कर्म एवं उद्यमों की सूची
यह सम्पूर्ण पृष्ठ या इसके कुछ अनुभाग हिन्दी के अतिरिक्त अन्य भाषा(ओं) में भी लिखे गए हैं। आप इनका करके विकिपीडिया की सहायता कर सकते हैं। |
- लेखाकार (Accountant)
- नट (Acrobat)
- अभिनेत्री (Actress)
- अभिनेता (Actor)
- Actuary
- प्रशासक (Administrator)
- वकील (Advocate)
- Aerospace engineer
- Agronomist
- Alchemist
- Anesthesiologist
- Analyst
- Animal trainer
- Animator
- Anthropologist
- Apiarist
- Arborist
- Archbishop
- Archer
- Archaeologist
- शिल्पकार (Architect)
- कला निदेशक (Art director)
- Art therapist
- कलाकार (Artist)
- ज्योतिषी (Astrologer)
- अंतरिक्ष यात्री (Astronaut)
- Astronomer
- Astrophysicist
- Athlete
- Attorney at law
- Audiologist
- लेखा परीक्षक (Auditor)
- लेखक (Author)
- Autopsy Surgeon
- Aviator
- Bacteriologist
- Bailiff
- Baker
- महाजन या साहुकार (Banker)
- Bank teller
- नाई (Barber)
- Bartender (also Barkeeper, Barman, Barmaid)
- Barista
- Basketmaker (also Basketweaver)
- Bassist
- Bassoonist
- Beader
- Beadle
- Beautician
- Beekeeper
- Bellhop
- Bellmaker
- Bellman
- जैवरसायनज्ञ (Biochemist)
- Bioengineer
- जीवनीलेखक (Biographer)
- जीववैज्ञानिक (Biologist)
- Biomedical scientist
- Bishop
- Boatswain
- Bodybuilder
- Bodyguard
- Boilermaker
- Bookkeeper
- पुस्तक विक्रेता (Bookseller)
- वनस्पतिशास्त्री (Botanist)
- Broadcast Engineer
- दलाल (Broker)
- निर्माता (Builder)
- Business analyst
- Business owner
- व्यापारी (Businessman)
- Businessperson
- Businesswoman
- Butler
- Cab driver
- Cop
- Cabinet-maker
- Calligrapher
- Call girl
- Cameraman
- Camp Counselor
- Car designer
- हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ (Cardiologist)
- बढई (Carpenter)
- Cartographer
- Cartoonist
- Cartwright
- कोषाध्यक्ष (खजांची / Cashier)
- Celebrity
- Cellist
- Censor
- CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
- CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- Chandler (candles)
- Chapman
- Cheerleader
- Cheesemaker
- Chef (also cook)
- Chemical Engineer
- Chemical Technologist
- Chemist
- Chief of Police
- Chief Mate
- Chimney-sweeper
- Chiropodist
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Choreographer
- Church usher
- CIA Agent
- Circuit preacher
- Civil servant
- Civil engineer
- Clarinetist
- Cleaner
- लिपिक (Clerk)
- Clockmaker
- प्रशिक्षक (Coach)
- Coachman
- तट रक्षक (Coast guard)
- मोची (Cobbler)
- Cognitive scientist
- स्तम्भकार (Columnist)
- विदूषक (Comedian)
- Compasssmith
- Composer
- Computer engineer
- Computer programmer
- Concierge
- Conductor (music)
- Constable
- Construction engineer
- Construction manager
- Construction worker
- Consul
- Consultant
- Contract Manager
- Controller
- Coroner
- Corporate executive officer
- Correctional Officer
- Corrector
- Correspondent
- Cosmetologist
- Cosmonaut
- Costermonger
- Costume Designer
- Courier
- Court jester
- चरवाहा (Cowherd)
- CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
- Artisan (also Craftswoman)
- Creative engineering
- Crier
- Crofter
- Cryptographer
- Crystallographer
- Curator
- Currier
- Custodian
- Customs officer
- Cutler
- chauffeur
- नृतक (Dancer)
- Database administrator (DBA)
- Deputy (law enforcement)
- Deputy (parliamentary)
- Demographer
- Demolitionist
- दन्त चिकित्सक (Dentist)
- Dermatologist
- डिजाइनर (Designer)
- जासूस (खोजी / Detective)
- Diamantaire
- तानाशाह (Dictator)
- आहार विशेषज्ञ (Dietician)
- राजनयिक (Diplomat)
- निदेशक (Director)
- Disc jockey
- Dispatcher
- Distiller
- Diver
- Dock labourer
- Documentalist
- Doctor(PhD)
- Doctor(MD)
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Dog breeder
- Dogcatcher
- Dog walker
- Domestic worker
- Dominatrix
- Doorman
- Draftsman
- नाटककार (Dramatist)
- Dramaturg
- Draper
- Drayman
- Dressmaker
- Drill instructor
- चालक (Driver)
- Drug dealer
- Drummer
- Drycooper
- Drywaller
- Dustman
- रंगरेज (Dyer)
- Ecologist
- अर्थशास्त्री (Economist)
- सम्पादक (Editor)
- शिक्षाशास्त्री (Educationalist)
