भारतीय कवियों की सूची

विकिमीडिया सूची लेख

इस सूची में उन कवियों के नाम सम्मिलित किये गये हैं जो

  • भारतीय मूल के हों,
  • भारत में जन्में हों, या
  • किसी भार अपना भारत और तीय भाषा में काव्य-रचना किये हों, चाहे विश्व के किसी भी भाग में उनका जन्म हुआ हो।
  • अगर आप निचे दिए गए कवियों के प्रेम हिंदी कविताएँ का आनंद लेना चाहते है तो हिंदी कविता प्रेम साभार Archived 2020-08-04 at the वेबैक मशीन पर जाएँ।

असमिया भाषा के कवियों की सूची

बंगाली भाषा के लेखकों की सूची

बांग्ला लिपि में नाम कोष्टक में दिये हुए हैं।

  • Amit kr Vansi
  • Bhikhari Thakur
  • Mahendra Mishir
  • Raghuweer Narayan Singh
  • Munna Pathak

भारत के अंग्रेजी भाषा के कवि

संपादित करें

Listed by surname, if known:

  • Arjun Prabhat (Birth 25 May 1968) Samastipur , Bihar Poet, writer, critic, linguist

& editor, writes in English, Hindi and Sanskrit , Published many books

In alphabetical order by last name:

  • बालकृष्ण भगवंत बोरकर 'Baki-baab' (1910 - 1984), prominently written in मराठी, with numerous Konkani works.
  • आचार्य रामलोचन शरण (1889 - 1971), साहित्यकार, वैयाकरण, प्रकाशक
  • जयमंत मिश्रा, संस्कृत विद्वान
  • नागार्जुन, (जनकवि) (1911 - 1998), उपन्यासकार, लघु कथाकार, जीवनी लेखक, यात्रा लेखक
  • विद्यापति, (विद्यापति ठाकुर) (मैथिल कवी कोकिल) (c. 1352 - c. 1448), संस्कृत लेखक

मलयालम कवि

संपादित करें

मध्यकालीन कवि

Renaissance Poets

Romantic Poets

Neo-Romantic Poets

आधुनिक कवि

Postmodern Poets

कोंकणी बोली

संपादित करें

मणिपुरी (मितेइ-इओन)

संपादित करें

मणिपुरी (बिष्नुपुरिया)

संपादित करें
  • कवि सम्राट उपेन्द्र भंज (born sometime from 1670 to 1688), कवि तथा राज परिवार सदस्य
  • फकीर मोहन सेनापति (ଫକିର ମୋହନ ସେନାପତି) (18431918), कहानीकार, उपन्यासकार, कवि, लेखक, सरकारी प्रशासक व समाज सुधारक । वह आधुनिक ओडिया साहित्य का पितामह तथा "व्यास कवि" नाम से जाने जाते हैं । ओडिया भाषा में सबसे पहला क्षुद्र गल्प उन्होंने लिखा था ।
  • गंगाधर मेहेर (18621924), कवि तथा निबंध लेखक
  • राधानाथ राय (18481908), आधुनिकतावादी कवि, निबंध लेखक व अनुवादक जिन्होंने ओडिया साहित्य में मुक्त छन्द, व्यंग आदि नूतन प्रयोग किये ।
  • गोपबंधु दास, "उत्कल मणि" नाम से मशहूर ("Gem of Orissa"), (18771928), समाज सेवक, राजनीतिज्ञ, लेखक व कवि

समसामयिक कवि


संपादित करें

प्राचीन कवि


Ancient Sangam and Medieval

see also Sangam literature




This list is in alphabetical order by family name (surname). The position (first, second, last place) in a Telugu name is complicated. Traditionally, most Telegu family names have been given first, followed by the given name. For men, the two names are often followed by a caste title, such as Reddy, Sastri or Raju. In the 20th century, caste titles have been replaced by secondary given names such as Rao, Babu and Baba. Women may have only two-part names or an extension of the given name, such as Devi or Amma. Christian names follow the same order, but Muslim names often have the family name at the end. Many poets use one- or two-word pen names.[15]

