स्वागत!  नमस्कार Abhinav619 जी! आपका हिन्दी विकिपीडिया में स्वागत है।

-- 17:50, 14 जनवरी 2012 (UTC)

लेख वर्धक बार्न-स्टार

संपादित करें
  लेख वर्धक बार्न-स्टार
श्री:Abhinav619 को हिन्दी विकिपीडिया में हिन्दी दिवस लेख प्रतियोगिता २०१७ के अन्तर्गत्त लेखवर्धन कर नवीन पल्लव जोड़ने हेतु लेखवर्धक बार्नस्टार से सम्मानित किया जाता है।--आशीष भटनागरवार्ता 05:51, 28 नवम्बर 2017 (UTC)उत्तर दें

लेख के स्थानांतरण की सूचना

संपादित करें

प्रिय अभिनव जी, प्रतीक जी ने आपके द्वारा लिखे गए लेख के नाम स्थानांतरण करके उसे २०१९ जी २० ओसाका सम्मेलन पर किया है। कृपया इसे नोट करलें। यह सूचना केवल आपकी जानकारी और सूचना के लिए है। धन्यवाद। --मुज़म्मिल (वार्ता) 20:21, 29 सितंबर 2018 (UTC)उत्तर दें

नमस्ते @Hindustanilanguage: जी मेरे वार्ता पेज पर आप का सन्देश पा के हर्ष हुआ | जी हाँ मैंने इसे नोट कर लिया है और @Godric ki Kothri: जी को धन्यवाद् भी किया है| -Abhinav619 (वार्ता) 03:42, 30 सितंबर 2018 (UTC)उत्तर दें

प्रतिभागिता अभिनन्दन!

संपादित करें

नमस्कार Abhinav619 जी!

विकिसम्मेलन २०१९ में भाग लेने तथा इसे अत्यंत सफल बनाने के लिए समस्त हिंदी विकिसमुदाय की ओर से आपका ❤ से धन्यवाद एवं अभिनन्दन। आप जैसे योगदानकर्ताओं की प्रतिभागिता और सक्रिय सांझेदारी से ही हमारे विकिसमुदाय और विकिमीडिया अभियान को बल मिलती है। आयोजक दल की तरफ से, मैं आशा करता हूँ की विकिसम्मेलन २०१९ में आपका अनुभव सुखद और फलदायक रहा होगा, एवं सम्मलेन में आपके अनुभव, आपको विकिमीडिया अभियान में योगदान देने में और अधिक सहायता प्रदान करेंगे। किसी भी विकिमीडिया कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने का एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्य होता है, अपने अनुभवों और सीखों को सहेज कर अन्य विकिमीडियन मित्रों के साथ साझा करना एवं एक प्रतिवेदन पत्र (रिपोर्ट) के रूप में भविष्य के सन्दर्भ हेतु सहेज कर रखना। यदि आपने अभीतक अपनी प्रतिभागिता की रिपोर्ट नहीं बनायी है, तो वह भी अवश्य करें, ताकि आपके साथी विकिमित्र आपके अनुभवों को जान सकें!
अपना प्रतिवेदन पात्र आप सम्मेलन के कार्यक्रम पृष्ठ पर यहाँ जाकर जमा कर सकते हैं।
इस सन्दर्भ में किसी भी सवाल या प्रश्न के लिए मुझे, मेरी वार्ता पृष्ठ अथवा अन्य माध्यम के ज़रिये संपर्क करने में ज़रा भी संकोच न करें।😊

   निरपराधवत् मृदुरोमकः  
आयोजक दल
विकिसम्मेलन २०१९

क्या आप जानते हैं अनुभाग में आपका नामांकित लेख

संपादित करें
  आपके द्वारा सुझाए गए लेख सलीम-जावेद के तथ्य को क्या आप जानते हैं? मे 25 जुलाई, 2019 को प्रदर्शित किया गया। अगर आपको हाल मे बदले गए किसी लेख से कोई रोचक तथ्य पता है तो कृपया उसे "क्या आप जानते हैं?" संवाद पृष्ठ पर सुझाएँ।

सुझाए गए निर्मित किये गए--हिंदुस्थान वासी वार्ता 14:19, 25 जुलाई 2019 (UTC)उत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our fifth newsletter, covering April 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15..


  • GLAM Newsletter Special report on COVID-19 (SDG 3) [1]
  • Wikidata and the bibliography of life in the time of coronavirus (SDG 3) [7]
  • Video: Wikidata Lab XXII - Wikiprojeto COVID-19 (SDG 3) [20]
  • How Wikipedia is Covering the Coronavirus Pandemic (SDG 3) [21]
  • Open data and COVID-19: Wikipedia as an informational resource during the pandemic (SDG 3) [23]
  • Using CC Licenses and Tools to Share and Preserve Cultural Heritage in the Face of Climate Change (SDG 11) [25]
  • Video: Mapping against COVID-19 (SDG 3) [26]
  • Student-created immunology content on Wikipedia receiving a lot of attention this month (SDG 3) [34]
  • How Wikipedia shows disability matters (SDG 10) [35]


  • COVID-19 dashboard (SDG 3) [2]
  • COVID-19 dashboard for Tunisia (SDG 3) [22]

In the news

  • Why Wikipedia Is Immune to Coronavirus (SDG 3) [3]


  • Why and how medical schools, peer-reviewed journals, and research funders should promote Wikipedia editing (SDG 3) [4]
  • A protocol for adding knowledge to Wikidata, a case report (SDG 3) [5]
  • Multilingual enrichment of disease biomedical ontologies (SDG 3) [6]

New Wikidata properties

  • FHF establishment ID (SDG 3) [8]
  • FHF hospital group ID (SDG 3) [9]
  • Spanish National Catalog of Hospitals ID (SDG 3) [10]
  • Forest Stewardship Council Certificate Code (SDG 9) [24]
  • Forest Stewardship Council License Code (SDG 9) [27]
  • Psocodea Species File ID (SDG 15) [28]
  • Swedish Glaciers ID (SDG 13) [29]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Infectious diseases and their number of cases (SDG 3) [11]
  • The longest river that feeds into another river (SDG 6 & 14) [30]
  • Longest rivers that do not feed into a sea or ocean (SDG 6 & 14) [31]
  • Recently published works on COVID-19 (SDG 3) [32]
  • Welsh hospitals, health centres, doctors surgeries and temporary Covid19 hospitals (SDG 3) [33]

New Wikidata schema examples

  • pandemic (E184) (SDG 3) [12]
  • hospital (E187) (SDG 3) [13]
  • 2020 coronavirus pandemic local outbreaks (E188) (SDG 3) [14]
  • clinical trial (E189) (SDG 3) [15]
  • Lockdown (E190) (SDG 3) [16]
  • lockdown part of the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease pandemic (E191) (SDG 3) [17]
  • virus taxon (E192) (SDG 3) [18]
  • contact tracing app (E195) (SDG 3) [19]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:58, 1 मई 2020 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - May Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our sixth newsletter, covering May 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 4, 5, 15 and 16.