- Educator
- Egyptologist
- विद्युत अभियन्ता (Electrical engineer)
- Electrician
- Elevator Mechanic
- Embalmer
- Embryologist
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Engine-driver
- अभियन्ता (Engineer)
- Engraver
- Enologist
- Entertainer
- Entomologist
- Entrepreneur
- Environmental scientist
- Ergonomist
- Escort
- Estate Agent
- Esthetician
- Ethnologist
- Ethologist
- Etymologist
- Evangelist
- Exchequer
- Executive
- Exotic dancer
- Expressman
- Exterminator
- Extra
- Falconer
- किसान (Farmer)
- Farrier
- Fashion designer
- FBI Agent
- Fellmonger
- Fence
- Ferryman
- Film director
- Film producer
- Financial adviser
- Financial analyst
- Financial manager
- Financial planner
- Financier
- Fire marshal
- Fire officer
- Firefighter
- First Mate
- Fishmonger
- Fisherman
- Fitter
- Flautist
- Flavorist
- Fletcher
- Flight attendant
- Flight engineer
- Flight instructor
- Floor manager
- Florist
- Fluffer
- Flutist
- Foreman
- Forensic scientist
- Fruiterer
- Furrier
- Gamekeeper
- Game show host
- Game designer
- Garbage collector
- माली (Gardener)
- पहरेदार (प्रहरी/Gate-keeper)
- Gemcutter
- Genealogist
- General
- Geodesist
- Geographer
- Geologist
- Geometer
- Geophysicist
- Government agent
- राज्यपाल (Governor)
- वैयाकरण (Grammarian)
- Graphic artist
- Gravedigger
- Grenadier
- Greengrocer
- Grocer
- मार्गदर्शक (Guide)
- Guitarist
- Gunsmith
- स्त्री-रोग विशेषज्ञ (Gynecologist)
- Hair Stylist
- Haberdasher
- Harpist
- Hairdresser
- Handyman
- Harbourmaster
- Harper
- Hatter
- Hayward
- Headmaster (also Headmistress)
- Herald
- Herbalist
- Herder
- इतिहासकार (Historian)
- Historiographer
- Hosier
- Horse trainer
- Hotelier
- House painter
- गृहिणी (Housewife)
- शिकारी (Hunter)
- HR (short for Human Resource manager)
- Hydraulic engineer
- Illuminator
- Illusionist
- Illustrator
- Importer
- Industrial designer
- Industrial engineer
- Industrialist
- Infantryman
- Information Architect
- Information Technologist
- Inker
- Innkeeper
- Instructor
- Insurer
- Intelligence officer
- Interior designer
- Internist
- Interpreter
- Interrogator
- अन्वेषक (Inventor)
- Investigator
- Investment analyst
- Investment banker
- Investment broker
- Ironmonger
- Ironmaster
- Ironworker
- श्रमिक (Laborer)
- भूस्वामी (जमींदार / Landlord)
- Landscaper
- Lamplighter
- Laundress (also Lavendar)
- Law enforcement agent
- वकील (Lawyer)
- Leadworker
- चर्मकार (चमार/Leatherer)
- प्रवक्ता (Lecturer)
- Level designer (also Mapper)
- Librarian
- Librettist
- Lifeguard
- Lighthouse-keeper
- Lighting technician
- Linesman
- Linguist
- Loan officer
- Lobbyist
- Locksmith
- Logistician
- Lumberjack
- Lyricist
- पत्रिका सम्पादक
- जादूगर (Magician)
- दण्डाधिकारी (Magistrate)
- नौकरानी (Maid)
- डाकिया (Postman)
- Make-up artist
- Management consultant
- प्रबन्धक (Manager)
- Manicurist (also Manicure)
- निर्माता (Manufacturer)
- Marine
- Marketer
- Market gardener
- Martial artist
- राजमिस्त्री (Mason)
- Massage therapist (also Masseuse)
- Master of Ceremony (MC)
- Matador
- Materials engineer
- Materials scientist
- Mathematician
- Matron
- मिस्त्री (Mechanic)
- Mechanical engineer
- Mechanician
- मध्यस्थ (Mediator)
- Medic
- Medical biller
- Medical Technologist
- Medical Transcriptionist
- Mesmerist
- Messenger
- Meteorologist
- Microbiologist
- दाई (Midwife)
- ग्वाला (Milkman /Milkmaid)
- Miller
- Miner
- Model
- Modeller
- Molecatcher
- Moldmaker (also Mouldmaker)
- Moneychanger
- साहुकार (Moneylender)
- भिक्षु (Monk)
- Mortgage banker
- Mortgage broker
- Mortician
- Mountain rescuer
- पर्वतारोही (Mountaineer)
- Muleskinner
- Muralist
- संगीत निदेशक (Music Director)
- संगीतज्ञ (संगीतकार/Musician)
- Nanny
- Navigator
- Needler
- Négociant
- Negotiator
- Netmaker
- Neurosurgeon
- Newscaster
- Notary
- Novelist
- Nuclear Engineer
- Numerologist
- Numismatist
- Nun
- Nurse
- Nursemaid
- Oboist
- Obstetrician
- Occupational therapist