आधुनिक कवि
  1. George, K. M., editor, Modern Indian Literature, an Anthology: An Anthology: Surveys and Poems, p 65, published by Sahitya Akademi, 1992, ISBN 978-81-7201-324-0, retrieved January 8, 2009
  2. Knippling, Alpana Sharma, "Chapter 3: Twentieth-Century Indian Literature in English", in Natarajan, Nalini, and Emanuel Sampath Nelson, editors, Handbook of Twentieth-century Literatures of India (Google books link), Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996, ISBN 978-0-313-28778-7 ("These poets were joined, in the late 1960s and 1970s by [...] Arvind Krishna Mehrota and Pritish Nandy" -- p 91), retrieved December 10, 2008
  3. These poets were prominent enough to mention in the introduction of King, Bruce, editor, Modern Indian Poetry in English (first edition), Delhi: Oxford University Press, from display of "Introduction", retrieved December 11, 2008
  4. Joshi, Manju (16). "Words of wisdom". India: The Tribune. अभिगमन तिथि January 1, 2009. नामालूम प्राचल |month= की उपेक्षा की गयी (मदद); |date=, |year= / |date= mismatch में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)
  5. [1] and [2][मृत कड़ियाँ]
  6. Knippling, Alpana Sharma, "Chapter 3: Twentieth-Century Indian Literature in English", in Natarajan, Nalini, and Emanuel Sampath Nelson, editors, Handbook of Twentieth-century Literatures of India (Google books link), Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996, ISBN 978-0-313-28778-7, retrieved December 10, 2008
  7. "संग्रहीत प्रति". मूल से 31 जनवरी 2010 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 25 जुलाई 2009.
  8. Literature The Journal of Commonwealth Rajesh, UK. Together 80pp Writers Workshop (Kolkata) csd Rs150.00 ...[3]
  9. अ॰अ अ॰आ अ॰इ अ॰ई अ॰उ Mohan, Sarala Jag, Chapter 4: "Twentieth-Century Gujarati Literature" (Google books link), in Natarajan, Nalini, and Emanuel Sampath Nelson, editors, Handbook of Twentieth-century Literatures of India, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996, ISBN 978-0-313-28778-7, retrieved December 10, 2008
  10. Ramanathan, Suguna; Rita Kothari, editors and translators, [Modern Gujarati Poetry: A Selection], published by Sahitya Akademi, 1998, ISBN 978-81-260-0294-8, Google Books version retrieved December 17, 2008
  11. Lal Ded
  12. Paniker, Ayyappa, "Modern Malayalam Literature" chapter in George, K. M., editor, ' 'Modern Indian Literature, an Anthology' ', pp 231–255, published by Sahitya Akademi, 1992, retrieved January 10, 2009
  13. Das, Sisir Kumar and various, History of Indian Literature: 1911-1956: struggle for freedom: triumph and tragedy, Volume 2, 1995, published by Sahitya Akademi, ISBN 978-81-7201-798-9, retrieved via Google Books on December 23, 2008
  14. Web page titled "Robin S. Ngangom" Archived 2010-01-31 at the वेबैक मशीन at Poetry International website, retrieved January 25, 2009
  15. "A Note on Telugu Names", p xix, Hibiscus on the Lake: Twentieth-century Telugu Poetry from India, edited and translated by Velcheru Narayana Rao, University of Wisconsin Press, 2003, ISBN 978-0-299-17704-1, retrieved January 19, 2009
  16. George, K. M., Modern Indian Literature, an Anthology, p 411, published by Sahitya Akademi, 1992 ISBN 978-81-7201-324-0, retrieved via Google Books, January 4, 2008
  17. Natarajan, Nalini and Emmanuel Sampath Nelson, editors, [4] Handbook of Twentieth-century Literatures of India, Chapter 11: "Twentieth-Century Telugu Literature" by G. K. Subbarayudu and C. Vijayasree' ', pp 306-328, retrieved via Google Books, January 4, 20089
  18. "Vaishanava yugamu" (PDF). मूल (PDF) से 4 मार्च 2009 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 25 जुलाई 2009.
  19. "Ismail" article, p 1752, Encyclopaedia of Indian Literature Volume 2, published by Sahitya Akademi, 1988, ISBN 978-81-260-1194-0, retrieved via Google Books on January 19, 2009

बाहरी कड़ियाँ

संपादित करें