  • Next meeting for Wikimedians for Sustainable Development is Sunday, 7 June 18.00-19.00 UTC (SDG-all) [17]


  • Wikimedia and COVID-19: April overview (SDG 3) [1]
  • Extract Knowledge from Wikidata to Wikipedia articles related to Coronavirus (SDG 3) [8]
  • How Wikipedia became a trusted source for COVID-19 information (SDG 3) [15]
  • Future Historians Will Rely on Wikipedia’s COVID-19 Coverage (SDG 3) [16]
  • Students document workplace health risks on Wikipedia amidst global pandemic (SDG 3) [18]

New Wikidata properties

  • COVIDWHO ID (SDG 3) [2]
  • DGHS facility code (SDG 3) [3]
  • DPVweb ID (SDG 15) [4]
  • RPPS ID (SDG 3) [5]
  • hardiness of plant (SDG 15) [9]
  • hardiness zone (SDG 15) [10]
  • voting system (SDG 16) [11]
  • DPE school code (SDG 4) [12]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Map of countries receiving the Nobel peace prize (SDG 16) [6]
  • Map of geolocated Argentine libraries (SDG 4) [7]
  • Map of hospitals (blue) and health centers (green) of Argentina (SDG 3) [13]
  • Map of National parks in Sweden (SDG 15) [14]
  • Universities ranked by PageRank on English Wikipedia (SDG 4) [19]

New Wiki projects

  • Wikidata:WikiProject Schools (SDG 4) [20]
  • Swedish Wikipedia: Projekt HBTQI (SDG 5) [21]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 16:39, 1 जून 2020 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - June Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our seventh newsletter, covering June 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16 and 17.


  • Upcoming: 5 July, Wikimedians for Sustainable Development online meeting (SDG 17) [12]
  • Upcoming: 18 July, Wikimedians for Sustainable Development online meeting (SDG 17) [12]
  • Past: 7 June, Wikimedians for Sustainable Development online meeting (SDG 17) [13]


  • Webinar: COVID-19 and human rights: How to share the facts on Wikipedia (SDG 3) [1]
  • Vad menas egentligen med öppenhet? (Swedish) (SDG 4) [2]
  • How Wikipedia Has Responded to the George Floyd Protests (SDG 10) [3]
  • 50 000 kvinnor på svenskspråkiga Wikipedia! (Swedish) (SDG 5) [4]


  • COVID & health topics on Wikidata (SDG 3) [9]

New Wikidata properties

  • curriculum topics (SDG 4) [5]
  • ISCO-08 occupation code (SDG 8) [6]
  • FEMA number (SDG 2) [7]
  • Democracy Index (SDG 16) [10]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Species of birds (SDG 15) [8]
  • Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic (SDG 3) [11]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:50, 2 जुलाई 2020 (UTC) •  ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - July Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our seventh newsletter, covering June 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 15 and 16.


  • Upcoming: Wikimedians for Sustainable Development online meeting August 2 (SDG all) [19]
  • Upcoming: Wikimedians for Sustainable Development online meeting August 16 (SDG all) [20]
  • Past: Wikimedians for Sustainable Development online meeting July 5 (SDG all) [18]


  • Another Wikipedian is cultivated (SDG 3) [1]
  • Wikijournal of Medicine to be indexed in SCOPUS (SDG 3) [2]
  • How Wikipedia Became a Battleground for Racial Justice (SDG 10) [3]
  • Sask. doctor keeps COVID-19 Wikipedia info accurate with encyclopedic dedication (SDG 3) [4]
  • We stand for racial justice (SDG 10) [10]
  • Edit Loud, Edit Proud: LGBTIQ+ Wikimedians and Global Information Activism (SDG 10) [15]
  • WikiProject Black Lives Matter (SDG 10) [16]
  • The Power of Knowledge: A Look at the AfroCROWD Juneteenth Conference on Civil Rights (SDG 10) [24]
  • #WikiHerStory: a month-long initiative to amplify gender equity work on Wikimedia projects (SDG 5) [25]
  • How the internet will change our coronavirus memories (SDG 3) [26]
  • How volunteers created Wikipedia’s world-beating Covid-19 coverage (SDG 3) [30]
  • COVIWD - A Covid-19 Wikidata dashboard (SDG 3) [31]


  • COVID-19 research in Wikipedia (SDG 3) [11]
  • A Quantitative Portrait of Wikipedia's High-Tempo Collaborations during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic (SDG 3) [12]
  • COVID-19 mobility restrictions increased interest in health and entertainment topics on Wikipedia (SDG 3) [13]
  • A protocol for adding knowledge to Wikidata, a case report (SDG 3) [14]


  • Wikimedia Research: Medical knowledge on Wikipedia (SDG 3) [23]
  • More black stories need to be told -- and more black contributors need to tell them! (SDG 10) [29]

New WikiProjects

  • Wikipedia:WikiProject Black Lives Matter (SDG 10) [17]

Featured content

  • Alpine newt (SDG 15) [5]
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies (SDG 3) [6]
  • Secretarybird (SDG 15) [7]
  • List of procyonids (SDG 15) [8]
  • List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Berkshire (SDG 15) [8]

New Wikidata properties

  • thefreedictionary medical term ID (SDG 3) [21]
  • Naturvårdsverket Anordningar OBJECTID (SDG 15) [22]
  • public transport stop (SDG 11) [27]
  • energy consumption per transaction (SDG 7) [28]
  • BTI Governance Index (SDG 16) [32]
  • BTI Status Index (SDG 16) [32]
  • distribution map of taxon (SDG 15) [34]
  • Queensland Biota ID (SDG 15) [35]
  • Australian Weed ID (SDG 15) [36]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 17:37, 1 अगस्त 2020 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - August Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our ninth newsletter, covering August 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 17.


