यह पृष्ठ द केरल स्टोरी लेख के सुधार पर चर्चा करने के लिए वार्ता पन्ना है। यदि आप अपने संदेश पर जल्दी सबका ध्यान चाहते हैं, तो यहाँ संदेश लिखने के बाद चौपाल पर भी सूचना छोड़ दें।

लेखन संबंधी नीतियाँ

Many pakistani and Indian muslims who supports isis alqeda editing this articles for hiding the truth

संपादित करें

i see many Islamic extremists in other kerala story page too. They trying to portray this film is totally wrong as per supreme court but supreme court never said that. Even they are saying kerala parties are opposing but in past CM of congress and left party said kerala will become islamic state in few years. Judge of kerala high court said about love jihad. From last few months there r many thousands of cases are going on in india. These extremists doing this from many decades in all part of India nd other parts of world too..i can see many pakistani bangladeshi vandalise this articles with fake statements. They are saying this is Islam phobia but in reality we are talking about isis alqeda Boko haram etc who r against humanity but they want to support this kind of mentality because they want gajwa e hind as we can see many videos where they mention clearly we want india to be islamic state. Parveen240290 (वार्ता) 20:50, 4 जून 2023 (UTC)उत्तर दें

उद्धरण चाहिए मुरही (वार्ता) 08:58, 15 जून 2023 (UTC)उत्तर दें
पृष्ठ "द केरल स्टोरी" पर वापस जाएँ।