Icon My contrubutions to WIkipedia

I generally work on Many Indic wikis like Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, English, Hindi Wiktionary.My main contributions are following-

  • Developing and Maintenance of Devanagari tool
  • I did many technical implementation on hindi Wikipedia Which include establishment of many user groups like Sr. User, Interface Admin, Eliminator, Reviewer, Patroller, AutoPatrolled, Abusefilter manager, Rollbacker, Flood, Botadmin, Filemover.
  • I made many Abusefilters, nearly all first 79 filters are created by me.
  • I installed many gadget on Hindi WIkipedia, it was the first Indic Wiki to have such gadget facility, nearly all gadget were brought by me in this project.
  • I maintained Devanagari tool for Hindi Wikipedia when it was transfered to vector theme hindi wiki was one of the first to have this tool in vector theme.
  • I maintained Common.js and Common.css files to improve interface this wikiproject.
  • I brought many tools Twinkle and Huggle to this Wiki project.
  • Many good user were promoted me to special groups.
  • I brought Wikilove, Quiz, Abuse filter and Flag rev extensions to this Wiki and maintained them as well.
  • I brought Media wiki bot नया सदस्य सन्देश on this Wiki which have delivered thousand of welcome messages to new users talk page
  • My Contributions in Wikimedia Projects till 20/11/2011-
Local wiki Edit count Local groups
hiwiki 500446 Former abusefilter, Former autopatrolled, Former bureaucrat, Former import, Former interface_editor, Former sysop, Former transwiki, Autoconfirmed till 22/03/2012. As of present I hold no user group right.
enwiki 12500 filemover, rollbacker, Autoconfirmed
newwiki 8032 Autoconfirmed
sawiki 5443 sysop, Autoconfirmed
pawiki 2711 Former Sysop, Autoconfirmed
bhwiki 2350 Autoconfirmed
hiwiktionary 1166 Former bureaucrat, Former sysop, Autoconfirmed till 22/03/2011
hiwikibooks 1075 Former sysop, ipblock-exempt, Autoconfirmed
hiwikiquote 1032 Former sysop, ipblock-exempt, Autoconfirmed
metawiki 317 autopatrolled, Autoconfirmed
guwiki 227 Autoconfirmed
simplewiki 16 rollbacker, Autoconfirmed
testwiki 7 editor, reviewer, sysop

However updated statistics for all Wikimedia Projects can be found here

  • I have made many articles on Hindi wiki as following-

मेरे द्वारा लिखे निर्वाचित एवं मुख्य लेख

  1. अग्नि पुराण
  2. अनुशासनपर्व
  3. अरयण्कपर्व
  4. अश्वमेधिकापर्व
  5. अस्त्र शस्त्र
  6. आदिपर्व
  7. आश्रम्वासिकापर्व
  8. उद्योगपर्व
  9. कर्णपर्व
  10. कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध
  11. कूर्म पुराण
  12. गणेश पुराण
  13. गरुड़ पुराण
  14. घग्गर-हकरा नदी
  15. देवीभागवत पुराण
  16. द्रोणपर्व
  17. नारद पुराण
  18. पद्म पुराण
  19. पुराण
  20. ब्रह्म पुराण
  21. ब्रह्म वैवर्त पुराण
  22. ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण
  23. भविष्य पुराण
  24. भागवत पुराण
  25. भारतीय इतिहास
  26. भीष्मपर्व
  27. मत्स्य पुराण
  28. महाप्रस्थानिकपर्व
  29. महाभारत
  30. महाभारत की कथा
  31. महाभारत के पर्व
  32. महाभारत भाग १
  33. महाभारत भाग १०
  34. महाभारत भाग ११
  35. महाभारत भाग १२
  36. महाभारत भाग १३
  37. महाभारत भाग १४
  38. महाभारत भाग १५
  39. महाभारत भाग १६
  40. महाभारत भाग १७
  41. महाभारत भाग १८
  42. महाभारत भाग १९
  43. महाभारत भाग २
  44. महाभारत भाग २०
  45. महाभारत भाग २१
  46. महाभारत भाग २२
  47. महाभारत भाग ३
  48. महाभारत भाग ४
  49. महाभारत भाग ५
  50. महाभारत भाग ६
  51. महाभारत भाग ७
  52. महाभारत भाग ८
  53. महाभारत भाग ९
  54. मार्कण्डेय पुराण
  55. मौसुलपर्व
  56. राजनीति(फिल्म)
  57. लिङ्ग पुराण
  58. वामन पुराण
  59. वायु पुराण
  60. वाराह पुराण
  61. विक्रमादित्य
  62. विराटपर्व
  63. विष्णु पुराण
  64. वैदिक सभ्यता
  65. शल्यपर्व
  66. शांतिपर्व
  67. शिखण्डी
  68. शिव पुराण
  69. शेषनाग
  70. सभापर्व
  71. सरस्वती नदी
  72. सात्यकि
  73. सौप्तिकपर्व
  74. सौरपुराण
  75. स्कन्द पुराण
  76. स्त्रीपर्व
  77. स्वर्गारोहणपर्व
  78. हरिवंश पुराण
  79. हरिवंशपर्व
एवं सम्पूर्ण बनाये गये लेखों की सूची यहाँ देखी जा सकती है।