  • Upcoming: Online meeting - 2020-09-06 (SDG all) [1]
  • Upcoming: Online meeting - 2020-09-20 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online meeting - 2020-08-02 (SDG all) [2]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' celebrated its first published translation: 'Réchauffement climatique en Afrique', a French translation of the English Wikipedia article 'Climate change in Africa' by User:J. N. Squire in French (SDGs 4, 13) [20]
  • Past: World Water Week ISA campaign (SDG 6) [21]
  • Past: Editathon about Covid-19 in Swedish (SDG 3) [22]
  • Past: Editathon about water in Swedish (SDG 6) [23]


  • Covid-19 is one of Wikipedia’s biggest challenges ever. Here’s how the site is handling it. (SDG 3) [12]
  • Adding biographies of female oceanographers (SDG 14) [13]
  • Wiki Education participants improve COVID-19 local response articles (SDG 3) [14]
  • Wikimedia Policy Brief - COVID-19 - How Wikipedia helps us through uncertain times (SDG 3) [15]
  • Personal perspective on the forming of the user group (SDG all) [19]


  • Wikipedia, The Free Online Medical Encyclopedia Anyone Can Plagiarize: Time to Address Wiki-Plagiarism (SDG 3) [3]
  • Wikidata-focused presentations at the Workshop "Data Science in Climate and Climate Impact Research" taking place on 20-21 August 2020 in Zurich and online. (SDGs 4, 13, 17) [16] [17]


  • Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Data Perspective (SDGs 4, 13, 17) [18]
  • Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing about water #17 (SDG 6) [24], [25]

Featured content

  • Vermilion flycatcher (SDG 15) [4]
  • Canada lynx (SDG 15) [5]
  • Meteorological history of Hurricane Dorian (SDG 11) [6]
  • Leeches (SDG 15) [7]
  • Gigantorhynchus (SDG 15) [8]
  • List of World Heritage Sites in Iceland (SDG 11) [9]
  • Ursidae (SDG 15) [10]
  • Mephitidae (SDG 15) [11]
  • Orangutan (SDG 15) [32]
  • Horseshoe bat (SDG 15) [33]
  • Hurricane Willa (SDG 11) [34]
  • List of World Heritage Sites in Lithuania (SDG 11) [35]

New Wikidata properties

  • extinction date (SDG 15) [26]
  • Monumentbrowser ID (SDG 11) [27]
  • Nasjonalt skoleregister ID (SDG 4) [28]
  • American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus ID (SDG 11) [29]
  • Sculptures and cities database ID for sculptures (SDG 11) [31]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Bar chart showing the number of research output (articles, etc) annotated with a SARSCoV2 proteins as 'main subject' (SDG 3) [30]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 10:50, 4 सितंबर 2020 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - September Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our tenth newsletter, covering September 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13 and 15.


  • Online meeting October 4 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online meeting October 18 (SDG all) [1]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [17]
  • Ongoing: Survey on gender equality on Wikipedia (SDG 5) [12] [13]
  • Ongoing: The 'Gender equality 2020' editing week (SDG 5) [15]
  • Ongoing: Wiki Loves Fashion 2020 (SDG 5) [16]
  • Past: Climate Justice Editathon (SDG 10 & 13) [3]
  • Past: Wikimedia Foundation hosts Sustainability Community Roundtable Discussion about carbon credits (SDG 13) [8]
  • Past: Wiki loves SDGs - Global Goals Week online edit-a-thon on SDG topics (SDG all) [9] [10] [11]
  • Past: WikiGap Skopje 2020 online edit-a-thon (SDG 5) [14]
  • Past and ongoing: Wiki Loves Monuments (SDG 11) [22]


  • Humaniki: Wikimedia Diversity Data Tools (SDG 5) [2]
  • How can I get data on all the dams in the world? Use Wikidata (SDG 6) [4]


  • Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata (SDG 3) [6]
  • Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of Wikidata (SDG 3) [21]


  • Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #21 - WikiDojo on the Global Climate Strike (SDG 13) [18]

Featured content

  • Zebra (SDG 15) [23]
  • Tropical Storm Vicente (SDG 11) [24]

New Wikidata properties

  • National Park Service place ID (SDG 15) [19]
  • Symptom Ontology ID (SDG 3) [20]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Map of organisations/companies developing/manufacturing a vaccine in trials (SDG 3) [5]
  • Top World Heritage sites by number of paintings depicting them (SDG 11) [7]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:10, 1 अक्टूबर 2020 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - October Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our eleventh newsletter, covering October 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 15 and 16.


  • Online meeting November 1 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online meeting November 15 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Prioritization event survey (SDG all) [26]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [2]
  • Upcoming: Enriching parliamentary documents metadata editathon (in Swedish) (SDG 16) [27]
  • Past: Wiki for UN writing campaign (SDG 17) [28]


  • Wikipedia and Sustainable Development Goals: Engaging smaller Wikipedias (SDG all) [3]
  • The World Health Organization and Wikimedia Foundation expand access to trusted information about COVID-19 on Wikipedia (SDG 3) [10]
  • Improving reproductive health articles on Wikipedia (SDG 3) [11]
  • Wiki Loves SDGs: A community of Global Goals factivists (SDG all) [12]
  • Analyze Swedish politics with Wikidata (SDG 16) [17]


  • GUIDE: How to contribute climate change information to Wikipedia (SDG 13) [25]


  • 2020-09-29 Houcemeddine Turki, U of Sfax: Wikidata & COVID-19, a collaborative KG from CORD-19 (SDG 3) [4]
  • WikiCite 2020: OpenVirus and Scholia interfaces (SDG 3) [13]
  • WikiCite 2020: Citations in Swedish Parliamentary documents (SDG 16) [18]
  • WikiCite 2020: Gene Wiki (SDG 3) [19]

