विकिपीडिया:पृष्ठ हटाने हेतु चर्चा/लेख/नास्तिक नेशन
- निम्न चर्चा नीचे लिखे पृष्ठ के प्रस्तावित विलोपन का पुरालेख है। कृपया इसमें बदलाव न करें। अनुवर्ती टिप्पणियाँ उपयुक्त वार्ता पृष्ठ पर करनी चाहिए (जैसे कि लेख का वार्ता पृष्ठ)। इस पृष्ठ पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई संपादन नहीं होना चाहिए।
परिणाम: हटाया। अजीत कुमार तिवारी बातचीत 08:20, 16 जनवरी 2024 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- नास्तिक नेशन (संपादन|वार्ता|इतिहास|कड़ियाँ|ध्यान रखें|लॉग)
- नास्तिक नेशन -विकिपीडिया -wikipedia के लिये गूगल परिणाम: खोज • समाचार • पुस्तक • विद्वान •
नामांकन के लिये कारण:
उल्लेखनीयता संदिग्ध मनोहर (वार्ता) 11:24, 31 दिसम्बर 2023 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- उल्लेखनीय नहीं है, हटा देना चाहिए। ☆★संजीव कुमार (✉✉) 12:00, 31 दिसम्बर 2023 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- Dear संजीव ji, This is an interesting topic for a significant minority. It is not a subject of majority of the population. Yet a singnificant number of people search for it. And Google itself has given a knowledge panel for this, because of this traffic. You may pls check out the Google knowledge panel. Google gives this only on significant traffic or search volume for this. The books pulished by it are very popular around the world. It was not available in Hindi other than from this source. Year after year people search for these titles. Also it has published more books that are not mentioned in the article, to avoid expressing too much. Yet these books are also very popular around the world. So considering its pan-Indian presence, kinldy consider to include in the Hindi Wikipedia. Wikipedia has a lot of article spreding superstions, only on account of being famous. So a balacing of some kind is also is like doing justice to some sujects. Kannansivaram (वार्ता) 08:43, 2 जनवरी 2024 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- हटाएं - अनुल्लेखनीय एवं ल5. खराब मशीनी अनुवाद Sarangem (वार्ता) 17:33, 1 जनवरी 2024 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- Dear Wiki editor,
- This is an interesting topic for a significant minority. It is not a subject of majority of the population. Yet a singnificant number of people search for it. And Google itself has given a knowledge panel for this, because of this traffic. You may pls check out the Google knowledge panel. Google gives this only on significant traffic or search volume for this. The books pulished by it are very popular around the world. It was not available in Hindi other than from this source. Year after year people search for these titles. Also it has published more books that are not mentioned in the article, to avoid expressing too much. Yet these books are also very popular around the world. So considering its pan-Indian presence, kinldy consider to include in the Hindi Wikipedia. Wikipedia has a lot of article spreding superstions, only on account of being famous. So a balacing of some kind is also is like doing justice to some sujects. Kannansivaram (वार्ता) 08:45, 2 जनवरी 2024 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- हटायें - अनुल्लेखनीय। --SM7--बातचीत-- 19:49, 6 जनवरी 2024 (UTC)[उत्तर दें]
- ऊपर की चर्चा इस पृष्ठ पर हुए विचार-विमर्श का पुरालेख है। कृपया इसमें किसी तरह का बदलाव न करें। अनुवर्ती टिप्पणियाँ उपयुक्त वार्ता पृष्ठ पर करनी चाहिए (जैसे कि लेख का वार्ता पृष्ठ या पृष्ठ हटाने हेतु चर्चा का वार्ता पृष्ठ)। इस पृष्ठ पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई संपादन नहीं होना चाहिए।