- Odontologist
- Office Assistant
- Oncologist
- Ontologist
- Operator
- Ophthalmologist
- Optician (also Optometrist)
- Oracle
- Ordinary Seaman
- Organist
- संयोजक (Organizer)
- पक्षी विशेषज्ञ (Ornithologist)
- Orthodontist
- Orthopaedist
- Ostler
- Otorhinolaryngologist
- Painter
- Paleontologist
- Parachute Instructor
- Paralegal
- Paramedic
- Parker
- Park ranger
- Patent attorney
- Patent examiner
- Pathologist
- Pawnbroker
- Peddler
- Pediatrician
- Pediatrist
- Pedologist (soil)
- Pedologist (children)
- Percussionist
- गन्धी (Perfumer)
- Personal Trainer
- Pharmacist
- Philanthropist
- Philologist
- Physical Therapist
- Physician
- Physician Assistant
- Physicist
- Physiognomist
- Physiologist
- Physiotherapist
- Pianist
- Piano tuner
- Pilot (shipping)
- Pilot (see aviator)
- Plastic surgeon
- नाटककार (Playwright)
- Plumber
- कवि (Poet)
- Police
- सिपाही (Policeman)
- Policewoman
- Police officer
- Police inspector
- Political scientist
- Presenter
- Press officer
- प्रधानाचार्य (Principal)
- Printer
- Private detective
- Proctologist
- प्राध्यापक (Professor)
- Professional dominant
- Programmer
- Project Manager
- Proofreader
- वेश्या (Prostitute)
- मनोचिकित्सक (Psychiatrist)
- Psychodramatist
- मनोवैज्ञानिक (Psychologist)
- Public Relations Officer
- Public speaker
- प्रकाशक (Publisher)
- Radiologist
- Radiographer
- Real estate agent
- Real estate broker
- Real estate investor
- Real estate developer
- Receptionist
- Record Producer
- Recording engineer
- Referee
- Refuse collector
- Registrar
- Remedial teacher
- Reporter
- Respiratory Therapist
- Restaurateur
- Retailer
- Sailmaker
- नाविक (Sailor)
- Salesperson (also Salesman, Saleswoman)
- Salaryman
- Saucier
- Saxophonist
- Sawyer
- Scabbardmaker
- School-Bus Driver
- School Principal
- School superintendent
- वैज्ञानिक (Scientist)
- Scout
- Screenwriter
- Scribe (also Scrivener)
- Sculptor
- Seamstress
- Second Mate
- Secret service agent
- सचिव (Secretary)
- Secretary general
- नौकर (Servant (Servant)
- कोकशास्त्री (Sexologist)
- Sexton
- Sex worker
- Sheepshearer
- गड़ेरिया (Shepherd)
- Shaman
- Sheriff
- Sheriff officer
- Shoemaker
- गायक (Singer)
- Sider
- Sleuth
- सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता (Social worker)
- समाजशास्त्री (Sociologists)
- Software architect
- Software engineer
- Software project manager
- Soil scientist
- Solicitor
- Sommelier
- Special agent
- विशेषज्ञ (Specialist)
- Speech therapist
- Sports therapist
- Stage designer
- Statistician
- Steward or stewardess
- Stock broker
- Store Manager
- Street artist
- Street musician
- फेरी वाला (Street vendor)
- Stringer
- Stripper
- Structural engineers
- विद्यार्थी (Student)
- Stuffer
- Stunt coordinator
- Stunt double
- Stunt performer
- शल्य चिकित्सक (Surgeon)
- Surveyor
- तैराक (Swimmer)
- Switchboard operator
- System administrator
- Systems designer
- Systems analyst
- दर्जी (Tailor)
- Tanner
- Tapicer (also Tapestrymaker, Tapester)
- Tax Collector
- Taxidermist
- Taxi-driver
- Taxonomist
- Tea lady
- शिक्षक (अध्यापक/Teacher)
- Technician
- Technologist
- Telegraphist (also Telegraph operator)
- Telemarketer
- Telephone operator
- Tennis player
- Test developer
- Test pilot
- Thatcher
- Theatre director
- Theologian
- Therapist
- Thimbler
- Tiler
- Toolmaker
- Trademark attorney
- व्यवसायी (Trader)
- Tradesman
- प्रशिक्षक (Trainer)
- Transit planner
- Translator
- Treasurer
- Trigonometrist
- Truck Driver
- Tuner
- Turner
- Tutor
- Tyler
- Valet
- Verger
- Veterinarian
- Vibraphonist
- Vicar
- Video editor
- Video game developer
- Vintner
- Violinist
- Violist
- Waiter (also Waitress)
- Warder
- Weaponsmith
- Weatherman
- Weaver
- Webmaster
- Web developer
- Web designer
- Welder
- Wet nurse
- Woodcarver
- लकड़हारा (Wood cutter)
- Wrangler
- Winemaker
- लेखक (Writer)
- Yodeler
- युवा कार्यकर्ता (Youth worker)
- Zookeeper
- जीववैज्ञानिक (Zoologist)