New Wikidata properties

  • Symptom Ontology ID (SDG 3) [6]
  • SSYK 2012 The Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SDG 8) [7]
  • Native Plants Database ID (SDG 15) [8]
  • NBIC taxon ID (SDG 15) [14]
  • Danish educational institution number (SDG 4) [15]
  • economy of topic (SDG 8) [20]
  • American Heritage place ID (SDG 11) [21]
  • DC Historic Sites place ID (SDG 11) [22]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Map of trees whose species is categorized as threatened on the IUCN Red List (SDG 15) [5]
  • Map of outdoor warning sirens, color-coded by manufacturer (SDG 11) [9]
  • Scientific papers explaining backward contact tracing (SDG 3) [16]
  • Invasive species in EU and whether they have articles in different languages (SDG 15) [23]
  • COVID-19 deaths by month (SDG 3) [24]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 12:35, 1 नवम्बर 2020 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - November Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twelfth newsletter, covering November 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.


  • Online meeting December 6 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online meeting December 20 (SDG all) [1]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [2]
  • Ongoing: December Women in Climate Change editathon (SDG 13) [24]
  • Past: South South North hosted #Wiki4Climate (SDG 13) [25]
  • Past: Enriching parliamentary documents metadata editathon (in Swedish) (SDG 16) [3]


  • The guardians of Wikipedia's climate page (SDG 13) [6]
  • Gender equality survey on Macedonian Wikipedia (SDG 5) [12]
  • The future of the Riksdag's data in Wikidata (in Swedish, SDG 16) [21]
  • #Wiki4climate newsletter on Spanish Wikipedia: 3 edits in 5 minutes, number one [26] & number two [27] (SDG 13)
  • Women’s representation and voice in media coverage of the coronavirus crisis (SDG 3 and 5) [28]


  • The election tracker (SDG 16) [13]
  • ALEC (A List of Everything Cool) is a tool to explore biodiversity content in Wikidata (SDG 15) [17]


  • A general method for estimating the prevalence of Influenza-Like-Symptoms with Wikipedia data (SDG 3) [4]


  • Thriving Online – How to Be a Climate Wikipedian (SDG 13) [5]
  • Strategies for Assembling the Biodiversity Knowledge Graph (SDG 15) [29]

Featured content

  • Одржлива енергија (English: Sustainable energy) (SDG 7) [7]
  • Договор за неширење на нуклеарно оружје (English: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) (SDG 16) [8]
  • Инвазивен вид (English: Invasive species) (SDG 15) [9]
  • Отпад од храна (English: Food waste) (SDG 12) [10]
  • Последици од глобалното затоплување (English: Effects of climate change) (SDG 13) [11]
  • List of World Heritage Sites in Sweden (SDG 11) [36]
  • List of medieval churches on Gotland (SDG 11) [37]
  • List of World Heritage Sites in the Netherlands (SDG 11) [38]
  • List of herpestids (SDG 15) [39]
  • Australian Journal of Herpetology (SDG 15) [40]

New Wikidata properties

  • annual average daily traffic (SDG 11 & 13) [14]
  • birth rate (SDG 3) [16]
  • dedicated heritage entity (SDG 11) [18]
  • poverty incidence (SDG 1) [22]
  • water area (SDG 14) [30]
  • power consumption index (SDG 7) [31]
  • heating energy consumption index (SDG 7) [32]
  • edition humboldt digital Flora ID (SDG 15) [33]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Occupations of people on Wikidata dying of coronavirus (politician ranks higher than the next 3 occupations combined) (SDG 3) [15]
  • Media articles, public documents and academic references on backward/cluster-focused contact tracing (including models) (SDG 3) [19]
  • Protected heritage related to the Camino in the Basque Country (SDG 11) [20]
  • Aberdeen recycling centers and recycling points (SDG 11) [23]
  • Percentage of deaths caused by tuberculosis by decade (SDG 3) [34]
  • Map of medicines used (green) to fight infectious diseases (orange) (SDG 3) [35]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:27, 1 दिसम्बर 2020 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our thirteenth newsletter, covering December 2020. This issue has news related to SDGs 2, 4, 11, 13 and 15.


  • Online meeting January 3 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online meeting January 17 (SDG all) [1]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [2]
  • Past: December Women in Climate Change editathon (SDG 13) [3]


  • Corona vaccine progress (SDG 3) [8]
  • A challenging but successful year for Wikimedia in education (SDG 4) [9]


  • Wikidata for Bat Collectors (SDG 15) [5]
  • Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #25 - climate change (SDG 13) [10]
  • Wikipedia and Women in the Climate Change Movement (SDG 13) [11]
  • Facing the climate crisis: Towards an environmentally sustainable Wikimedia Movement (Wikimedia Movement Strategy global conversations lightning talk) (SDG 13) [16]
  • An update from the Sustainability Initiative (WikiCon North America 2020 lightning talk) (SDG 13) [17]

New WikiProjects

  • Wikidata:WikiProject Agriculture (SDG 2) [4]
  • Wikidata:WikiProject Media Representation (SDG 5) [6]

Featured content

  • Scorpion (SDG 15) [12]
  • List of plant genus names (A–C) (SDG 15) [13]
  • List of plant genus names (D–K) (SDG 15) [14]
  • List of plant genus names (L–P) (SDG 15) [15]

New Wikidata properties

  • Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager project ID (SDG 11) [7]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:28, 2 जनवरी 2021 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our fourteenth newsletter, covering January 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 13 and 15 .


