       =
|acronym       =
|owner         =
|established   =
|headquarters  =
|employees     =
|spaceport     =
|motto         =
|administrator =
|budget        =
|language      =
|URL           =
|seal          = 
|seal_size     =
|seal_cap      =
European Space Agency
Agence spatiale européenne
संक्षिप्त रूप
  • ESA
  • ASE
स्थापित 1975
मुख्यालय Paris, Île-de-France, France
प्राथमिक अंतरिक्ष बंदरगाह Guiana Space Centre
प्रशासक Jean-Jacques Dordain
बजट वृद्धि €4.28 billion / £3.64 billion / US$5.51 billion (2013)
आधिकारिक भाषा(एं) English, French, and German
वेबसाइट www.esa.int/ESA
{{Infobox space agency
|name         = European Space Agency
|native_name  = Agence spatiale européenne
|image        = Example.jpg
|size         = 240px
|acronym      = {{hlist|class=nowrap |ESA |ASE}}
|owner        = <!-- start collapsible list of European member states -->
{{Collapsible list
  |titlestyle = background-color: #f9f9f9; text-align: left; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.3em;
  |liststyle  = padding: 6px 0; background-color: none; text-align: left;
  |framestyle = line-height: 2.0em; border: none; padding: 0;
  |title      = 20 European states 
  |{{flag|Czech Republic}}
  | {{flagicon|Switzerland}}  [[Switzerland]]
  |{{flag|United Kingdom}}
<!-- end of collapsible list -->
|established   = 1975
|headquarters  = [[Paris]], [[Île-de-France]], France
|spaceport     = [[Guiana Space Centre]]
|administrator = [[Jean-Jacques Dordain]] 
|budget        = {{profit}} €4.28 billion / £3.64 billion / US$5.51 billion (2013)
|language      = [[English language|English]], [[French language|French]], and [[German language|German]]
|URL           = {{URL|http://www.esa.int/ESA}}