  • Online user group meeting February 7 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting February 21 (SDG all) [1]
  • Wikimedia Strategy Follow-up calls: Alignment with environmental sustainability February 7 (SDG 13) [10]
  • Wikimedia Strategy Follow-up calls: Identify Topics for Impact February 5 (SDG all) [23]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [2]


  • The Vaccine Safety Project on Wikipedia (SDG 3) [3]
  • Wiki for COVID-19: 2020, the year of Information (SDG 3) [6]
  • One Page At A Time, Jess Wade Is Changing Wikipedia (SDG 5) [18]
  • The Women of Wikipedia Are Writing Themselves Into History (SDG 5) [19]


  • Building a biological knowledge graph via Wikidata with a focus on the Human Cell Atlas (SDG 3) [7]
  • Open Wikipedia Dataset on COVID-19 from IBS Data Science Group (SDG 3) [8]
  • A protocol for adding knowledge to Wikidata: aligning resources on human coronaviruses (SDG 3) [9]
  • Wikipedia, The Free Online Medical Encyclopedia Anyone Can Plagiarize: Time to Address Wiki-Plagiarism (SDG 3) [20]
  • Multilingual Contextual Affective Analysis of LGBT People Portrayals in Wikipedia (SDG 10) [21]
  • Wikipedia as OER: the "Learning with Wikipedia" (SDG 4) [22]

New Wikidata properties

  • derived from organism type (SDG 15) [14]
  • number of aid beneficiaries (SDG all) [15]
  • Australian Fungi ID (SDG 15) [16]
  • Red Cross FDRS ID (SDG 3) [17]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Number of people who have died, or been diagnosed, of COVID-19, grouped by occupation (SDG 3) [4]
  • Map of gram panchayats in Kerala by literacy rate in 2001 (SDG 4) [5]
  • Map of Kolkata wards by number of schools (SDG 4) [11]
  • Red Cross and Red Crescent societies (SDG 3) [12]
  • Mangifera species and mango cultivars (SDG 1) [13]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:32, 1 फ़रवरी 2021 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - February 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our fifteenth newsletter, covering February 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 12, 13, 15 and 16.


  • Online user group meeting March 7 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting March 21 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online user group meeting February 7 (SDG all) [5]
  • Past: Online user group meeting February 21 (SDG all) [6]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [2]
  • Upcoming: Wikigap - many events over the entire month of March (SDG 5) [12]
  • Upcoming: Mozilla festival: What has the Wikimedia movement to do with sustainability? March 10 (SDG all) [22]
  • Wikimeet India lightning talk: An update from the Sustainability Initiative (video recording) (SDG 13) [9]


  • Building a sustainable Wikipedia (podcast) (SDG all) [3]
  • Wikipedia-samarbete mellan klimatforskare och gymnasieelever (in Swedish. English title: Wikipedia collaboration between climate scientists and college students) (SDG 13) [4]
  • Wikipedia’s Sprawling, Awe-Inspiring Coverage of the Pandemic (SDG 3) [10]
  • Podcast: Sustainababble #205 Wikipedia (SDG all) [21]

Grant proposals
Help by discussing and reviewing these proposals

  • Expanding the Wikimedia movement in Peru with a focus on ecology, culture and gender (SDG 5 and 15) [8]
  • Wiki’s global goals (SDG all) [18]
  • Wiki meets Sustainable Fashion (SDG 12) [19]


  • Wikipedia Weekly Network - Live editing Wikipedia: Biodiversity edition #1 (SDG 15) [11]
  • COVID-19 coverage on Wikidata (SDG 3) [20]

New WikiProjects

  • Wikiproyecto:Cambio climático (SDG 13) [7]
  • WikiProject Brazilian Laws (SDG 16) [15]

Featured content

  • Featured article: Smooth newt (SDG 15) [23]

New Wikidata properties

  • number of vaccinations (SDG 3) [13]
  • Open Tree of Life ID (SDG 15) [17]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Endemic birds in a place located in France (SDG 15) [14]
  • Most specific taxon that includes two given species (SDG 15) [16]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 21:08, 1 मार्च 2021 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - March 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our sixteenth newsletter, covering March 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 4, 11, 13 and 15. This month we handed in our first annual activity report. [7]


  • Online user group meeting April 4 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting April 18 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online user group meeting March 7 (SDG all) [5]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [2]
  • Upcoming: Climate Lexeme Week 5-11 April (SDG 13) [4]
  • Upcoming: #WikiForHumanRights 2021: Right to a healthy environment (SDG all) [20]


  • Podcast on the Wikimedia Sustainability Initiative (SDG 13) [8]


  • Global biodiversity awareness tracked with Wikipedia page views (SDG 15) [3]
  • COVIWD: COVID-19 Wikidata Dashboard (SDG 3) [10]
  • Painel de informação sobre a COVID-19: consultas SPARQL na Wikidata (Portuguese) (SDG 3) [15]


  • What has the Wikimedia movement to do with sustainability? (SDG 13) [6]
  • COVID-19 coverage on Wikidata (SDG 3) [9]

New Wikidata properties

  • NParks Flora & Fauna Web ID (SDG 15) [11]
  • Cephalopod Ontology ID (SDG 15) [12]
  • Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America ID (SDG 11) [16]
  • Ministry of Education New Zealand school ID (SDG 4) [17]
  • Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology ID (SDG 15) [18]

New Wikidata query examples

  • COVID-19 external Identifier URLs in Wikidata (SDG 3) [13]
  • Map of places in iNaturalist (SDG 15) [14]
  • Listed buildings in Wales that would be lost if the sea level rose by 70 metres (SDG 11) [19]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 13:08, 3 अप्रैल 2021 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - March 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our sixteenth newsletter, covering March 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 4, 11, 13 and 15. This month we handed in our first annual activity report. [7]


  • Online user group meeting April 4 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting April 18 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online user group meeting March 7 (SDG all) [5]


  • Ongoing: The 'Climate Translation Project' (SDG 13) [2]
  • Upcoming: Climate Lexeme Week 5-11 April (SDG 13) [4]
  • Upcoming: #WikiForHumanRights 2021: Right to a healthy environment (SDG all) [20]


  • Podcast on the Wikimedia Sustainability Initiative (SDG 13) [8]


  • Global biodiversity awareness tracked with Wikipedia page views (SDG 15) [3]
  • COVIWD: COVID-19 Wikidata Dashboard (SDG 3) [10]
  • Painel de informação sobre a COVID-19: consultas SPARQL na Wikidata (Portuguese) (SDG 3) [15]


  • What has the Wikimedia movement to do with sustainability? (SDG 13) [6]
  • COVID-19 coverage on Wikidata (SDG 3) [9]

New Wikidata properties

  • NParks Flora & Fauna Web ID (SDG 15) [11]
  • Cephalopod Ontology ID (SDG 15) [12]
  • Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America ID (SDG 11) [16]
  • Ministry of Education New Zealand school ID (SDG 4) [17]
  • Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology ID (SDG 15) [18]

New Wikidata query examples

  • COVID-19 external Identifier URLs in Wikidata (SDG 3) [13]
  • Map of places in iNaturalist (SDG 15) [14]
  • Listed buildings in Wales that would be lost if the sea level rose by 70 metres (SDG 11) [19]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:53, 3 अप्रैल 2021 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our seventeenth newsletter, covering April 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 16.


  • Online user group meeting May 2 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting May 16 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online user group meeting April 4 (SDG all) [9]
  • Past: Online user group meeting April 18 (SDG all) [10]


  • Ongoing: #WikiForHumanRights 2021: Right to a healthy environment, April 15 - May 15 (SDG all) [2]
  • Ongoing: Wiki Loves Earth (SDG 15) Starts in May, check your local end date[8]
  • Upcoming: Festa da Wiki-Lusofonia, May 8 (SDG all) [21]
  • Past: LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: “GaNCH: Using Wikidata for Georgia's Natural, Cultural, and Historic Organizations' Disaster Response.” (SDG 11) [3]


  • Interview with Anastasia Petrova, project manager for Wiki Loves Earth international (SDG 15) [11]
  • Humaniki March Update: Public Launch of Alpha Release (SDG 5) [13]


  • Wikidata Lab XXVII: WikiProject Brazilian Laws (SDG 16) [4]

New Wikidata properties

  • law digest (SDG 16) [5]
  • trade union membership rate (SDG 8) [6]
  • NHS Organisation Data Service ID (SDG 3) [7]
  • OregonFlora taxon ID (SDG 15) [12]
  • Indigenous Lands in Brazil ID (SDG 10) [14]
  • National Database of Laws and Regulations ID (SDG 16) [15]
  • National Inventory of Dams ID (SDG 7) [16]
  • Washington Rare Plant Field Guide ID (SDG 15) [17]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Coal-fired power plants in Germany (SDG 13) [18]
  • The number of natural disasters in various countries since 1970 (SDG 11) [19]
  • Map of about one third of the ancient trees in Bulgaria (SDG 15) [20]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 09:22, 8 मई 2021 (UTC)ContributeUnsubscribeउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - May 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our eighteenth newsletter, covering May 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 9, 13 and 15. This month we especially saw a lot of new identifiers for different species in Wikidata, making it easier to use Wikidata as a hub and look up and compare species in different databases.


  • Online user group meeting June 6 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting June 20 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online user group meeting May 16 (SDG all) []


  • Ongoing: Wiki Loves Earth (SDG 15) [2]
  • Past: Sharing lessons & results from the Spanish Wikiproject Climate change first edit-a-thon for Earth Day (SDG 13) [3]
  • Past: Sustainable Development Goals: Edit-a-thon for the Festa da Wiki-Lusofonia (20 years of Portuguese Wikipedia cellebrations) (SDG all) [4]


  • Over 3,000,000 usages of taxon name (P225) (SDG 15) [6]

New Wikidata properties

  • degrees day (SDG 13) [5]
  • Oregon Flora Image Project ID (SDG 15) [7]
  • MyBIS species ID (SDG 15) [8]
  • IUCN Green List ID (SDG 15 [9]
  • OpenCorporates register ID (SDG 9) [10]
  • MyBIS protected area ID (SDG 15) [11]
  • Danish 2010 redlist identifier (SDG 15) [12]
  • Microlepidoptera.nl ID (SDG 15) [13]
  • North Carolina session law (SDG 16) [15]
  • SOR bird ID (SDG 15) [16]
  • ToateAnimalele ID (SDG 15) [17]
  • Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa ID (SDG 15) [21]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Number of species belonging to the different IUCN conservation categories (SDG 15) [14]
  • Map of coronavirus research organizations active from before 2020 (SDG 3) [18]
  • Scholarly articles about COVID-19 with "Wikipedia" in the title (SDG 3) [19]
  • Nocturnal animals based on diel cycle (SDG 15) [20]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:39, 3 जून 2021 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - May 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our eighteenth newsletter, covering May 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 9, 13 and 15. This month we especially saw a lot of new identifiers for different species in Wikidata, making it easier to use Wikidata as a hub and look up and compare species in different databases.


  • Online user group meeting June 6 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting June 20 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online user group meeting May 16 (SDG all) []


  • Ongoing: Wiki Loves Earth (SDG 15) [2]
  • Past: Sharing lessons & results from the Spanish Wikiproject Climate change first edit-a-thon for Earth Day (SDG 13) [3]
  • Past: Sustainable Development Goals: Edit-a-thon for the Festa da Wiki-Lusofonia (20 years of Portuguese Wikipedia cellebrations) (SDG all) [4]


  • Over 3,000,000 usages of taxon name (P225) (SDG 15) [6]

New Wikidata properties

  • degrees day (SDG 13) [5]
  • Oregon Flora Image Project ID (SDG 15) [7]
  • MyBIS species ID (SDG 15) [8]
  • IUCN Green List ID (SDG 15 [9]
  • OpenCorporates register ID (SDG 9) [10]
  • MyBIS protected area ID (SDG 15) [11]
  • Danish 2010 redlist identifier (SDG 15) [12]
  • Microlepidoptera.nl ID (SDG 15) [13]
  • North Carolina session law (SDG 16) [15]
  • SOR bird ID (SDG 15) [16]
  • ToateAnimalele ID (SDG 15) [17]
  • Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa ID (SDG 15) [21]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Number of species belonging to the different IUCN conservation categories (SDG 15) [14]
  • Map of coronavirus research organizations active from before 2020 (SDG 3) [18]
  • Scholarly articles about COVID-19 with "Wikipedia" in the title (SDG 3) [19]
  • Nocturnal animals based on diel cycle (SDG 15) [20]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 06:54, 4 जून 2021 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board elections: Eligibility requirements for voters

संपादित करें


The eligibility requirements for voters to participate in the 2021 Board of Trustees elections have been published. You can check the requirements on this page.

You can also verify your eligibility using the AccountEligiblity tool.

MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) 16:28, 30 जून 2021 (UTC)उत्तर दें

Note: You are receiving this message as part of outreach efforts to create awareness among the voters.

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - June 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our nineteenth newsletter, covering June 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16 and 17.


  • Online user group meeting July 4 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting July 18 (SDG all) [1]


  • Ongoing: Wiki Loves Earth (SDG 15) [2]
  • Ongoing: Join the "Wiki editatón por el conocimiento climático" organized by Alianza Clima y Desarrollo y la Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano [13]
  • Past: A Wealth of Wiki Women (SDG 5) [5]
  • Past: Czech WikiGap 2021 report (SDG 5) [6]
  • Past: 50Y Swiss Women's Suffrage: Edit-a-thon at Historical Museum Lucerne & WikiGap (SDG 5) [7]
  • Past: The Met, Smithsonian, and a busy Edit-a-thon season (SDG 3, 5, 13) [8]
  • Past: Wiki for Human Rights Campaign in the Philippines (SDG 10, 13) [9]


  • 100 Years of Environment and Climate Change Canada Weather Data in Commons (SDG 13) [3]
  • #WikiForHumanRights 2021: Insights from the Macedonian Wikipedia (SDG 3, 10, 15) [4]
  • Malpractice Podcast Ep #2.9: Coffee Talks with Wikimedian Lane Rasberry (SDG 3) [10]
  • Brazil’s Laws: Modeling the Brazilian legislation in Wikidata (SDG 16) [14]


  • Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) has now translated and published its guide "How to contribute climate change information to Wikipedia" in Spanish. Check out the resource: "¿Cómo contribuir información sobre cambio climático a la Wikipedia?" [12]


  • Ms. Categorized: Gender, notability, and inequality on Wikipedia (SDG 5) [11]
  • Wikidata Projects in Times of COVID-19: IUPUI Libraries’ Engagement in Open Knowledge (SDG 3) [15]


  • Global Open Initiative Foundation editing session - Adding statements about Ghanaian Members of Parliament using OpenRefine (SDG 16) [22]

New Wikidata properties

  • OpenCorporates register jurisdiction (SDG 8) [16]
  • electronic Essential Medicines List medicine ID (SDG 3) [17]
  • Romanian diplomatic mission ID (SDG 17) [18]
  • Foreign diplomatic mission in Romania ID (SDG 17) [19]
  • Dutch Caribbean Species Register ID (SDG 15) [20]
  • Burke Herbarium Image Collection ID (SDG 15) [21]
  • consequence of text (SDG 16) [23]
  • Companies Registration Office (Ireland) Registration Number (SDG 8) [24]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 15:13, 3 जुलाई 2021 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - July 2021 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twentieth newsletter, covering July 2021. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15 and 16.


  • Online user group meeting August 1 (SDG all) [1]
  • Online user group meeting August 15 (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Online user group meeting July 4 (SDG all) [7]


  • During Wikimania there are a number of sessions related to our user group. We have started a page in the community village to list all the talks, please help add them if you are giving talks or spot sessions in the program. (SDG all) [6]


  • Organize Wiki Loves Monuments in 2021 (SDG 11) [26]
  • Past: Vaccine Safety Edit-a-thon (SDG 3) [5]


  • Who Gets To Be Notable And Who Doesn't: Gender Bias On Wiki (SDG 5) [27]


  • Gender diversity in articles about academic disciplines in the French wikipedia (SDG 5) [18]


  • Meta-Research: Citation needed? Wikipedia and the COVID-19 pandemic (SDG 3) [28]
  • Covid-on-the-Web: Knowledge Graph and Services to Advance COVID-19 Research book (SDG 3) [29]
  • Unveiling the veiled: Wikipedia collaborating with academic libraries in Africa in creating visibility for African women through Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thon (SDG 5) [30]


  • Wikipedia Weekly Network - Live editing Wikipedia: Biodiversity edition #4 (SDG 15) [2],[3]
  • Editing Wikidata items about Ghanaian parliamentarians (SDG 16) [8]

New WikiProjects

  • Wikidata:Gov Directory (SDG 16) [4]

New Wikidata properties

  • voted on by (SDG 16) [9]
  • delta of (SDG 14) [10]
  • Idaho Species ID (SDG 15) [11]
  • Montana Field Guide species ID (SDG 15) [12]
  • E-Fauna BC species ID (SDG 15) [13]
  • E-Flora BC species ID (SDG 15) [14]
  • Buzer.de law identification (SDG 16) [15]
  • taxon range (SDG 15) [17]
  • URL for citizen's initiatives (SDG 16) [19]
  • number of request signatories (SDG 16) [20]
  • CEICE school code (SDG 4) [21]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Scientific and Commons names of animals which are threatened as per IUCN Red List (SDG 15) [16]
  • Comparing gender statistics about people cited in an article across several articles (SDG 5) [22]
  • Swedish Supreme Court judges who citing reports by commissions they themselves took part in (SDG 16) [23]
  • Map public organizations that allow one to fill citizen's initiatives online (SDG 16) [24]
  • Number of causes of death (P509) 2019-2021 separated by year so that a comparison of the causes of death before and during the pandemic can also be seen (SDG 3) [25]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 08:23, 1 अगस्त 2021 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - November 2022 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twentyfirst newsletter, covering November 2022. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.


  • Current: Women in Climate Change editathon in various languages (1 December 2022 - 31 January 2023) (SDG 5 & 13) [17]
  • Past: Wikipedia and sustainability, how to increase knowledge on climate change? (SDG all) [1]
  • Past: Wikidata editathon in Swedish during COP 27 (SDG 13) [2]


  • Wikimedia Nederland signed the Wikimedia Affiliates Environmental Sustainability Covenant (SDG all) [3]
  • WikiProject Govdirectory was featured as Digital Public Goods (SDG 16) [11]
  • The theme for Wiki Loves Africa 2023 has been revealed: Climate and weather (SDG 13) [16]


  • Let's Connect learning report - pilot phase 2022 (SDG 17) [15]


  • Recommendations for use of annotations and persistent identifiers in taxonomy and biodiversity publishing [SDG 15) [7]
  • A longitudinal analysis of gender diversity in Wikipedia articles (SDG 5) [13]


  • 10 Anos de Wikidata: Wikidata for Open Access to Cultural Heritage, por Susanna Ånäs (AvoinGLAM) (SDG 11) [14]

New WikiProjects

  • Myosotis Pilot (SDG 15) [12]

New Wikidata properties

  • Bank of information on the historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus (SDG 11) [4]
  • Louisiana Plant ID (SDG 15) [5]
  • DrugCentral ID (SDG 3) [8]
  • Probes And Drugs ID (SDG 3) [9]

New Wikidata query examples

  • Map of water bodies in France (SDG 14) [6]
  • Gender balances of winners of literary awards (SDG 5) [10]


This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 22:05, 1 दिसम्बर 2022 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2022 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twentysecond newsletter, covering December 2022. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 13, 15 and 16.






Featured content

New Wikidata properties

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 14:37, 1 जनवरी 2023 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2023 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twentythird newsletter, covering January 2023. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 16.






Featured content

New Wikidata properties

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 16:25, 1 फ़रवरी 2023 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - February 2023 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twentyfourth newsletter, covering February 2023. This issue has news related to SDGs 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16.






New Wikidata properties

Wikidata query examples

Featured articles

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:57, 1 मार्च 2023 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - March 2023 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twentyfifth newsletter, covering March 2023. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 5, 10, 13, 15 and 16.




New Wikidata properties

Featured content

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 07:42, 1 अप्रैल 2023 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April 2023 Newsletter

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This is our twenty-sixth newsletter, covering April 2023. This issue has news related to SDGs 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16.





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This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:31, 2 मई 2023 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2023 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twenty-seventh newsletter, a sort of year-in-review for 2023.

Dear Wikimedians for Sustainable Development,

As we bid farewell to 2023, we reflect on a year that has been an uneven year for our user group. While the journey has been marked by some truly inspiring events, most of our efforts have been largely uncoordinated and the user group hasn't been the support it could have been. Yet, there's a glimmer of hope and a world of potential for 2024.

Highlights of 2023:

Newsletters Galore
We kicked off the year with zeal, sharing updates and inspiration through four newsletters. The number of things happening in the movement is astounding, but we need to rethink the format of the newsletter going into the next year.
Growing Strong
The Wikimedians for Sustainable Development family welcomed 33 new members in 2023. Your passion and dedication continue to inspire us, and we look forward to nurturing this community spirit in the year ahead.
Wikimania Talks
Our voices echoed far and wide at Wikimania, where several members of our community took the virtual stage to share insights and ideas about everything from Wikipedians-in-Residence's to open data. Your contributions showcased our commitment to sustainable development on a global scale.
Content Creation Magic
Throughout the year, our extended community demonstrated incredible dedication to expanding the knowledge base on Wikipedia. Countless hours were spent creating and curating content that aligns with our mission, contributing to a more sustainable digital ecosystem.
Campaigning hard
We saw a large variety of campaigns, from writing challenges to editathons. The willingness to experiment with new formats and partners, as well as learning from past efforts, shows great promise for the future.

Acknowledging Challenges:

While we celebrate these achievements, we acknowledge that 2023 presented its fair share of challenges. A lack of global coordination reminded us that the road to sustainable development is not always linear. However, it is precisely these challenges that fuel our determination to work together more cohesively in the coming year and proof that the user group is needed.

Hopeful Anticipation for 2024:

As we turn the page to 2024, let's carry forward the lessons learned and the successes celebrated. We are optimistic that, with renewed energy and a collective commitment, we will overcome obstacles and create an even more impactful and connected Wikimedians for Sustainable Development community.

Here's to a year of collaboration, growth, and making a lasting impact on the world through our shared passion for sustainability. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and pave the way for a brighter future.

Wishing you all a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Warm regards, User:Ainali, User:Daniel Mietchen

PS. We have started writing our yearly report, please add your activities to it.

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 17:01, 1 जनवरी 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2024 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twenty-eighth newsletter.
User group news
  • We have submitted our 2023 annual report.
  • Upcoming meeting: on 9 February, we'll have a call about roles and responsibilities in the user group. This is an attempt to make more opportunities to engage more of the user groups members in its activities. If you want to help out in some way, but don't know how, this is a meeting for you to get help creating that opportunity. If you know how you would like to help, but don't know how to get started, this is also the meeting for you.
Other news
  • New Wikiproject for Climate Change on Basque Wikipedia: Wikiproiektu Klima Aldaketa
  • Climate Justice, Digital Rights and Indigenous Voices international Wikimedia event in Huaraz, Peru 2024: Engagement Survey (closes 2 Feb)

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:22, 2 फ़रवरी 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - February 2024 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our twenty-ninth newsletter.
User group news
Other news

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 10:40, 9 मार्च 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April 2024 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our thirtieth newsletter covering March and April 2024. This issue has news related to SDGs 13, 14 and 15.
User group news
Other news

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:17, 1 मई 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - May 2024 Newsletter

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Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - June 2024 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our thirtysecond newsletter, covering June 2024. This issue has news related to SDGs 3, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
User group news
Other news

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 09:27, 1 जुलाई 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - July 2024 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our thirty third newsletter, covering July 2024. This issue has news related to SDGs 5, 10, 13, and 16.
User group news
  • User group meeting held in July, minutes
  • Next user group meeting will be 18 August
Other news

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:57, 1 अगस्त 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - August 2024 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our thirty fourth newsletter. This issue has news related to SDGs 5, 11, 15, and 16.
User group news
Other news

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 06:24, 2 सितंबर 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - September 2024 Newsletter

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Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - October 2024 Newsletter

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Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - November 2024 Newsletter

संपादित करें
This is our thirty-seventh newsletter. This issue has news related to SDG 8, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17.
User group news
  • User group meeting, 24 November (minutes)
  • We are working on our annual plan for 2025, please add activities that you would like to work on.
Other news

This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:29, 1 दिसम्बर 2024 (UTC)ContributeManage subscriptionउत्तर दें